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RE: [amibroker] StyleOwnScale - Defining Parameters

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1) Simply put in values: Plot(Close, "Close", colorblack, styleLine | styleOwnScale, -10,10) ; any values you want.


2) I don't think so. You can simulate with selected values and add an "axis" like this: Plot(0, "", colorblack, styleLine | styleOwnScale, -10,10 ) ; Plots a line at 0, could be -10 instead. Use same scale values as 1st plot.


3) I don't think you can use array, but you can compute a min/max as a numeric and use it. It can "float" based on displayed area. See code for Fred's Equity Line. It's a bit complicated (for me) so learning by example is the best way. See PLOT statements in entire code for Freds' Equity Line included at end of this email and highlighted in red.



-----Original Message-----
amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mr Valley
Sent: Thursday, Novem
ber 03, 2005 23:05
bject: [amibroker] StyleOwnScale - Defining Parameters


Utilizing the StyleOwnScale within a Plot...


1.) How does one define the Minimum and Maximum for increment unit of adjustment for the OwnScale, as with Excel?

2.) Also is one able to define that Axis X and Axis Y intercept at a definable parameter, as with Excel?

3.) How does one define the minvalue and maxvalue as an array value rather than an input fixed number?


//Fred's Equity Line

#pragma nocache


MaxGraph    = 10;

GraphZOrder =  1;

GraphXSpace = 20;

GraphYSpace = 15;


CurEq    = C;


BIR      = IIf(Status("BarInRange") > 0, 1, 0);


MaxEq    = Highest(CurEq);

FlatEq   = IIf(BIR, BarsSince(MaxEq > Ref(MaxEq,-1)),0);

MaxFlat  = Highest(FlatEq);

LMaxFlat = LastValue(MaxFlat) * (1 + GraphYSpace / 100);

LogEq    = log10(CurEq);


CurDD    = IIf(BIR, 100 * (MaxEq - CurEq) / MaxEq, 0);

RCurDD   = round(CurDD * 100) / 100;

MaxDD    = Highest(CurDD);

RMaxDD   = round(MaxDD * 100) / 100;

LMaxDD   = LastValue(MaxDD) * (1 + GraphYSpace / 100);

CumDD    = Cum(CurDD);


FirstBar = LastValue(ValueWhen(Status("FirstBarInRange") > 0, Cum(1)));

         //ValueWhen(ExRem(CurEq != Ref(CurEq, -(Cum(1) -  1)),0), Cum(1));

LastBar  = LastValue(ValueWhen(Status("LastBarInRange") > 0, Cum(1)));

TotBars  = LastValue(Cum(1));

BarNo    = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, Cum(1) - FirstBar + 1);

NoBars   = LastValue(BarNo);


Dates    = DateNum();

Days     = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, IIf(Dates != Ref(Dates,-1), 1, 0));

TotDays  = Cum(Days);

BPD      = round(BarNo / TotDays);


BAHEq    = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, log10(Ref(CurEq, -(BarNo - 1)) * (C / Ref(C, -(BarNo - 1)))));

CAR      = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, 100 * ((CurEq / Ref(CurEq, -(BarNo - 1))) ^ (1 / (BarNo / BPD / 252.4)) -1));

Ann      = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, 100 * ((CurEq / Ref(CurEq, -(252.4 * BPD)) - 1)));

MAR      = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, CAR / MaxDD);

UI       = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, sqrt(CumDD / BarNo));

UPI      = (CAR - 5.4) / UI;

TPI      = UPI / MaxDD;


b0       = LastValue(LinRegIntercept(Ref(LogEq, -(TotBars - LastBar)), NoBars));

m        = LastValue(LinRegSlope(Ref(LogEq, -(TotBars - LastBar)), NoBars));

y        = m * BarNo + b0;


BarsCum  = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, Cum(BarNo));

AvgBar   = LastValue(BarsCum) / NoBars;

SRDevSQ  = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, sqrt(Cum((BarNo - AvgBar) ^ 2)));

