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Re: [amibroker] Question about industries and sectors

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Anthony Faragasso <ajf1111@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Would you mind sharing the Script ?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:13 AM
Subject: [amibroker] Question about industries and sectors

I redone my sectors and industries using a script provide by amibroker
help desk. It works great thanks again help desk, now the only problem
I can see for now is when I add the Indexes they also get load into a
sector, so the question is how to have Indexes without them being part
of a sector .

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** AmiBroker/Win32 scripting Example
** File:	 Industries.js
** Created:  Tomasz Janeczko, November 26th, 2000
** Last updated: Tomasz Janeczko, December 17th, 2000
** Purpose:  Import industy assignments
** Language:	 JavaScript (Windows Scripting Host)
** The data is stored in lines with following format
** <ticker>,<full name>,<industry number>

WScript.Echo( "Script Started" );

/* change this line according to your data file name */
ImportStocks("E:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\industry_tickerlist.txt");

WScript.Echo( "Finished" );

function ImportStocks( filename )
	var fso, f, r;
	var ForReading = 1;
	var AmiBroker;
	var fields;
	var stock;

	/* Create AmiBroker app object */
	AmiBroker = new ActiveXObject( "Broker.Application" );

	/* ... and file system object */
	fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );

	/* open ASCII file */
	f = fso.OpenTextFile( filename, ForReading);

	i = 1;
	/* read the file line by line */
	while ( !f.AtEndOfStream )
		r =  f.ReadLine();
		/* split the lines using comma as a separator */
		fields = r.split(","); 
			/* add a ticker - this is safe operation, in case that	 */
			/* ticker already exists, AmiBroker returns existing one */
			stock = AmiBroker.Stocks.Add( fields[ 0 ] ); 
			stock.FullName = fields[ 1 ];

			stock.IndustryID = parseInt( fields[ 2 ] );
		catch( e )
				WScript.echo( "There is a problem in line no." + i + ".\nThe line looks as follows:\n'" + r + "'\nIt will be skipped and next lines will be processed as normal" );

	/* refresh ticker list and windows */
