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[amibroker] Re: Dragging to indicator pane doesn't work for me

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We are one [or two] steps before a built-in MeanStochD, MeanRSI etc 
d&d indicator !!
One more param reference to the WL/Group/Sector and thatīs it.
Just imagine a 2-step d&d movement to see the MeanStochD for the N100 
and your favorite WL1...
--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Herman van den Bergen" 
<psytek@xxxx> wrote:
> DT,
> the D&D procedure promises to simplify my code significantly. I can 
use many
> ParamFields() to pass any number of arrays from (D&D) module to 
> I think D&D greatly helps "connect" and simplify cascading code 
segments. It
> will reduce naming complexities as we can develop code in modular 
form, i
> now pass arrays from one module to another with an invisible plot. 
In fact i
> am breaking up lengthy code into smaller modules which i can D&D to 
> my earlier complex single-code indicator - i am finding new 
> because it is so easy to cascade indicators: new relationships are 
> I also find the D&D a time saver as it lets me "play" with 
functions and
> indicators in a small fraction of the time it took me to do the 
same in
> code. The new procedure is experiencing some growing pains :-) and 
> users may have to learn some new concepts, but this is what gives 
> AmiBroker user "the technical edge" needed to do better than 
others. It will
> help us develop new trading methodologies - soon we'll have a very 
> code building machine.
> Yes, users will have to have a basic appreciation of what they are 
doing in
> afl, but so is that the case with trade delays, loops, and a myriad 
of other
> techniques. There is a learning curve, but this is not any 
different as
> compared with any other TA platform, except that this one has a 
future :-)
> best regards,
> herman.
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: DIMITRIS TSOKAKIS [mailto:TSOKAKIS@x...]
>   Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 3:42 PM
>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   Subject: [amibroker] Re: Dragging to indicator pane doesn't work 
for me
>   Thomas,
>   d&d is a big help but it is not magic, we should know some AFL 
>   to make it work.
>   RSI() is applied to Close, you need RSIa() to get the RSI of an 
>   for example.
>   Zig() should be applied to positive arrays only a Zig over an MACD
>   would work via d&d BUT the result will be wrong [since MACD is
>   negative from time to time]
>   IMHO this is the only negative impact of the d&d, users should not
>   use it like a toy, a good AFL knowledge is required to make things
>   easier.
>   On the other side, when we d&d 2 or 3 indicators in the same pane,
>   take a look at the IB code : It is perfect, it is VERY WELL 
>   but it is not written by the user !!After the great result of the
>   magic "Apply" button, the user should study carefully the new code
>   and understand its structure. I do not thing it is easy, 
>   because the magic result is already available in the new pane.
>   Just some thoughts on the new d&d feature, nothing more...
>   Dimitris
>   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Thomas Ludwig 
>   wrote:
>   > The new AB version is absolutely great.
>   >
>   > But I'm having a big problem when I drag an indicator to an
>   indicator pane
>   > containing, say, RSI. In the price field of the context menu the
>   close
>   > appears and I can change that to open, high, low, volume and 
OI -
>   but not
>   > to RSI! So the new indicator is calculated for the wrong data.
>   >
>   > Am I the only one having this problem? Any solution?
>   >
>   > Greetings, Thomas
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>   http://www.amibroker.com/
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> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/files/groupfaq.html
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