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[amibroker] Re: Training and/or User Groups

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Thanks Joe. I remember seeing information on the thread about the
conference last year (it was about when I started using AB) but I
didn't know it was an annual event. I'll give it some thought.


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Joe Landry" <jelandry@xxxx> wrote:
> Dan - what about  the Clearwater Amibroker Conference on Feb 11th?  
> It's out of town, in a warm place, lots of AB expertise, lots of
trading and 
> signal experience? 
> Write the authors, speakers and see if this meets your needs. 
> Best regards and maybe I'll see you there. 
> JOE 
> http://www.ftmonitor.com/cl5/schoolintroduction.html
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: danielwardadams 
>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>   Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 12:47 PM
>   Subject: [amibroker] Training and/or User Groups
>   AB is cuch a powerful tool with so many different capabilities, has
>   there been any thought of "formal" training sessions? I think I've
>   finally climbed most of the learning curve for what I want to do but

>   it wasn't particularly easy and took almost a year. So far I haven't
>   dug into the new (beta) backtester options but I expect the curve for
>   that to be steep also. Meanwhile, Tomasz keeps implementing new
>   features almost faster than people (me at least) can absorb them.
>   I know the user base is pretty international so it's hard to know
>   where classes should be taught. (And I doubt if Tomasz is ready to
>   start whole new training "divisions" (one for the U.S., one for
>   Europe, Austrailia, etc). Any thoughts?
>   Also, are there any user groups other than one or two I've seen
>   mentioned (one in Dallas and one in California I think)?
>   I'd be willing to travel a reasonable distance to participate in any
>   forum of AB-savvy people.
>   Dan
>   Check AmiBroker web page at:
>   http://www.amibroker.com/
>   Check group FAQ at:
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