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BETA SCORE: 4 (early beta many new
features (may exhibit some problems in new features))
+ fixes to problems that appeared in
+ Indicator Builder replaced by
full-screen AFL editor (allows to edit multiple files at the same time) +
Indicators are now saved in separate AFL files + Formula tree now allows
rename/delete/create new file/folder + enancements of drag&drop
interface + N-tick bars are supported by TimeFrame functions
read the Read Me document (below) for detailed list of new features and
There will be also a series of new video tutorials explaining
new features published on Monday.
Best regards, Tomasz
Janeczko amibroker.com
AmiBroker 4.64.3 Beta Read Me
November 23, 2004 17:30
Backup your data files and entire AmiBroker folder
first! IMPORTANT NOTE: This version uses new system to store indicators (in
separate files), so old versions will not automatically "see" indicators created
with new version.
IMPORTANT: This archive is update-only. You have to install full
version 4.60 first.
Just run the installer and follow the instructions.
Then run AmiBroker. You should see "AmiBroker 4.64.3 beta" written in the
About box.
Many thanks to all providing detailed descriptions how to reproduce given
See CHANGE LOG below for detailed list of changes.
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.64.3 (as compared to 4.64.2)
- fixed broker.newcharts file saving routine (should solve 'black panes'
problem that appeared in 4.64.0)
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.64.2 (as compared to 4.64.1)
- during Layout/Template save, all currently used formulas are marked as
'used' so they do not get deleted if the user closes the pane using the same
formula in some other layout. (Should solve 'black panes' problem that
appeared in 4.64.0)
- when choosing "Delete" option from the formula tree AmiBroker displays the
warning message that the formula may be in used in some indicators if the
formula was 'linked' to some pane at least once.
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.64.1 (as compared to 4.64.0)
- formula tree is refreshed after using "Save As..." function in Formula
editor (to show any newly created files)
- "Parameters" menu option is turned on always
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.64.0 (as compared to 4.63.1)
- QuickAFL is turned ON always
(it does not affect regular AFL code, only
may affect some loops and/or plugins but a graceful period of almost 2 years
was given to every user to get used to it and adjust the code if necessary,
note: if particular formula needs all bars use SetBarsRequired function)
- Quick built-in charts is turned ON always
- Y-axis drag area is now thinner (to make de-selecting date easier)
- resizing dialogs remember not only size but also position
- time&sales windows remember size and positions separately for each
- time&sales window now uses TimeShift setting from "Intraday Settings"
- max. trade drawdown stat figure is now also updated at exit price of the
max. loss stop
- on startup all formulas (built-in and custom) that were stored in
broker.charts / broker.bcharts files are now automatically converted to
individual AFL files and stored under: Formulas\Old\Built-in
- found and fixed few byte memory leak when using #include
- #include can now read from registry using @ character
@LastBacktestFormula will include the formula that was used in last
backtest run (useful for custom equity formulas)
- Workspace tab control now sizes down without displaying tab scroll bar
- all TimeFrame* AFL functions extended to work with N-tick bars too. N-tick
intervals are specified by NEGATIVE numbers passed in 'interval'
So for example: TimeFrameSet( -10 ); // switch to 10-tick
- Workspace -> Charts tree now supports file deletion, renaming, creation
of new files and folders plus more via Right-mouse button (RMMB) menu. Options
available from RMB menu:
- Insert - creates a copy of the selected file, insert
_SECTIONS if necessary and inserts charts into new pane
- Insert Linked - just inserts chart into new pane - the
pane links directly to selected formula (so if you have more than one pane
using the same formula, modifying it will modify the chart in all panes
linked to it)
- Overlay - overlays selected formula onto "active" pane.
Active pane is the pane you have clicked on recently
- Edit - opens Formula Editor and loads selected file for
- Rename - allows to rename formula file
- Delete - deletes the formula (permanently !) - charts
panes linked to it will become black
- New->Formula - creates new formula file
- New->Folder - creates new folder
- Refresh - refreshes directory/file tree
- Indicator builder removed and replaced by "Formula Editor"
- you can now control axis and grid settings from "Parameters" dialog
- "Main" chart, "Indicators" and "Other indicators" preference pages
removed. Now all charts use new drag & drop system
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.63.1 (as compared to 4.63.0)
- fixed one more multiple-monitor problem with color popup control
- Parameters dialog works again in Automatic-Analysis window
- new AFL function: ParamTrigger
ParamTrigger( "Name", "Button
text") - to be used in indicator builder - to create triggers
If you place ParamTrigger in the indicator code it will
create a "button" in Parameter dialog that can be pressed. Normally
ParamTrigger will return zero (0) but when button in the param window is
pressed then it will refresh the chart and ParamTrigger will return 1 (one)
for this single execution (further refreshes will return zero, until the
button is pressed again)
trigger = ParamTrigger("Place Order", "Click here to place
if( trigger ) {
// your
one-shot code here }
- new AFL function: ParamList
ParamList( "Name", "Values", default =
0 ) - generates the parameter that consist of the list of choices
(specified in "values" parameter - | or comma separated). default parameter
defines ordinal position of the default string value specified in "values"
parameter. Returned value is a STRING representing choosen item.
