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[amibroker] Re: Unweighted Composites (again!)

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Only the school of 'hard knocks', as we say in Australia.
Thanks mate!
I will be awake all night now thinking about how I can gain an edge 
from indicator composites.


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Mark H" <amibroker@xxx> wrote:
> Brian:
> You have put a lot of thoughts in this topic. I am wondering if 
you are from academic background :-)
> If you are building a composite to detect the pulse of the bear or 
bull, I would recommend you consider a composite of indicators 
instead of just price and volume.
> Tsokakis the great had many old posts discussing Trade-the-market 
concept and have some composite code in AFL online library on 
amibroker.com, which are very inspiring.
> - Mark
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: brian.z123 
>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>   Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:56 PM
>   Subject: [amibroker] Re: Unweighted Composites (again!)
>   Tim,
>   As in most trading discussions it is `horses for courses'.
>   It is often difficult to arrive at absolute or error free 
>   as the Decision Point (DP) article states:
>   `The bottom line is that different methods of calculating market 
>   indexes will render different results, so it is important to 
>   understand how an index is derived and what it intends to 
>   convey......
>   Since we didn't account for index component changes during that 
>   prior two years, the indexes for that period are not 100% 
>   I also find value in thinking outside the box e.g. I might have 
>   more expansive definition of `indexes' than the mainstream.
>   In this topic we are talking about at least three different 
>   1. a cumulative total of the average %gain of each stock member 
>   per period, 
>   2. a cumulative total of the %gain of each stock member per 
>   period, 
>   3. a cumulative total of the %gain of `equal portfolios' per 
>   period.
>   There is also a consideration of zero-based versus `number 
>   indexes, weighted versus non-weighted, and cumulative versus ATC.
>   I can't see any difference between the last two terms as far as 
>   outcome goes.
>   Point 2 and point 3 are lifted straight from the DP article:
>   "Calculate the daily average percentage change of each stock in 
>   index, and increase or decrease the prior day's index value by 
>   percentage.................
>   We have to assume that the theoretical dollar value of the index 
>   equally distributed among each issue in the index at the 
>   of each market day."
>   I have posted a file at this AmiBroker Group file site under 
>   Indexes/Composite.xls to illustrate some of the arguments from 
>   first post (I might take the folder and file down after a while).
>   The file tracks the three indexes we are interested in for 3 
Bars or 
>   2 Periods.
>   In places I interchange %, say 0.63%, with %factor 1.0063 for 
>   calculations.
>   Index 1 (highlighted in green - table 1).
>   Table one, period 1, illustrates that for three stocks of 
>   prices the average ROC% change of the stocks can be positive 
>   C8) while the ROC% for the `portfolio' is negative (cell F12) 
>   the portfolio lost money.
>   This is because method 1 is still weighted by the larger priced 
>   stocks.
>   As stock C, the highest priced stock, fell - 1.7%, it influenced 
>   the `index' disproportionately.
>   So for average ROC% indexes there is no obvious relationship 
>   the index and the change in the portfolio.
>   Index 2 (highlighted in grey - table 1) leads to similar 
>   Index 3 (refer to table 2).
>   Table 2 contains exactly the same data and calculations as table 
>   with the exception that the stocks in the portfolio have had 
>   management' rules applied.
>   We have now purchased equal $values of each stock i.e. 10 shares 
>   stock A, 2 shares of stock B and 1 share of stock C.
>   We can see that for `equal $ weighted' portfolios the ave %ROC 
>   tracks the portfolio for the first period. 
>   To maintain the equal weighted nature of the index it might be 
>   necessary to rebalance the portfolio every period.
>   I would say that this is what the article is referring to.
>   This might involve some tricky code; I'm not sure having gone no 
>   further at this point.
>   I started to suggest in my previous post that as Ami provides 
>   ("~~~ equity", "X"), it might be more fruitful to use that for 
>   task as it has portfolio equalization built-in.
>   The trick there might be to compare/overlay Ami portfolio equity 
>   your database/watchlist against the industry index of your 
choice or 
>   any other composite.
>   Possibly an Ami composite of, say the XYZ100 components, could 
>   calculated using the same formula as your database/watchlist of 
>   interest for comparison purposes.
>   There might be ways to use AA to give you an equal $weighted buy 
>   hold index e.g. add the component members of the XYZ100 to your 
>   portfolio, assign each a 1% equal weighted $ value using money 
>   management rules in AA, use buy C on date of your period as the 
>   entry and sell C on the last date of your period as the exit, 
run a 
>   back-test and plot the resultant ~~~equity curve (the default 
>   histogram can be changed to line view).
>   Obviously, if your interest is in comparing database subsets 
>   (watchlists) or rotating subsets (watchlists) it gets quite a 
>   trickier, as the previous composite topics discussed in the 
>   show.
>   In my first post I also introduced the possibility of using a 
>   fourth `index'.
>   In the spreadsheet tables it is highlighted in yellow.
>   It is a smoothed curve that I would describe as the exponential 
>   of the portfolio, although that might not be the correct 
>   terminology, as I am not mathematically trained.
>   It is calculated by multiplying the starting portfolio by the 
>   average portfolio ROC% for any period(s).
>   It can be derived from starting and ending portfolio values 
>   to table 2 - cell K13, K15 -highlighted in blue).
