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Re: [amibroker] Work in Progress - Tradesim - Universal text Trade Database Version 1.1

  • To: <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [amibroker] Work in Progress - Tradesim - Universal text Trade Database Version 1.1
  • From: "emp62" <emp62@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 12:14:42 +0200

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could you give us an example how to couple entry and exit signals on a portfolio basis?
you already gave us this example:
but this is for a single symbol.  I asked the helpdesk how to do this on a portfolio basis and added my code of how far I got.
Not any reply, not even a reply that I will not receive more help, I must be on the ignore list.  Clearly without a proper manual one has to be a rocketscientist to figure out how to couple an entry to an exit. Seems to me this is not an unreasonable question.
rgds, Ed
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2005 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Work in Progress - Tradesim - Universal text Trade Database Version 1.1

Sorry to say but these things you are doing make no sense to me.
Tradesim was written for Metastock
to address its inability to perform portfolio backtests.
But AmiBroker performs full portfolio backtesting, with position sizing, ranking/scoring, rotational and all other
kinds of bells and whistles that other tools are not capable of and there is no reason to use external tools at all.
If you are after monte carlo simulation part - you can achieve the same result with FREE MC tools out there
without spending heaps of dollars on Tradesim.

Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko
----- Original Message -----
From: dpweir
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2005 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: [amibroker] Work in Progress - Tradesim - Universal text Trade Database Version 1.1

Dealing with issue 1, one workaround which is testing well compared to Metastock output is adding this to the beginning of the trading system part when running the Portfolio backter, this is on a watch list of the ASX300, over 1500 periods.


Over 26 000 trades are recorded using a simple system of buy c>ema(c,20) and sell c<ema(c,20).


SetOption("InitialEquity", 10000000000000000 );

SetPositionSize( 1, spsShares );

SetOption("MaxOpenPositions", 1000 );








From: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of dpweir
Sent: Saturday, 17 September 2005 5:15 PM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [amibroker] Work in Progress - Tradesim - Universal text Trade Database Version 1.1


Just an update, of the 3 issues I posted earlier, I have managed to resolve issue 2, which was the date format, following an example of code posted by Stephane Carrasset.  Tradesim will now load successfully the file produced just by double clicking the file. Note that you must change your regional date settings to the format, YYYY/MM/DD. Cheers.


The two issues which remain are,



  1. Trade List


1.1    If I run the individual backtest, I only get the last symbols results.  Can the script be altered so all symbols are listed with their results ?


1.2    Portfolio backtest.  If we are unable to get the individual backtester working, what configuration would be required to get all possible trades using the portfolio backtester ?



  1. Initial stop value. 


I was going to leave this for a separate post,  but I feel like we are on a roll.  Is there also anyway to get the value of atr(period) at the first bar (or bar before) the entry signal ? This value is used for position sizing within Tradesim.


I would appreciate any help as I am a complete novice with Amibroker.  Here is the updated code,




/* Tradesim - Universal text Trade Database Version 1.1 - Work in Progress


Adapted from sample code in PBI Collected Documentation, 'How to create a Trade List By ShortFox'


Requirements:  To generate YYYYMMDD output, declare it in your regional settings


Revisions 1.1 Remove separators / from date format


Current Issues

- does NOT produce full trade list - all individual trades

- Initial stop value not yet used. Currently set to 0




Buy = 0; Sell = 0; Short = 1; Cover = 0;




if ( Status( "action" ) == actionPortfolio )


    fh = fopen( "C:\\TestFile.trt", "w" );


    bo = GetBacktesterObject();

    bo.BackTest(); // High-Level backtest

 //   dt = DateTime();


    Initial_Stop = "0";

    // if Initial Stop data is not available then 0 placeholder should be used.


    for ( trade = bo.GetFirstTrade(); trade; trade = bo.GetNextTrade() )

    { // iterate through closed trades

        if ( trade.IsLong )


            Long_Short = "L";




            Long_Short = "S";



// Revision 1.1 Fixup date format for Tradesim - remove date separators

EntryDate =  NumToStr(trade.EntryDateTime,formatDateTime);




TSEntryDate = entryyyyy+entrymm+entrydd;


ExitDate =  NumToStr(trade.ExitDateTime,formatDateTime);




TSExitDate = exityyyy+exitmm+exitdd;




        String =  trade.Symbol + " " + Long_Short + " " + TSEntryDate + " " + TSExitDate

        + " " + Initial_Stop + " " + trade.EntryPrice + " " + trade.ExitPrice;

       if ( fh )

          fputs( string + "\n", fh );



    fclose( fh );



// Your trading system here...


Buy = C > EMA(C,20);

Sell = C < EMA(C,20);



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