OrderType = ParamList("Order Type", "MKT|LMT|STP" );
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.63.0 (as compared to 4.62.1)
- 6th parameter for the Param() - sincr - now has correct default value of
- trading arrows are correctly aligned again - there was a problem
introduced in 4.62.1 with arrows alignment
- fixed redraw problem of layers list
- new AFL function added:
GetTradingInterface("Name") - retrieves OLE
automation object to automatic trading interface. "Name" is the interface
name. You have to have trading interface installed separately to make it work
otherwise you will get the error message attempting to use this function.
Trading interface for Interactive Brokers will be released separately.
- layer list item width is adjusted automatically now when sizing the
workspace pane
- colour-popup is aware of multiple-monitor configurations now and opens up
on correct monitor.
- 'Arrange' works properly now after 'pane maximize'
- added warning message when dropping files to AFL formula window.
- added realtime Time&Sales window (View->Time & Sales, or right
click over real time quote window)
Standard Edition: only one time &
sales window open Professional Edition: no limits on simultaneously open
Time & Sales windows Note that Time & Sales window requires true
tick-by-tick streaming data source (like eSignal) to operate properly. Certain
feeds may not provide enough information to allow time&sales window
operation. eSignal has been tested and it works fine, as for the others -
there will be 'compatibility guide' published soon.
- added automatic marking on "show arrows" flag for old-style Price chart
- new AFL function (advanced users only)
SetChartOptions( Mode = 0, Flags
= 0, gridFlags = chartGridMiddle ) allows to set/clear/overwrite/set
defaults for chart pane options
- Mode - specifies how options are set:
- 0 - set only the DEFAULT values for new chart. Defaults are applied
only once when chart is inserted in a new pane, so later you can modify
any option using Indicator Builder
- 1 - overwrite - the values specified in 2nd and 3rd argument overwrite
any previously set values
- 2 - set flag - flags specified in 2nd and 3rd parameter are
binary-ORed with the current values, so effectively these options are set
while remaining are unchanged
- 3 - reset flag - flags specified in 3nd and 3rd parameter are cleared
while the others remain unchanged.
- Flags - allowable flags are:
chartShowDates, chartLogarithmic,
- gridFlags - (for internal AmiBroker use - do not use it in your own
coding as this parameter will be eventually removed) allowable values are:
chartGridDiv100, chartGridPercent, chartGridDiv1000,
chartGridMiddle, chartGrid0, chartGrid30, chartGrid70,
chartGrid90, chartGrid50,chartGrid100,chartGrid20,chartGrid80,chartGrid1
Example: to
mark "Show arrows" by default in a new chart use SetChartOptions( 0,
chartShowArrows );
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.62.1 (as compared to 4.62.0)
- new AFL function
ParamStyle("name", default = styleLine, mask =
maskDefault ) - allows to select the styles applied to plot
- new constants:
styleHidden - a combination of styleNoDraw |
styleNoRescale styleDashed - dashed line to be used with
ParamStyle maskDefault - show thick, dashed, hidden, own scale styles (this
is default mask for ParamStyle) maskAll - show all style flags maskPrice
- show thick, hidden, own scale, candle, bar maskHistogram - show
histogram, thick, hidden, own scale, area
- colorCycle - accepted only by ParamColor function as default value, causes
that default color cycles through red, blue, green, turquoise, gold, violet,
bright green, dark yellow
- added new setting in Preferences->Charting "Ask for parameters of newly
inserted indicators"
(default = TRUE) ensures that AmiBroker displays
parameter dialog when inserting or dropping new indicators
- removed obsolete "max number of custom indicators" setting
- Param() function accepts 6 parameters now
Param("name", defvalue, min =
0, max = 100, step = 1, sincr = 0 ); (Only for advanced users) a new
parameter sincr is defines the increase of default value when more than one
section of the same kind is inserted (dropped) onto the chart For
example: Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 200, 1, 10 ); Plot( MA( P,
Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ),
ParamStyle("Style") );
now when more than one moving average is
dropped onto the chart then subsequent moving averages default to 15, 25, 35,
45, ... and so on (starting value is 15, increase per new section is 10)
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.62.0 (as compared to 4.61.0)
- implemented indicator drag and drop mechanism. See video tutorial: http://www.amibroker.net/video/dragdrop1.html
- new "Chart" tab in the workspace window (lists all AFL files and
directories from "Formulas" subfolder)
- Automatic Analysis formula window is now drag&drop target too (you can
drag formulas and AFL files onto it)
- new AFL special functions used to automatically create formulas from code
snipplets dragged onto the the indicator pane.
