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Re: [amibroker] Re: Fw: Artificial Intelligence, an introduction, ^N225 2003

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Okay, I guess I have figured it out now.  Originally, I thought this
was an "always in the market" type of system.  But you have
apparently modified it to long only with the code from message 55121.

I think I like a long and short system myself.  For the Nikkei, there
is no uptick rule unless you are trading 50 times the round lot size
or larger.  That has become a problem now on some stocks like Nissan,
which now trades in blocks of 100 shares, so even just a 5,000 share
short takes more work.  But many stocks still trade in units of
1,000, and can be shorted in quite large size with no uptick.


Monday, December 22, 2003, 9:27:52 PM, you wrote:

DT> Yuki, there is no reason to be confused. 1. We said to use the
DT> code from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/message/55121
DT> as further ref. 2. This code *has no* short/cover arrows, since
DT> the only arrows lines are
DT> PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow*Buy,colorBrightGreen);
DT> PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow*Sell,colorRed); 3. In the case you want
DT> to see short/cover indications, use the
DT> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/message/55304 It is
DT> identical to 55121 and have two more lines
DT> PlotShapes(shapeUpTriangle*Cover,colorBrightGreen);
DT> PlotShapes(shapeDownTriangle*Short,colorRed); for short/cover
DT> indications with a special care for the visibility of all shapes.
DT> 4. Do not be confused with IB arrows and price chart arrows from
DT> the backtesting. Dimitris --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Yuki
DT> Taga <yukitaga@xxxx> wrote:
>> Monday, December 22, 2003, 7:40:39 PM, you wrote:
>> DT> Yes, I have plotted long only arrows for the simplicity of the
>> DT> chart. Do you want to plot also short/cover hollow arrows ?
>> Now I'm very confused.  My chart *has* short arrows and long arrows.
>> It is not long only.  Just that I remember the first trade was 
DT> short,
>> I believe it was on June 3.  But my first arrow is long, on June 10.
>> Yuki
>> DT> Dimitris   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Yuki Taga
>> DT> <yukitaga@xxxx> wrote:
>> >> Hi DIMITRIS,
>> >> 
>> >> I am not referring to the back tester, only to the ribbon and 
DT> arrows
>> >> on the chart.  My first arrow is long on 6/9, but with the older
>> DT> code
>> >> we had I remember it was short a few days earlier.
>> >> 
>> >> Yuki
>> >> 
>> >> Monday, December 22, 2003, 7:05:17 PM, you wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> DT> Yuki, How about settings: If Long only then
>> >> 
>> >> DT> ^N225,Out,4/1/2000,18937.4492,10/6/2003,8752.6396,-
>> >> DT> 53.8%,0.00,0.0%,0,0,0,846,0.00%,,
>> >> DT> 
>> DT> 
DT> ^N225,Long,10/6/2003,8752.6396,27/8/2003,10349.6396,18.2%,1706.93,17.1
>> >> DT> %,1.13683,9950.25,1706.93,56,0.30%,,
>> >> DT> 
>> DT> 
DT> ^N225,Out,27/8/2003,10349.6396,8/9/2003,10584.3604,2.3%,0.00,0.0%,0,0,
>> >> DT> 1706.93,8,0.00%,,
>> >> DT> 
>> DT> 
DT> ^N225,Long,8/9/2003,10584.3604,21/10/2003,11234.3096,6.1%,595.24,5.1%,
>> >> DT> 1.10056,11648.7,2302.18,29,0.18%,,
>> >> DT> ^N225,Out,21/10/2003,11234.3096,21/11/2003,9804.4404,-
>> >> DT> 12.7%,0.00,0.0%,0,0,2302.18,22,0.00%,,
>> >> DT> 
>> DT> 
DT> ^N225,Long,21/11/2003,9804.4404,2/12/2003,10452.6396,6.6%,682.83,5.6%,
>> >> DT> 1.24851,12241,2985.01,7,0.79%,,
>> >> DT> ^N225,Out,2/12/2003,10452.6396,22/12/2003,10372.5098,-
>> >> DT> 0.8%,0.00,0.0%,0,0,2985.01,14,0.00%,,
