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Re: [amibroker] Problem using MA whe computing Composite Indicator

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Hello Dan - Is it possible that you're dividing by zero in the statement for CloseLocValue, say for some of the tickers?
  Possibly using the Nz function ?  like      NZ(( (C - TrueLow)-( TrueHigh - C) ) / (TrueHigh - TrueLow)
  CloseLocValue        =      ( (C - TrueLow)-( TrueHigh - C) ) / (TrueHigh - TrueLow)
Or as one of my friends does in a  moving average routine - he checks to see if the ticker is empty and puts in a NULL.
ticker    = Foreign(member, "Close");
 gainfactor   = IIf(IsEmpty(Ref(ticker, -1)), Null, ROC(ticker, 1) / 100);
and later as he's accumulating both the count and the gainfactor he checks again and makes sure it's a zero that's added
in both the count of tickers and in the accumulated value used in the average calculation.  
gaintotal   = gaintotal + IIf(IsEmpty(gainfactor), 0, gainfactor);
  count    = count + IIf(IsEmpty(gainfactor), 0, 1);
Just some suggestions where I've run aground before in accumulating composites.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dan Clark
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:14 PM
Subject: [amibroker] Problem using MA whe computing Composite Indicator



I’m trying to create a Composite Index and am having a major problem.   I’d appreciate any help you can give.   I hope it’s just a simple user error.


I’m trying to create a Money Flow-related composite indicator on Sectors using AddToComposite.  It is similar to the AD line, but also includes a money amount.   Other than being a little “twitchy”, the basic code works GREAT!  That is, until I add a 3 period, simple MA on the base stock data to smooth it out a bit…


You would expect an MA to smooth out the data.  However, when I added a simple MA on the stock-level data, the data went crazy.     For example, the “Amount” histogram bars of the Materials Sector DMF (the “~DMF_USSEC_Materials”) varies between positive 2 million dollars to negative 3 million dollars.   That’s fine.  With a 3MA on the base data, we would expect smoothed data.  Instead the 3MA Sector data the (“~DMF3_USSEC_Materials”) varies between about minus 900 million dollars to minus 20 billion dollars!


Below is a test Composite Scan that creates the Composite Sector DMF index.  I’ve colored the key code in red.  As you can see, the only difference between the “Good” symbols and the “Bad” symbols is a 3 period smoothing MA.  


Just above the Scan code is Chart code that displays the values correctly.  


Note that I’m using QuotesPlus data, but this should work with other data vendors as well.  Also, note that the scan stuffs the resulting symbols into WatchList 44.   I’ve assigned this to the “WLTest” variable.


To reproduce the error,


1)       Create a new chart showing price bars.

2)       Add the Chart code to the Chart.

3)       Paste the Composite Scan Code into an AFL window and save it to an AFL file.  

4)       Run an exploration using “All Symbols” and Range = “1” last days.

5)       Navigate to Watch List 44 in the Workspace and click on the “~DMF_USSEC_Materials”.   The symbols should display a valid chart.

6)       Now click on the 3MA symbol - “~DMF3_USSEC_Materials”.   Data now looks bad.


I hope this is just a dumb error on my part.  I’ve tried about 20 different solutions and nothing changes the result.    I’d appreciate any help.


Best regards,





Chart Code:

if (StrLeft(Name(), 4) == "~DMF")


       DMFAmt               = C                  ;     

       DMFVolume            = V                  ;

       DMFCount             = OI                 ;


       Plot(DMFAmt, "DMF Amt", IIf(DMFAmt > 0, colorLime, colorRed), styleHistogram);

       Plot(DMFAmt, "DMF Amt", IIf(DMFAmt > 0, colorLime, colorRed), styleLine );

       Plot(DMFCount, "DMF Count", colorCustom1, styleLine | styleOwnScale);




       Plot( C, "Close", IIf( C > O, ParamColor("Up Color", colorGreen ), ParamColor("Down Color", colorRed )    );



Composite Scan Code:

// Created by Dan Clark



PriceMin = Param( "Minimum Price", 3, 1, 100, 1 );

PriceMax = Param( "Maximum Price", 60, 1, 1000000, 1 );

VolumeMin = Param( "Minimum Volume/1000", 100, 10, 100, 10 );


//Watchlist Numbers

WLTest               = 44   ;




atcCurrentFlags      = atcFlagResetValues + atcFlagCompositeGroup + atcFlagEnableInExplore;




//Get group name

GroupName =   GroupID(1);


//Init Utility Variables


SectorSymbol         =  NumToStr(SectorID(0), 1.0); 

SectorName           =  SectorID(1);  



//Filter the symbols

USStock              =      C             >= PriceMin

                       AND   V            >= (VolumeMin * 1000)

                       AND   GroupName    == "Common Stocks"

                       AND   SectorName  != "Undefined"



//Set flags

bUSStock             = USStock[BarCount-1];


Buy           = 0;

Sell          = 0;

Filter        = USStock; //Buy OR Sell; 



DMFAmtTemp    = 0 ; 

DMFVolumeTemp = 0 ;

DMFCountTemp  = 0 ;

DMFAmt        = 0 ; 

DMFVolume     = 0 ;

DMFCount      = 0 ;

DMF3Amt              = 0 ; 

DMF3Volume    = 0 ;

DMF3Count     = 0 ;

TrueHigh      = 0 ;

TrueLow              = 0 ;

PriorClose    = 0 ;

TypicalPrice = 0 ;


if (bUSStock)



       // This weights the count and the Money Flow (not just volume) by the relative position of the close in the True Range

       PriorClose                 =  Ref(C, -1)                                                                      ;

       TypicalPrice         =  C;         //(H + L + C) / 3                                                    ;

       TrueLow                           =  L; //IIf( PriorClose < L, PriorClose, L )   ;

       TrueHigh                   =  H; //IIf( PriorClose > H, PriorClose, H )   ;


       CloseLocValue        =      ( (C - TrueLow)-( TrueHigh - C) ) / (TrueHigh - TrueLow)      ;       //Close Location Value range from +1 to 0 to -1


       DMFVolume                  =      CloseLocValue * (V/1000) ;    //Works fine.

