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Re: [amibroker] AFL help: Sell = Ref(exremspan (buy,10),-10);
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same question here.
Hello all:
I stumbled across this code in the .chm files and this looks quite helpful. (message 32098)
Sell=Ref( ExRemSpan( Buy, 10 ) ,-10);
Could someone explain in English what this is doing?
I am trying to code for an exit 10 bars after the first buy signal (even when there are subsequent buy signals) and this seems to be doing what I want. Now I just need to try and understand what it means.
See also thread at http://www.reefcap.com/ubb/Forum49/HTML/000076.html
Buysig = Cross(C , EMA(C,30)); Sellsig = BarsSince(Buysig) == 10; //Buysig = ExRemSpan(Buysig,10); //Buysig = ExRem(Buysig, Sellsig); // line #3. intrade = Flip(Buysig, Sellsig); Buy = Buysig AND Ref(intrade, -1) == 0; Sell = Sellsig AND Ref(intrade,-1)
; Sell=Ref( ExRemSpan( Buy, 10 ) ,-10);
Plot(C,"",1,64); Plot(EMA(C,30),"",colorBlue,1); PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow * Buysig, colorLightBlue, 0 , L , -10); PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow * Buy, colorBlue, 0, L, -20); PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow * Sellsig, colorPink, 0, H, -20);
PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow * Sell, colorRed, 0, H, -10); Plot(intrade,"intrade", IIf(1,colorGreen, colorPink), styleHistogram | styleOwnScale);
Any help appreciated
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