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I changed you foreign call to "^RUT",( yahoo data ) and ran the
explore over my database, the result returned was the same in every row...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 2:26
Subject: [amibroker] Odd behavior in
Explore / Add Column
Can anyone please spot the problem in my code
here? I am running an Explore, "n last days", "n = 1", "all
Seems to me that the resulting TRatio column should always
contain the precisely same value, from the top of the column to the bottom,
because I'm passing only one value to as an argument to TrendRatio() through
every single iteration of Explore. And that one value should be
identical every time Explore loops, since the closing prices I'm using are
from a call to Foreign(), and I'm not using any info at all from the current
I've run this with the entire FT database, and while most
iterations report identical TRatio values (as I'd expect), there are
occasional values that differ and occasional values that are blank. I
was easily able to replicate the behavior with a stock database, passing the
symbol "T" to Foreign(), for example.
Thanks for any
_SECTION_BEGIN( "test 2");
Buy = Sell = False;
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //HELPER
FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function TrendRatio( PriceArray_ ) {
aROC_short = ROC ( PriceArray_,
1 ); aROC_med =
ROC ( PriceArray_, 63 ); return EMA (
aROC_med, 252 ) / EMA ( aROC_short, 252 ); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //BEGINNING
SCRIPT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Filter = 1 ;
TR_ =
TrendRatio( Foreign( "RUT-I", "C")
); AddColumn(TR_,
"TRatio", 1.2 ); _SECTION_END();
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