- new styleNoTitle causing that given Plot name and values are not included
in the title bar of the indicator
- new ParamField function allowing to pick price field
- new ParamToggle function allowing for boolean (Yes/No) parameters
- In Tools->Preferences , Keyboard you can how define single key shortcut
for maximizing and restoring chart pane via View : PaneToggle
- "Allow mixed EOD/intraday data" switch does not affect N-day bars anymore
- Parameters are not reset to default values when changing the formula-
user-edited values are kept
- new parameters dialog allowing using sections (for example from
drag&drop generated code)
- parameters dialog displays the items in the order as they appear in the
- fixed Y-axis scale shrinking problem occuring when styleOwnScale was used
for all plots
- Insert->Standard Charts, Insert->Custom Indicators menu options
removed (now everything is handled by drag & drop) (You can still insert
old indicators from Indicator Builder dialog though)
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.61.0 (as compared to 4.60.4)
- custom time interval support extended to N-day bars.
Now you can
define N-day bars in Preferences (Intraday tab) as well as you can use N-day
bars via TimeFrame functions. For example TimeFrameSet( 3 * inDaily ); //
switch to 3-day time frame
VERY IMPORTANT: inWeekly constant is now
432001 ( 5*inDaily + 1 ) - in previous version it was 432000 inMonthly
constant is now 2160001 ( 25*inDaily + 1 ) - in previous version it was
It is changed because now N-day custom intervals are supported
and they will interfere with weekly/monthly. Note that 5*inDaily is now
DIFFERENT than inWeekly. 5*inDaily creates 5-day bars that DO NOT necesarily
cover Monday-Friday while inWeekly ALWAYS creates bars that begin on
Monday and end on Friday. Also 25*inDaily creates 25-day bars that DO NOT
necesarily represent full month, while inMonthly always begins with first day
of the month and ends at the last day of the month
CAVEAT: if your
code uses hard-coded numbers like 432000 for weekly and 2160000 for monthly
then you MUST change your code to use inWeekly constant and inMonthly constant
- Study properties dialog has now new checkbox
"Lock position" - when
checked study can not be moved or re-sized
- ExitAtStop has a new meaning for N-BAR stop type.
If ExitAtStop = 0
then N-bar stop has the lowest priority (so if for example profit target stop
is hit on the same bar then profit target is evaluated first) If ExitAtStop
= 1 then N-bar stop has highest priority and it is evaluated before all other
stops. The same effect is obtained by checking "Has priority" box in AA
Settings window.
- new maximizing/restoring chart pane functionality available
View->Pane->Maximize View->Pane->Restore as well as
via right click menu.
Remember that you can assign your own keyboard
shortcuts for that using Tools->Preferences->Keyboard
- New drawing tool: Arrow
- draws a line that ends with an arrow
- New drawing tool: zig-zag line
draws a series of connected trend lines
(Hint: press ESC key to finish the series)
- new File functions in AFL:
- fdelete( "filename" ) - deletes file
"filename" is
path to the file name (relative or full path). If just file name without
path is specified then AmiBroker directory is used, returns TRUE if file
successfully deleted, FALSE otherwise
- fmkdir( "dirname" ) - creates (makes) a
"dirname" specifies path of the directory to be created. Please
note that this function creates only ONE directory at a time. So if you
want to create nested directory tree you have to call it multiple times, for
example to create C:\MyDirectory\MySubDirectory folder you have to call it
fmkdir( "C:\\MyDirectory" ); fmkdir(
"C:\\MyDirectory\\MySubDirectory" );
Note also that it is safe
to call it even if directory already exists (then no change to file system
is applied) Returns TRUE if directory successfully created, FALSE
- frmdir( "dirname" ) - removes a directory
specifies path of the directory to be removed. Please note that this
function removes only ONE directory at a time. So if you want to remove
nested directory tree you have to call it multiple times, for
fmkdir( "C:\\MyDirectory\\MySubDirectory" ); // delete
nested subdir first fmkdir( "C:\\MyDirectory" );
Note that
directory must be empty before removing it otherwise it will not be possible
to remove it. Returns TRUE if directory successfully removed, FALSE
If you experience any problem with this beta version please send detailed
description of the problem (especially the steps needed to reproduce it) to bugs
at amibroker.com
Check AmiBroker web page at:
Check group FAQ at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/files/groupfaq.html
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