       DMFAmt                     =      DMFVolume * TypicalPrice ;    //Works fine.    

       DMFCount                   =      CloseLocValue * 1      ;    //Works fine.


       DMF3Volume                 =      MA(DMFVolume, 3)       ;    //Bad Data!

       DMF3Amt                           =      MA(DMFAmt   , 3)       ;    //Bad Data!

       DMF3Count                  =      MA(DMFCount , 3)       ;    //Bad Data!





//Add Symbols to USStock Watchlist and to composite indexes

if (bUSStock)   //Buy[1])


       // Init Symbols

       DMFUSMktSym                 =  "~DMF_USMkt";                 

       DMFUSMktName                =  "~DMF_USMkt";                 


       DMF3USMktSym                =  "~DMF3_USMkt";                

       DMF3USMktName               =  "~DMF3_USMkt";                



       ** US Master Indexes


       //creates DMF

       AddToComposite(DMF3Amt     ,      DMF3USMktSym, "C", atcCurrentFlags);

       AddToComposite(DMF3Volume, DMF3USMktSym, "V", atcCurrentFlags);

       AddToComposite(DMF3Count,  DMF3USMktSym, "I", atcCurrentFlags);


       AddToComposite(DMFAmt      ,      DMFUSMktSym,  "C", atcCurrentFlags);

       AddToComposite(DMFVolume,  DMFUSMktSym,  "V", atcCurrentFlags);

       AddToComposite(DMFCount,   DMFUSMktSym,  "I", atcCurrentFlags);



       ** US Sector Indexes


       DMFUSSecSym                 =  "~DMF_USSec_" + SectorSymbol;  //Advance/Decline line by sector

       DMFUSSecName               =  "~DMF_USSec_" + SectorName;           //Advance/Decline line by sector


       DMF3USSecSym               =  "~DMF3_USSec_"  + SectorSymbol; //Advance/Decline line by sector

       DMF3USSecName              =  "~DMF3_USSec_" + SectorName;          //Advance/Decline line by sector



       //creates DMF by Sector Composite

       AddToComposite(DMF3Amt     ,      DMF3USSecSym, "C", atcCurrentFlags);

       AddToComposite(DMF3Volume, DMF3USSecSym, "V", atcCurrentFlags);

       AddToComposite(DMF3Count,  DMF3USSecSym, "I", atcCurrentFlags);


       AddToComposite(DMFAmt      ,      DMFUSSecSym,  "C", atcCurrentFlags);

       AddToComposite(DMFVolume,  DMFUSSecSym,  "V", atcCurrentFlags);

       AddToComposite(DMFCount,   DMFUSSecSym,  "I", atcCurrentFlags);




       ** Modify Names


       //Modify the indices SymbolName

       // Instantiate Broker.Application

       AB = CreateStaticObject("Broker.Application");


       cs = AB.Stocks(DMFUSMktSym);

       cs.FullName = DMFUSMktName;


       cs = AB.Stocks(DMFUSSecSym);

       cs.FullName = DMFUSSecName;


       cs = AB.Stocks(DMF3USMktSym);

       cs.FullName = DMF3USMktName;


       cs = AB.Stocks(DMF3USSecSym);

       cs.FullName = DMF3USSecName;




       ** Add to Watchlists


       //Add US Market Indexes

       CategoryAddSymbol( DMFUSMktSym    , categoryWatchlist, WLTest);  


       //Add Sector Indexes

       CategoryAddSymbol( DMFUSSecSym , categoryWatchlist, WLTest);  


       //Add US Market Indexes

       CategoryAddSymbol( DMF3USMktSym, categoryWatchlist, WLTest);  


       //Add Sector Indexes

       CategoryAddSymbol( DMF3USSecSym, categoryWatchlist, WLTest);  




SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True );

AddTextColumn(Name()        , "Symbol");

AddTextColumn(FullName()   , "Company");

AddColumn(C                 , "Close");

AddColumn(V/1000            , "Vol/1000", format = 1.0);

AddColumn(bUSStock          , "bUSStock");

AddColumn( DMFVolume        , "DMFVolume" , 1.2);

AddColumn( DMFCount               , "DMFCount"  , 1.2);

AddColumn( DMFAmt           , "DMFAmt "  , 1.2);


AddColumn( DMF3Volume             , "DMF3Volume" , 1.2);

AddColumn( DMF3Count              , "DMF3Count"  , 1.2);

AddColumn( DMF3Amt          , "DMF3Amt "  , 1.2);


AddTextColumn(GroupName           , "GroupName");

AddTextColumn(SectorSymbol , "SectorSymbol");

AddTextColumn(SectorName   , "SectorName");

AddTextColumn(IndustrySymbol      , "IndustrySymbol");

AddTextColumn(IndustryName , "IndustryName");

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