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Regarding your problem i think you are trying to get in too many messages from yahoo at once and yahoo thinks you are spamming .You have to go to options menu in your isp (not outlook express) viz webmail ,and change the settings there(no of headers or messages etc).I don't know about your isp but there must be a setting for no of messages at a time etc.This also happens with yahoo when you try to download quotes with amiquote when you try to get max quotes 8-10 and delay between retry and requests is very small viz 1,2 secs.Yahoo thinks we are spamming and so shuts us out for 18-24 hours.You are fortunate you don't have a 504 gateway lockout .I had that once when i tried to use the same yahoo-id to access yahoo and play games from three locationsz(3 comps).I was out of yahoo for a week.Not a single page of yahoo on any site games, my yahoo , search etc i could access .Even changing the yahoo id didn't help .I
think it locks out the port your tcpip gives you.
The above is just for info just in case,as there are quite a few dedicated yahoo diehards on this usergroup.
-Natasha !
Okay . . . this has happened twice now in the past week or so, and I need to get to the bottom of it, particularly whom to complain to and how to stop this from happening:
Point 1: I have no bounce mechanism in use for my e-mail, and my e-mail all comes through.
Yet: I'm getting soft-bounced, and deactivated, as per
Last Bounced Message Remote host said: 554 Service unavailable; [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net, reason: Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml? [RCPT_TO]
I have nothing to do with spamcop, and in fact have only vaguely heard of it. I'd like to know how my e-mail address can be messed with like this?
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