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[amibroker] Lining up text on charts

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Ken, Bob, Herman, Peter,
        Ok - I
will definatly add that to the notes header. (Must be run with QuickAFL
Your right - Some instructions may be of assistance.
Basicaly - The code is for tracking individual trades you have 
It is only setup for Long Trades - But Im sure it wouldn't be hard to add
Here is a step by step walkthough useage:
Ensure QuickAFL tm. is Disabled.
Ensure there is a Directory called "Data" in the AmiBroker
Writing Data:
Select a bar via mouse.
Go into Parameters Dialog (CTRL-R or RightMouseClick/Params).
Slide the Lock/Set to the SET position.
Adjust the buy price, Stops, Cash(Equity) and Commision.
        You will
notice Values change on the Indicator pane as you do this.
When you are satisfied with set values,
MUST  Slide the Lock/Set Back to LOCK.
        (A Small
TXT file should have been written in the Amibroker/Data dir).

When ticker is selected,
 If Data file is available - Then Set values are Loaded.
        You may then also select various bars to see the change in the trades equity and Trail Stop Percentage.
I have added the ability to draw trailstop line Backward (If bar Previous to HighestHigh is selected).
Please Search and replace the following one line:
Line = LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0);
With This line:
Line = IIf((X1 > X0),LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),LineArray(x1,y1,x0,y0,0));
Some sort of Alert function to notify user of any Stop's being hit.
        Easily added for single stock selection check.
I was thinking of a LIST that can be Looped through......
        Comments welcome!

        All the best,

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