ErrEq    = LastValue(StdErr(Ref(logEq, -(TotBars - LastBar)), NoBars));

KRatio   = ValueWhen(BIR > 0, m * SRDevSQ / ErrEq / sqrt(NoBars));


Title = EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "Equity  = " + EncodeColor(colorWhite)       + WriteVal(CurEq, 3.1) + " " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "CurFlat = " + EncodeColor(colorYellow)      + WriteVal(FlatEq, 3.0) + " " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "CAR% = "    + EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + WriteVal(CAR, 3.1) + "% " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "CurDD% = "  + EncodeColor(colorRed)         + WriteVal(-CurDD, 3.1) + "% " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "MAR = "     + EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + WriteVal(MAR, 3.1) + " " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "KRatio = "  + EncodeColor(colorPaleGreen)   + WriteVal(KRatio, 3.1) + " " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "UPI = "     + EncodeColor(colorPaleGreen)   + WriteVal(UPI, 3.1) + " " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "UI = "      + EncodeColor(11)               + WriteVal(UI, 3.2) +

        "\n" +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "LinReg = "  + EncodeColor(colorLightBlue)   + WriteVal(10 ^ y, 3.1) + " " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "MaxFlat = " + EncodeColor(colorDarkYellow)  + WriteVal(MaxFlat, 3.0) + " " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "Ann% = "    + EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + WriteVal(Ann, 3.1) + "% " +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "MaxDD% = "  + EncodeColor(colorRed)         + WriteVal(-MaxDD, 3.1) + "% " +

        "\n" +

        EncodeColor(colorGrey50) + "B & H   = " + EncodeColor(colorGrey50)      + WriteVal(10 ^ BAHEq, 3.1);


Plot(IIf(BarNo > 0, -RCurDD, -1e10), "CDD%",  colorRed,        styleOwnScale | styleHistogram, -LMaxDD, LMaxDD);

Plot(IIf(BarNo > 0, -RMaxDD, -1e10), "MDD%",  colorDarkRed,    styleOwnScale,                  -LMaxDD, LMaxDD);

Plot(IIf(BarNo > 0, FlatEq, -1e10), "CF",     colorYellow,     styleOwnScale | styleHistogram, -LMaxFlat, LMaxFlat);

Plot(IIf(BarNo > 0, MaxFlat,-1e10), "MF",     colorDarkYellow, styleOwnScale,                  -LMaxFlat, LMaxFlat);


MinEq1 = Lowest(LLV(Y, NoBars));

MinEq2 = Lowest(LLV(BAHEq, NoBars));

MinEq3 = Lowest(LLV(logEq, NoBars));

MinEq4 = Min(MinEq1, MinEq2);

MinEq5 = Min(MinEq4, MinEq3);

MinEq6 = LastValue(MinEq5);


MaxEq1 = Highest(HHV(Y, NoBars));

MaxEq2 = Highest(HHV(BAHEq, NoBars));

MaxEq3 = Highest(HHV(logEq, NoBars));

MaxEq4 = Max(MaxEq1, MaxEq2);

MaxEq5 = Max(MaxEq4, MaxEq3);

MaxEq6 = LastValue(MaxEq5);


MinEq7 = MinEq6 - ((MaxEq6 - MinEq6) * GraphYSpace / 100);

MaxEq7 = MaxEq6 + ((MaxEq6 - MinEq6) * GraphYSpace / 100);


Plot(IIf(BarNo > 0, y,     -1e10), "L/R Eq", colorBlue,        styleThick | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, MinEq7, MaxEq7);

Plot(IIf(BarNo > 0, BAHEq, -1e10), "BAH Eq", colorGrey50,      styleThick | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, MinEq7, MaxEq7);

Plot(IIf(BarNo > 0, LogEq, -1e10), "Sys Eq", colorWhite,       styleThick | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, MinEq7, MaxEq7);


//End Fred's Equity Line

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