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Re: [amibroker] Re: Chart sheets and default display period

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Bill --
That's neat.  I didn't know you could do that.

However, I would still like to be able to have one formula produce 
multiple panes as Joe suggests.  That way I can display horizontal grid 
lines and values along the y-axis.  Also, I can easily read historical 
values by either placing a pole or just putting my mouse pointer on a 
date of interest.

Bill Barnard wrote:

> --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Joe Landry" <jelandry@xxxx> wrote:
> > For example I like to display the five components of a signal for
> example 1) moving average cross over, 2) stochastic, 3) MACD of OBV,
> 4) MACD of Advancer Decliners, 5) Trend2 - that are coming from one
> relatively long trading formula file.
> > Is there a functionality of AB that would make this smoother, but
> one that is overlooked by me?
> Joe,
> I regularly plot multiple indicators in a single pane to allow all
> parameters to be selected from one box. I do this by using
> StyleOwnScale with different paramenters for each indicator, as
> demonstrated by the following code (watch out for line-wraps).
> Bill
> -----------------------------------------------------
> function LL1 (Variable, FreespacePercent)  // lower limit for plotting
> one variable
> {
>       barpresent = Status("barvisible");
>       Hii = LastValue(Highest(Variable*barpresent));
>       Loo = LastValue(Lowest((Variable - Hii)*barpresent) + Hii);
>       range = Hii - Loo;
>       result = Loo - 0.01*FreespacePercent*range;
>       return result;
> }
> function UL1 (Variable, FreespacePercent)  // upper limit for plotting
> one variable
> {
>       barpresent = Status("barvisible");
>       Hii = LastValue(Highest(Variable*barpresent));
>       Loo = LastValue(Lowest((Variable - Hii)*barpresent) + Hii);
>       range = Hii - Loo;
>       result = Loo +  range / (1 - 0.01*FreespacePercent);
>       return result;
> }
> Plot(C, "", 32, styleOwnScale, LL1(C, 290), UL1(C, 10));
> Plot(EMA(C, 21), "", 42, styleOwnScale, LL1(C, 290), UL1(C, 10));
> Plot(RSI(14), "", 55, styleOwnScale, LL1(RSI(14), 100), UL1(RSI(14),
> 45));
> Plot(StochD(14, 3, 3), "", 43, styleOwnScale, LL1(RSI(14), 60),
> UL1(RSI(14), 85));
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