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They do not disappear. They are simply plotted with
WHITE color on WHITE background,
so you can not see them. Change the formula so it
does NOT use white color.
Best regards, Tomasz
Janeczko amibroker.com
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:05
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Candlestick
Hi Tomasz,
Thanks for your reply but unfortunately
it does not work. When switching to "None, up candle hollow", some candles
disappear !!!
Here are 2 screenshots :
1) Blue Arrows
(setting : "Body outline and shadows")
All the candles are
displayed but the bodies (black candles) are not painted. 2)
Red Arrows (setting : "None, up candle hollow")
The bodies of the
black candles are painted but some candles are not displayed anymore
How to solve this problem ?
Thanks for your
help Regards, Evo1
Tomasz Janeczko a écrit :
You are using wrong Preference
You would need to switch to "None, up candle
hollow" in "Use distinct color for candlesticks".
Best regards, Tomasz
Janeczko amibroker.com
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