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RE: [amibroker] Ping Dan Clark - CompositeLoad Procedure

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Dan...I found the problem where I put "" quote marks around Sym and
SymNamein the CompositeLoad calling statement.  Take off the quote marks and
it works fine.
You really do produce great code.  I would suggest that everyone, esp
newbies or even oldbies like me, can take a lesson or two from your
examples.  Thanks for being so generous in sharing them.
PS:  Can you help on my other message on ranking....your code on Industry
comparisons (with ranking tricks in it) would be my birthday present.  :) :)


From: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Ken Close
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:42 AM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [amibroker] Ping Dan Clark - CompositeLoad Procedure

Dan:  As I delve deeper into Sector and Industry analysis, I find a lot of
help in most of your past messages on this subject. Your code snippits you
have shared have been very helpful in seeing good, efficient coding
I thought I understood the statements and approach you shared in your
CompositeLoad procedure, and it is so flexible and compact, I rewrote some
of my clumsy code to use this.  However, it did not work.  It did not issue
an error, it just produced one composite instead of the several I was
thinking it would.
Can you look at this code and tell me what I did wrong or if what I am
trying cannot be done with this approach.
Here is the code:
//  Z_LoopCode_ATCS3.afl  KSC   8/13/2006
//  Credit to Dan Clark for code and concepts

AB = CreateStaticObject("Broker.Application");
//Procedure to add to Composite values
procedure CompositeLoad(Sym, SymName, CloseVal, OpenVal, HighVal, LowVal,
 OpenIntVal, ATCFlags, TargetWLNbr)
   //Add To Composite
   AddToComposite(CloseVal,   Sym, "C", ATCFlags);
   AddToComposite(OpenVal,    Sym, "O", ATCFlags);
   AddToComposite(HighVal,    Sym, "H", ATCFlags);
   AddToComposite(LowVal,     Sym, "L", ATCFlags);
   AddToComposite(VolVal,     Sym, "V", ATCFlags); 
   AddToComposite(OpenIntVal, Sym, "I", ATCFlags); 
   //Modify Names
   cs        = AB.Stocks(Sym) ;                      
   cs.FullName = SymName          ;                 
   // Add to Watchlists
   if (TargetWLNbr != 0)
       CategoryAddSymbol(Sym, categoryWatchlist, TargetWLNbr); 
atcCurrentFlags =  atcFlagResetValues + atcFlagCompositeGroup +
//Load composite symbols and add to watchlist
NumOfIndustry = 5; // or the actual number (max 256)
for(w=1;w<NumOfIndustry;w++) // note that the loop starts from 0, not 1
  if(IndustryID() == w) 
   Sym = "~Z"+w;
   SymName = CategoryGetName(categoryIndustry,w);
   //CompositeLoad(Sym, SymName, CloseVal, OpenVal, HighVal, LowVal, 
   //VolVal, OpenIntVal, ATCFlags, TargetWLNbr)
   CompositeLoad("~Sym", "SymName", C, O,H,L,V, 1, atcCurrentFlags, 8);
   //  Get Adv and Decliners
   Up = IIf(C>Ref(C,-1),1,0);
   Dn = IIf(C<Ref(C,-1),1,0);
   Sym = "~U_D"+w;
   SymName = "Advances_Decliners U_D"+w;
   CompositeLoad("~Sym", "SymName", 0,0,Up,Dn,0, 1, atcCurrentFlags, 9);
Since I only set 5 Industry groups, I expected five composites in two
different watchlists (one for Price/Vol info the other for Adv/Dec info).
Instead, in each designated watchlist, there was one symbol listed and it
was called "Sym" rather than the name of the symbol.  I can say that I
really do not understand these two lines and exactly what they do and why
they are needed.  But I copied them in.
 //Modify Names
   cs        = AB.Stocks(Sym) ;                      
   cs.FullName = SymName         
What did I do wrong and what can make this work?
I really appreciate any direstion you can offer.
Thanks, Ken