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Hi ,
Thanks all for responding.Lots of people use this.Yes the effort below by "wring " is very good .Still there are other aspects of it .It seems u have to use this system rigidly and with discipline even if ur gut feeling is otherwise. http://www.woodiescciclub.com/ His own club. I still was wondering whether it was as good as it is made out to be.Some say that it is not at all a lagging system.I just found out about it yesterday and well have been following it and it is going to be very time consuming to understand and apply it fully but well if it isnt that good i may just drop it .Thats why i wanted the feedback from those who have applied this for sometime.May save time for me to get on to some other bus going
elsewhere.However whatever i have read about it this does seem promising.
PS:I have also got a lot of stuff about the system from the web if anyone is interested .
Still hunting for the perfect system and after looking at the tall claims made by some systems well anything from 50% to more than 500 % returns u just wonder.
Ohh one Question:What should the % performance of a really good system be? I mean absolute performance ( not relative to something else) .How much should the returns per annum be after backtest.
Thanks and have fun this Sunday all.
Steve <avalon-ardy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Think I found this on the AFL site. Change colours etc to suit. As for for LR's 3/10 I think that is same as Chick Goslin's 3/10 which is a MACD 3/10/16. I think she uses a 3/10/18 for exits. cheers
/////////////////////////////// // CCI Woodies Style - Coded by Wring // Amibroker 4.63.1 /////////////////////////////// // // Note: Set Custom Scaling in dialog just below this dialogue box // to Min -350, Max +350 // // Set Background color to DarkOliveGreen // Set Axes color to white // /////////////////////////////// px = Param("px",14,6,55,1); z = CCI(px); LSMA = LinearReg(C, 25 ); EMA34 = EMA(C,34); Title = Interval(2) + " " + Name() + ", " + EncodeColor(colorOrange) + "CCI 14=" + round(z) + ", " + EncodeColor(colorLightBlue) + "CCI 6=" + round(CCI(6)) + EncodeColor(colorPink)
+ "\nPrice=" + H + ", " + L + ", " + C + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " " + Date(); // Colour the bars for Woodies Trend Following Plusbars = BarsSince(z < 0); Minusbars = BarsSince(z > 0); TrendBarCount = 5; for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) { if (Plusbars[i] >= TrendBarCount) Color[i] = colorGreen; else if (Minusbars[i] >= TrendBarCount) Color[i] = colorRed; else Color[i] = colorBlack; } // CCI Histogram Plot(z,"",Color,styleHistogram | styleNoLabel); // CCI Line Plot(z,"CCI 14",colorWhite,styleLine | styleNoLabel | styleThick); // Turbo CCI Plot(CCI(6),"CCI 6",colorLightBlue,styleLine | styleNoLabel); // zero line 25lsma Plot(0,"",IIf(C > LSMA,colorGreen,IIf(C<LSMA,colorRed,colorBlack)), styleThick | styleNoLabel); // Print the price label - Note div by 1000 to position price near 0 line Plot(Prec(C / 1000,3),"", IIf(C >=Ref(C,-1),colorGreen,colorRed),styleNoLine); // Set up
color for the 100s, green if 34ema above red if below Color = IIf(C>EMA34,colorGreen, IIf(C==EMA34,colorBlack,colorRed)); // Plot the 100s Plot(100,"",Color,styleDots |styleNoLine | styleNoLabel | styleThick); Plot(-100,"",Color,styleDots |styleNoLine | styleNoLabel | styleThick); // Plot the 50s PlotGrid(50,colorTeal); PlotGrid(-50, colorTeal); // Plot the 200s PlotGrid(200,colorTeal); PlotGrid(-200,colorTeal); // Plot the 300s PlotGrid(-300,colorTeal); PlotGrid(300,colorTeal);
//======================= ----- Original Message ----- From: Natasha M S To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 5:14 PM Subject: [trading] RE: [amibroker] reference :Trading System !
Hi, This is about the woodies-cci trading system.Does anyone use this system entirely for his trading activity and do we have it in our Amibroker archieves?Has someone coded it in toto . I made a feeble attempt but
getting it all totally is beyond my current capabilities.Also how effective is it.Any feed back on all aspects of the above will be most appreciated. The other is Linda Rashke's 3/10 Oscillator.mentioned in her book "Street-Smarts"I haven't managed to get hold of her book. Any info on the same or pointer to any website holding material for the same would be nice.The code if anyone would oblige would be most appreciated. Thanks.
Warm regards, Natasha !
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