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Re: [amibroker] ln() function

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Hi Joe - That is very kind of you, and I really appreciate it. I really didn't mean to put you out though - just thought that possibly you might know of another good site. I have found some pretty thorough statistics sites, but it can get a bit mind-numbing after a while trying to work through some of the "proofs" - pages of complex formulas leading up to the final result  Other sites are very brief, maybe offering a formula without much of an explanation. Still looking for that perfect site - somewhere in the middle. Maybe we can talk the algebra lady into adding statistics   8 - 0
Anyway, I would be very happy to learn from you if you actually think it is something that you might enjoy. Otherwise, I know you must be very busy, what with trading, developing systems, hosting foreign dignitaries   8 - )  ...and who knows what else...
No need to worry about offending me  -  I know when someone is being helpful...   8 - )
Re QP, I did use it for a while but now I have switched back to TC2K - so if your list is strictly for QP talk then I probably wouldn't be able to add much - Dan accomplished more with them in a month than I did in a year!   But, if your group includes AB talk, then I would be happy to sign up!
OK, that's about it for now - have a safe trip!
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Landry
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [amibroker] ln() function

Hi Steve - Wanted to acknowledge that I got your note and will see what I can work up. 
Many years since my engineering school, in fact 40 yrs??????  I'll see what I can find for
Only request is that if it seems like I'm talking down to you don't be offended, since I'll start from the beginning. I was futzing around with the log after your question and had to review it myself. A key item
is the natural number e which seems to find a place in many things.
I'm going to be traveling tomorrow for about 5 hours so it will take a while before any content comes your way.

BTW, you are a QP3  user aren't you?  If so would you like to join our little birds of a feather group
from the conference.  We got together for lunch and mostly just go to know each other. I've started
an Email distribution that we'll use to share or commiserate.
Best regards
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [amibroker] ln() function

Hello again Joe,
I have had a chance now to take a good look at the site you provided below, and have bookmarked it. It is a great site for brushing up on algebraic stuff ( I haven't been to school for a few years now   8 - ).  Would you by any chance know of a similar site for statistical stuff - i.e., simple to understand?  Not asking you to search of course, I have already done plenty of that, just wondering if you might already have something good. Thanks very much!
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Landry
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [amibroker] ln() function

Steve -  log(apen/apeo) is the same thing in AFL.   
Only if you more than you probably wanted to know but read on -
Tomasz chose to implement the natural log function and name it log() and he notes that in the docs and apparently is a common practice now a days.   So  ln () is used to refer to the natural log of a number, that is base e (2.71828).  A little bit of history about Napier the Frenchman who invented logarithms for rapid cannon ball trajectory calculations, is also how a slide rule works adding logarithms represented by length.  
Hope this helps
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 1:55 PM
Subject: [amibroker] ln() function

In the formula for S&C Traders Tips, 4/2006, "Avg Peak Excursion", we have this line:
Alpha = ln( APEN/APE0 ) / ln ( N );
I can't find any reference to this ln() function in any of the docs. Could anyone tell me what this is? I don't subscribe so I can't read the article. Thanks very much!

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