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Re: [amibroker] Re: Importing watchlists from TCNet

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Thanks Dave - I'll let Buddy speak for himself, but I've got 6-7 AB SIG members who do use
TC2000 as their data source and would probably love to have your script. 
If you don't mind a broader distribution I'll post it in our Amibroker forum files. One
forum has 15 members, the other has approx 40.
Best personal regards
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 11:26 PM
Subject: [amibroker] Re: Importing watchlists from TCNet


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Joe Landry" <jelandry@x...> wrote:
> Buddy - Unfortunately I don't have TC2000 fired up anymore, but the
> way I use to do was
> 1) Go into the data area
> 2) Export the TC scan watchlist (including even the list for
Russell 2000
> 3) Put it in a known place cause you're going to  have to import
into AB
> 4) I think you get the choice to select whether it's CSV or text
> 5) Go to AB Symbol -  Watchlist -  Import and pick the watchlist
you want to bring into and then point AB to the known place where
you left the watchlist.
> Best regards
> JOE 

I've written a script that automates steps (1) through (4). You run
the script and it automatically exports all TC2000 lists as separate
files in a specific directory (You don't even have to have TC2000
running). The only thing you have to do manually still is step (5),
picking out which of the exported files you want to import as a
watch list in AB.

Let me know if you think the script would be of any use to you...

Dave Morrill

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