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RE: [amibroker] Adding Text to Explore/Scan Columns

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Hello dave,
Text arrays are not possible in AmiBroker, however you can display the same string in all cells of a vertical column using AddTextColumn(). Since you can color the Text as well as the background you can make text "disappear" by setting its color to White. You can also play with the background color. Here is a simple example:

Price = ValueWhen(Buy OR Cover,C);
AddColumn(Price,"Buy/Cover",1.2,colorBlack ,colorBrightGreen );
Price =
ValueWhen(Sell OR Short,C);
AddColumn(Price,"Short/Sell",1.2,colorBlack ,colorPink );
DCo =
IIf( Sell==3, 1,2);
DCo = IIf( Cover==3, 1,2);

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave McLeod [mailto:dmcleod1981@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 6:30 PM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [amibroker] Adding Text to Explore/Scan Columns

I would like to try and create a table within Scan/Explore that contains text in the table columns itseld if certain conditions are met. Something like the following sample pic.
Is this possible in Amibroker?

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