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[amibroker] Re: Here is a problem for your intraday Guru's.....

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class=578433711-03022004>Hi Dimitris, thanks for replying, but I don't think I 
understand your answer. It seems like you're showing me the benefits of putting 
the stochastic transformation into a separate function, but you're preaching to 
the choir. I *know* why I want to do that, that's why I it *was* written as a 
function in the code I sent. I've had that StochasticTransform function in my 
standard #include file for a long time; I just made it part of the code itself 
so people could se the whole thing in one place.
class=578433711-03022004>But none of that has to do with the problem I'm seeing. 
Did you run the code I provided and look at the resulting charts, before and 
after un-commenting out those lines I suggested? Please do try it; there's 
something going on that I don't understand, and I'd love your 
class=578433711-03022004>Anyone else try this?
  <FONT face=Tahoma 
  size=2>-----Original Message-----From: DIMITRIS 
  TSOKAKISDave,Suppose we want to create the Stoch 
  transformation for various arrays, say MACD() and Signal().The first 
  method is analytic, you have to repeat 4 lines per 
  function method will give the same result in an elegant form.Define first 
  the st-function steps and then apply for any array.//The Stochastic 
  advantage of the function method is obvious.Dimitris TsokakisPS: Note 
  here that this st-function is a pseudo-stochastic, since the arrays do not 
  have HLC. Expect saturated values for both 0 or 100 limits.--- In 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Dave Merrill" <dmerrill@xxxx> 
  wrote:> I'm seeing a weird problem that I think may be the result 
  of something I> don't understand about variable scoping. Check this 
  out:> > ----------------------> function 
  StochTransform(array, period) {>       local 
  LowValue;>       LowValue = LLV(array, 
  period);>       return 100 * (array - 
  LowValue) / (HHV(array, period) - LowValue);> }> > 
  Diff = Signal(12, 26, 9);> StochDiff = StochTransform(Diff, 5);> 
  > //JunkIgnored = StochTransform(C, 14);      
  // <<< ENABLING THIS CHANGES Diff,> WHY???> 
  //JunkIgnored = StochTransform(Diff, 14);      // 
  <<< BUT THIS DOESN'T> ----------------------> 
  > First enter it into IB as given above, look at the chart, then 
  enable the> first of the two commented out lines at the bottom. 
  Notice that Diff (blue> histogram) changes drastically. Now enable 
  the second one and not the first,> and things go back to 
  "normal".> > I don't get this at all. It seems like it must be 
  due to interaction between> the two calls to StochTransform, and in 
  fact, if you create a copy of the> function called StochTransform2, 
  and call that the second time, no problem.> Guessing further from 
  the fact that using the same value for the 'array'> parameter in 
  both cases also prevents the problem, most likely the conflict> is 
  with the reuse of that formal parameter when the function is called 
  the> second time.> > I've never seen this behavior 
  before, and I don't understand it. Among other> things, if it's 
  really true that you can't call the same function more than> once 
  without interactions like this, a lot of code I've written that I> 
  thought worked, didn't. Or is there some simple stupid bug in this test 
  that> I'm missing?> > Ideas? Tomasz?> > 

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