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[amibroker] Emulate "load to" behavior of AA

  • To: <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [amibroker] AFL keyword highlighter for ConTEXT programmer's editor - help wanted
  • From: "Dave Merrill" <dmerrill@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 08:42:36 -0800

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class=077103616-06022004>You're most welcome, glad to give a little bit back 
class=077103616-06022004>But wouldn't you know it, the day I post an update, I 
find another missing keyword ("Null"), so there's yet another update in the 
library now.
class=077103616-06022004>Do people consider it clutter to post here when this is 
updated, or should I try to remember to do that every time? It's not like the 
files area on yahoo, where everybody is automatically notified of new uploads, 
but I have no idea how many people use ConTEXT at all, much less care about 
  Dave, I'm using ConTEXT and your code templates/updates come in very 
  Peterswww.amitools.com-----Original Message-----From: Dave 
  MerrillI've just posted another update to the AFL keyword highlighter 
  for ConTEXT.It's in the AFL library; search for 'context'. This project 
  started withGeoff Mulhall's original version in the library, and I've been 
  updating itsemi-regularly for a while now, since I started using 
  ConTEXT.(For those who don't know, ConTEXT is a really good freeware 
  programmer'seditor, available at <A 
  href="">http://www.fixedsys.com/context. I 
  often keep mystandard AFL #include file open in it while working in AB. 
  The highlighterfile teaches it AFL's keywords, so it can color and format 
  them likeAmiBroker does.)The problem, and the reason I'm posting 
  this, is that there doesn't appearto be any direct way to capture all the 
  keywords in use in the currentversion of AB. So, maintenance of this file 
  is dependant on me or someoneelse noticing what's missing or wrong. 
  (Thanks to Graham Kavanagh for hisnotes, which were part of the reason for 
  this update, along with otheradditions I found.)The punch line is 
  that notes on any additions and corrections to this fileare most welcome 
  (:-). If you're using ConTEXT, the highlighter file makeslife much easier, 
  and your feedback will help improve it.Please write directly to 
  dmerrill at usa dot net, in case I don't seecomments in the library 
  listing right away.Dave Merrill

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