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Re: [amibroker] Re: Training and/or User Groups

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Bob Jagow Said>>Two as yet un-mentioned help/reference deficiencies are:
>>An utter lack of context-sensitive help.
>>A need to make the "updated on-line reference" link functional.
I'd bet that far less than 5% of these links provide "More information:",
therefore one is soon conditioned to avoid the expected disappointment.
Would it be feasible to update this link-portion of the help file along with
the updated beta?
Bob, in my earlier post on this thread(PASTED BELOW), I suggested a way to improve the "updated on-line reference link ourselves.  I envision a new ONLINE-MANUAL Yahoo Group which would read, and edit all suggested additions to the online manual, and then the moderator of this ONLINE-MANUAL Yahoogroup would place the approved new addition into the appropriate place, or places, within the ONLINE-MANUAL.  Since TJ already has an alert set up when anything new is placed in the manual, it would only take him less than a minute to correct it if he sees any mistakes.  He could correct the mistakes, and notify the MANUAL Yahoogroup of the correction.  Also, everyone should be allowed to signup to receive notices whenever something new is added to the ONLINE-MANUAL. 
This would require only a tiny amount of TJ's valuable development time.
I would be a great non-programmer screen for these new additions, because, if I am able to understand it, then you know it is written very well.
I agree with Graham's post that the three items he cited are MOSTLY already available.  Ron D
Graham said>This is mostly already available
AFL library on AB website
The yahoo AB groups
You can add comments to the on-line AFL function reference

Below is my earlier response to Graham's post.
Graham, I just checked the user manual, and I see that you did post your great essay on Cum and Sum.  Now if a lot of the others would do the same, the Amibroker learning curve would drop dramatically. Graham's ONLINE MANUAL addition is pasted below.
I don't know how many others are adding to the online manual, but if hardly any others are adding descriptions such as yours, then any other idea of a group effort to improve the learning curve will not work.
The ABSOLUTE BEST POSSIBLE  infrastructure to enable a group effort  is already in place.
I posted many requests trying to get TJ to encourage GrahamType users to post additional comments, and fortunately, it finally happened.
Now, I would like to see TJ actively encouraging us  AB users to be adding new content  to the online user manual in order to improve it.
Additionally, AB users should be able to subscribe to a new yahoo group named something like "ONLINE USER MANUAL" . Subscribers to this NEW group would receive a link to each new addition right after it gets added.  Then, each AB user is free to delete the email notification, or click on it to view the newly added online content.
Each of these ONLINE MANUAL notification alerts should also encourage everyone to remember to add content to the online manual.
The online manual is a great tool, lets all start adding plain English clarifications to it.  TJ has said that he gets instant notification when new content is added to the online manual, so he could easily implement this new  ONLINE MANUAL Yahoogroup during a coffee break.
IMHO, nothing much will happen in this area unless, and until ,TJ implements a new "ONLINE MANUAL" Yahoogroup.     Ron D
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Jagow
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 8:48 PM
Subject: RE: [amibroker] Re: Training and/or User Groups


Two as yet un-mentioned help/reference deficiencies are:
An utter lack of context-sensitive help.
A need to make the "updated on-line reference" link functional. Currently,
I'd bet that far less than 5% of these links provide "More information:",
therefore one is soon conditioned to avoid the expected disappointment.
Would it be feasible to update this link-portion of the help file along with
the updated beta?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tomasz Janeczko [mailto:amibroker@xxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:27 AM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: Training and/or User Groups


Thank you for your kind words.

Of course there is a room for constant improvement. And it is being done,
step by step, everyday.

There will be examples added to each and every AFL function.
You may have noticed that all new functions (TimeFrame for example)
come with examples already. Only some very old and pretty
basic functions are without extensive examples (like sin() ) but
at the time I wrote this it looked to me self-documenting.

In attempt to provide even more examples, the AFL function reference
already features automatic linking to code from AFL on-line library
showing usage of referred function.

For example if you look at the reference to HighestSince:

you immediatelly get the list of formulas that use this function.
Moreover each occurence of the function in question is automatically
highlighted. This provides real-world example of usage of virtually
every AFL function.

Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko
----- Original Message -----
From: "tkoinaustin" <tkoinaustin@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 6:59 PM
Subject: [amibroker] Re: Training and/or User Groups

I have to agree with Tomasz. I had developed and marketed a custom
piece of software for 10 years so I am familiar with the issues of
customer expectations and satisfaction. I think Tomasz has done a
good good on the manual. I have used the search engine repeatedly and
found the information I need. I do agree that the one area for
improvement would be concrete examples of how to use the various
functions. There is so much capability in the program that I am sure
very few people are actually using it effectively, and ceratinly not
to it's fullest extent. This would be addressed, in great part, by
more examples with explanations on what the various sections of the
code are doing.

Tomasz, please do not take this as a dice. I think your program and
documentation are outstanding. Think of this as an area to excel! I
am essentially brand new to AB, and I could use more examples, but in
lieu of that, this forum provides most of the info I need.


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Tomasz Janeczko" <amibroker@x...>
> Hello,
> While criticism is OK, I am pretty much surprised by some
statements of yours.
> Your e-mail must come from the fact that you do not know how to
> use tools already shipped with AmiBroker (like HTMLHelp).
> Personally I find your e-mail pretty unfair considering the amount
> work I have put into documenting AmiBroker.  Try writing 800+ pages
of docs
> (manual, newsletters, how-tos) and preparing video tutorials and
> you will get some idea about what "comprehensive documentation"
> 1. The manual *is* comprehensive. It may not be structured to well
> but it covers simply every bit of AB.
> 2. Compiler DOES locate the error and tells you what is wrong.
> It gives you error line and character position and highlights the
> where error occured.
> Actually it often gives you much better and long explanations than
other languages.
> Such as this one:
> "Error 3. Condition in IF, WHILE, FOR statements\nhas to be Numeric
or Boolean type. You can not use array here,please use [] (array
> subscript operator) to access array elements"
> This actually tells you WHAT YOU SHOULD DO in order to fix an error
> NO OTHER compiler would tell you as detailed error message.
> The only thing that need to be improved is that if error occurs
> inside for/while loop then the compiler points you to the end of
the coding block.
> This problem will be addressed but it is unfair to tell that
compiler does not
> tell you what the problem is.
> 3. Search in off-line mailing list archive
> http://www.amibroker.com/listarchive.html
> is based on Microsoft full-text seach engine.
> http://www.microsoft.com/mind/0297/htmlhelp.asp
> In Microsoft opinion it is the next best thing to sliced bread.
> If you think it is bad, send complaint to Microsoft.
> The same applies to search implemented in HTMLHelp
> User guide that is installed on your computer.
> 4. Requiring "diagnostic ability of Visual C++ compiler" from AFL
> is ridiculous because of the following
> a) AFL is for traders, not for programmers, so it offers simple
>    syntax without type declarations, prototypes, templates, etc.
> b) AFL is not C++ (has no type declaration for example and this
>    itself 'removes' type checking for example)
> c) AFL is not general-purpose language, does not operate
>    directly with machine code, does not have direct access to
physical memory, etc.,
>    so Visual C++ tools like CPU view, memory dump view, disassembly
>    are useless.
> d) AmiBroker is developed by 1 person, while Visual C++ is
developed by thousands of people.
> 5. If you are "IBM programmer" - instead of bashing other's work
like this,
> go on code your own trading software that will be surely better and
write great comprehensive manual
> and everybody will be happy including me.
> Best regards,
> Tomasz Janeczko
> amibroker.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Barry Scarborough" <razzbarry@x...>
> To: <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 5:05 PM
> Subject: [amibroker] Re: Training and/or User Groups
> We need a comprehensive manual with well documented and coded
> examples with comments on each line, the more the better. And we
> need a compiler that locates the error and tells us what is wrong.
> Both of the current items fall short of what we need to write
> effective code without pulling our hair out.
> I do not agree with using weekly subjects with examples within the
> context of the forum. Have you tried to locate articles on the forum
> using search arguments? It is almost impossible to find a specific
> topic and difficult at best to find what you are looking for. A
> search returns many articles, then you have to browse through them
> spending huge amounts of time and often coming away more frustrated
> than when you began. Many of the example assume you already know how
> to program within AB, bad assumption, and they are not commented
> well at all. The more terse the example the more difficult they are
> to follow. You can, and some often do, pack a lot of code on one
> line and unless you understand the language and have a block comment
> above the code telling you what is being done in human language, you