>   Possibly this `index' offers a quick comparison of the relative 
>   value between buy & hold one basket of shares c.f. another but I 
>   haven't followed through on that either.
>   Most of the examples I have used zero based which offers the 
>   advantage of easy comparison by chart overlay.
>   Users can add any common number as an initial starting point, 
>   will simply move the starting point of all indexes up the chart 
>   bit.
>   The main thing is that apples are compared to apples and that 
>   index is actually telling you what you want it to, or as near to 
>   as one can get.
>   Mark H; thanks for your code.
>   It looks like it creates index 1 to me.
>   It can run in a pane by itself can't it?
>   BrianB2.
>   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "brian.z123" <brian.z123@> 
>   wrote:
>   >
>   > Hello (Tim?).
>   > 
>   > Would these speculative ideas help?
>   > 
>   > 1. For a database subset (watchlist etc) that is constant for 
>   > period:
>   > 
>   > create a composite (as per Graham's or other code in recent 
>   > composite posts except without the averaging component);
>   > and then divide ROC(~composite,periods) by periods to 
>   > the composite to % per bar (day, week?).
>   > That would give you a standardised composite 'momentum' type 
>   > indicator for your watchlist etc.
>   > I don't know if I would describe it as 'unweighted' as it is 
>   > monentum biased but it might be 'unweighted' by your 
>   > If you want to do it for a complete database you can create 
>   > composite without looping etc and use ROC/periods in the same 
>   > 
>   > 2. For a rotating subset, say a watchlist, create a composite 
>   > the 'current' bar (day, week, month etc), (without the 
>   > component);
>   > perform an ROC(~periodcomposite,1) = PC,
>   > and then create your running watchlist composite of the period 
>   > result ATC(PC etc) over the bar range that interests you.
>   > There is no need to give any consideration to averaging as the 
>   > ~watchlist has already been standardised to % per period basis.
>   > The ROC% composite index is also zerobased for any range so 
>   is 
>   > no need to set and maintain an intitial stating or 'base'value.
>   > 
>   > If the criteria for rotating symbols in and out of the 
>   is 
>   > constant over time then method 2 would be going awfully close 
>   > being a pseudo backtester with the 'composite' plot analagous 
>   an 
>   > equity curve, wouldn't it?
>   > An interesting conceptual extrapolation of that idea would be 
>   > replace the 'watchlist' with a set of trading rules which 
>   > create a dynamic composite 'on the fly'.
>   > (I think that idea or somethng like it has been talked about 
>   > somewhere else in AB; maybe by Tomasz?)
>   > 
>   > As I can barely write a line of code to save myself I can't 
>   > with specific code or any further clarification.
>   > I have just offered my comments as a starting point for one 
>   possible 
>   > solution or maybe as an interesting discussion piece.
>   > 
>   > BrianB2.
>   > 
>   > 
>   > 
>   > --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "timgadd" <timgadd@> wrote:
>   > >
>   > > After spending MUCH time searching, I have found this topic 
>   > started 
>   > > many times in the group archive, but i've never seen a final 
>   > solution 
>   > > given in AFL. I would greatly appreciate assistance with the 
>   > code 
>   > > or reference to a prior solution.
>   > > 
>   > > The standard AddToComposite function produces a "price 
>   > > composite. For analyzing the breadth of a sector, for 
>   > > instance, "unweighted" composites are more appropriate and 
>   > revealing. 
>   > > I have seen the term "equal weighted" used for what i am 
>   > > an "unweighted" composite, so i will explain in boring 
>   what 
>   > i 
>   > > am looking for just to be clear.
>   > > 
>   > > By unweighted composite, i refer to one that is produced by 
>   > > calculating an arithmetic or geometric average of the day to 
>   %
>   > > change for each component, so that each component has equal 
>   weight 
>   > > (no weighting is introduced by the calculation). I am 
>   > in 
>   > > the arithmetic average - the simplest form, but i don't know 
>   > to 
>   > > initialize the starting value and then cumulate(?) the 
>   successive %
>   > > change averages for the open, high, low, close (volumes are 
>   simply 
>   > > added). I have seen references regarding problems with 
>   > > values for high and low for this type of composite, so if 
>   > necessary, 
>   > > a composite calculated on the close only will suffice. I am 
>   > > interested in the average changes between end-of-day values, 
>   > > would like to produce candlesticks of the composites if 
>   > > 
>   > > Assuming closing values only, each composite will start with 
>   > > initial value (like 100) and then, for each day, the average 
>   > all 
>   > > the %changes (from the previous day) will be added to the 
>   > preceding 
>   > > value. Using a simple 3 component composite as an example, 
>   assume 
>   > for 
>   > > the second value of the composite (remember the first value 
>   > be 
>   > > 100), we have the following %changes.
>   > > 
>   > > Component1 = +1.2%
>   > > Component2 = +2.4%
>   > > Component3 = -1.7%
>   > > 
>   > > So the first day's average %change = ( 0.012 + 0.024 - 
0.017 ) / 
>   3
>   > > 
>   > > 100 + ((0.012 + 0.024 - 0.017) / 3) + (the next day's 
average %
>   > > change) + ...
>   > > 
>   > > The component values for volume are just added (or averaged) 
>   > get 
>   > > the daily values.
>   > > 
>   > > TIA for any help.
>   > >
>   >