Updated old parts of the User's Guide to present current
First trade exit price was sometime reported as -1#QNAN, this should be
fixed now (allocated to: 4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-16)
"Delete indicator" in CONTEXT (chart) menu (allocated to: 4.70.1)
(completed: 2005-03-10)
Add ownStyle scaling factor so it is not necessary to use Highest(V) in
volume chart (allocated to: 4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-15)
Added Help->AFL functions by name, Help->AFL functions by category,
Help->AFL reference menu items to AFL editor (allocated to: 4.70.1)
(completed: 2005-03-15)
added maskAll, maskDefault, maskPrice maskHistogram, chartShowDates,
chartLogarithmic, chartShowArrows constants to syntax-colorizer def (allocated
to: 4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-12)
Adjusted formatting of param window min/max values so it does not use
engineering notation (xEy) for numbers smaller than 1e8 (100 million) (allocated
to: 4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-12)
BUG: Applying preferences resets price style to candlesticks even if
something different is selected in View->Price chart style (allocated to:
4.70.1) (status: fixed) (completed: 2005-03-15)
BUG: Choosing File->Print and then pressing "CANCEL" button blocked
further RT refreshes, now fixed. Also now page count is set to 1 (avoid "Next
page") (allocated to: 4.70.1) (status: fixed) (completed: 2005-03-15)
BUG: GetPriceStyle() included styleDots even if currently selected style
was candlestick or bar (allocated to: 4.70.1) (status: fixed) (completed:
BUG: RT Quote, Context menu -> HIDE - does not shrink the panel
(allocated to: 4.70.1) (status: fixed) (completed: 2005-03-15)
Change default include directory to "Formulas\Include" (allocated to:
4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-15)
Display chart ID in Axes/Grid: Misc: part of parameters dialog and adjust
description of Study() (allocated to: 4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-12)
Make IDR_BROKERTYPE and IDR_MAINFRAME menus the same (allocated to: 4.70.1)
(completed: 2005-03-15)
Modify registration checking to allow only licenses 4.20 and above
(allocated to: 4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-15)
New version of IB plugin: 1.3.6 - max. number of streaming symbols
increased to 100 (allocated to: 4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-02)
Pressing 'X' button in the main frame during Print preview closes print
preview only instead of exiting application (allocated to: 4.70.1) (completed:
Quotes for symbols beginning with non-US characters are not saved (should
"land" in '_' folder but they don't) (allocated to: 4.70.1) (completed:
Replaced IQFeed plugin with smaller (release) version (allocated to:
4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-12)
Symbol->Categories, "This group uses own intraday settings" checkbox and
button are now repositioned correctly when dialog is resized (allocated to:
4.70.1) (completed: 2005-03-12)