> will not follow what is being done. Examples should not do this.
> An online manual or a newer version in PDF that allows searches
> would be good. How-to subjects with examples would be much better
> than the manual we now have. The manual we now have often provides
> links to examples on their website but they are not commented well
> and many times are terse and very difficult for a newbie or even a
> programmer to understand. Finding exactly what you are looking for
> is very difficult. But that is what the forum is for. If the same
> question is asked over and over then it is a candidate for an online
> example withj comments. Examples should also have meaningful
> variable names or good comments so they are easy to follow.
> Another thing that would really be helpful is a compiler that placed
> the cursor ON THE FAILING LINE with a good explanation of what the
> failure is. I often, especially when I am using for or if
> statements, I find an error at the end of the code with the cursor
> on the last line of code and saying something like "Hey you screwed
> up. He he. See if you can figure out where you made a mistake." Many
> times I have had to comment out large blocks of code trying to find
> out where the problem is. Then it is not always obvious what the
> error is. A compiler that found all the errors, listed them at the
> bottom with what the error definition is and allowing me to click on
> that line and be taken to the error line would be much better, but
> now we are talking about the diagnostic ability of a MS Visual C++
> compiler. I double we will ever get that. But improvement could be
> made.
> A comprehensive manual is what we need. Allowing users to provide
> comprehensive well document examples would be great too. Put them in
> a library on the AB site, not in the forum.
> All the seminars I have attended, I am an IBM programmer and have
> attended tons of them, addressed general topics, unless they are
> weeks long. Newbies need a general, low level seminar to get used to
> the code. People who have a fairly good grasp of the language and
> how to use it would require a more comprehensive seminar, actually a
> programming class that lasts a week or more. But when you walk away
> from a seminar you had better have a comprehensive manual because
> you are not going to remember what you were taught in a month.
> Typically you lose 80% to 90% of what you are taught in three months
> unless you start using it right away and keep at it. If you go to a
> seminar and try to use what you learned a year later, forget it. You
> will be looking in the manual.
> We also need a more comprehensive description of how to use the
> Automatic Analysis tools, back tester especially. I have not figuree
> out how to use them effectively yet and I have been coding in AB for
> 1.5 years. Once again, how do you set the settings? I still don't
> know how to set them for a real world experience.
> Barry
> --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, CM TOMSON <chic195a@x...> wrote:
> >
> > As a newbie I relate to requests for training. Attempting to sort
> through 70 postings per day, in hopes of keeping abreast of what
> problems lie ahead, and ways to head them off, coupled with
> attempting to read a 600 page manual, is a challenge. I cringe when
> an answer to a simple question is read the manual. I'm still in the
> process of doing so, and it isn't that easy.
> >
> >  I have seen many suggestions about going to Clearwater, but feel
> beginners would still be at a disadvantage, as well being out
> airfare, and hotel rates.
> >
> > The administrators and writers, and many participants are an
> educated and sophisticated lot. My hats off to you, but even among
> you, the crème of the crop, is patience tested. Novices always begin
> sentences with the fact that they are new; it seems waiting for
> their lack of knowledge to be challenged.
> >
> > I realize most of those involved in amibroker are strained to the
> end. I also know that you're tired of hearing questions if the
> manual already answers that. However, as great as that manual is,
> perhaps there are lingering doubts that if I experiment, and do what
> I think the manual suggests I may actually create another problem
> that is not covered, or again ask the same sophisticated people,
> another really stupid question on how to get out of this or that.
> >
> > Is it possible therefore to have a weekly subject with examples,
> and step-by-step procedures, for a particular starter topic? The
> tutorials are fantastic, and I don't mean that those instruments
> need be done, but a simple step by step approach to a common
> denominator may avoid thousands of future questions, and permit
> those of us who are less knowledgeable a chance to catch up.
> >
> >  The person who started this topic stated he was at this a year,
> and still learning. This is a great program, and its expansion and
> success, also lies in new people coming in. Will these new people be
> willing to have patience for a year? If new people come in and the
> program expands, and more and more questions asked, and you have
> problems now, what happens then?  Will postings go from 70 to 200
> per day?
> >
> >
> >
> > Respectfully submitted
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
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