>> >> 
>> >> DT> but if Long&Short then
>> >> 
>> >> DT> ^N225,Out,4/1/2000,18937.4492,3/6/2003,8547.6504,-
>> >> DT> 54.9%,0.00,0.0%,0,0,0,841,0.00%,,
>> >> DT> ^N225,Short,3/6/2003,8547.6504,10/6/2003,8752.6396,2.4%,-
>> DT> 339.32,-
>> >> DT> 3.4%,1.16409,9950.25,-339.322,6,-0.57%,,
>> >> DT> 
>> DT> 
DT> ^N225,Long,10/6/2003,8752.6396,7/7/2003,9589.1904,9.6%,818.02,8.5%,1.0
>> >> DT> 9825,9612.62,478.703,20,0.42%,,
>> >> DT> ^N225,Short,7/7/2003,9589.1904,11/8/2003,9349.0498,-
>> >> DT> 2.5%,158.15,1.5%,1.08733,10426.6,636.854,25,0.06%,,
>> >> DT> 
>> DT> 
DT> ^N225,Long,11/8/2003,9349.0498,27/8/2003,10349.6396,10.7%,1021.25,9.6%
>> >> DT> ,1.13209,10583.9,1658.1,13,0.74%,,
>> >> DT> ^N225,Short,27/8/2003,10349.6396,8/9/2003,10584.3604,2.3%,-
>> DT> 380.40,-
>> >> DT> 3.3%,1.12082,11600.1,1277.71,9,-0.36%,,
>> >> DT> 
>> DT> 
DT> ^N225,Long,8/9/2003,10584.3604,21/10/2003,11234.3096,6.1%,573.42,5.1%,
>> >> DT> 1.06021,11221.6,1851.13,29,0.18%,,
>> >> DT> ^N225,Short,21/10/2003,11234.3096,21/11/2003,9804.4404,-
>> >> DT> 12.7%,1390.45,11.7%,1.04966,11792.2,3241.58,23,0.51%,,
>> >> DT> 
>> DT> 
DT> ^N225,Long,21/11/2003,9804.4404,2/12/2003,10452.6396,6.6%,734.97,5.6%,
>> >> DT> 1.34385,13175.7,3976.55,7,0.79%,,
>> >> DT> ^N225,Open
>> >> DT> Short,2/12/2003,10452.6396,22/12/2003,10372.5098,-0.8%,-
>> >> DT> 31.93,-0.2%,1.33048,13907,3944.63,15,-0.02%,,
>> >> 
>> >> DT> for all dates from Jan2000 till now.
>> >> DT> Dimitris
>> >> DT> --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Yuki Taga <yukitaga@xxxx>
>> DT> wrote:
>> >> >> Hi DIMITRIS,
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> With this code, I show first trade signal long on 6/9, rather
>> DT> than
>> >> >> first trade short a few days earlier.  How about you?
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> Yuki
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> Friday, December 19, 2003, 8:18:29 PM, you wrote:
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> DT> Yuki,
>> >> >> DT> Let us use the
>> >> >> DT> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/message/55121 
>> >> >> DT> code as ref to avoid confusion.
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> DT> STARTBUY=DateNum()==1030131;
>> >> >> DT> STARTSELL=DateNum()==1030217;
>> >> >> DT> startIP=DateNum()==1030530;in=DateNum()>=1030530;
>> >> >> DT> x=17;
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> DT> startIP is the start of Inspection Points and the 
DT> beginning
>> DT> of
>> >> DT> the
>> >> >> DT> trading application.
>> >> >> DT> x is the IPs frequency.
>> >> >> DT> Play with startIP keeping the same datenum in in=, or 
DT> better
>> >> DT> write
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> DT> STARTBUY=DateNum()==1030131;
>> >> >> DT> STARTSELL=DateNum()==1030217;
>> >> >> DT> startIPDate=1030530;// place here your startIP date
>> >> >> DT> startIP=DateNum()==startIPDate;
>> >> >> DT> in=DateNum()>=startIPDate;
>> >> >> DT> x=17;// from 15 to 20, IMO.
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> DT> Yes, only one green equity line for the whole period. It
>> DT> uses 
>> >> DT> the
>> >> >> DT> variable BFpass, SFpass as they come from the code.
>> >> >> DT> In AA [use the same code] use the old 
DT> backtester/individual
>> >> DT> Equity to
>> >> >> DT> see arrows etc.
>> >> >> DT> In IB, for simplicity, I plotted only buy/sell arrows and
>> DT> the 
>> >> DT> ribbon
>> >> >> DT> state.
>> >> >> DT> This is the minimum info to begin with.
>> >> >> DT> We may add later more equity lines [I would like to 
DT> insert 2
>> DT> or
>> >> DT> 3 top
>> >> >> DT> competitive lines] or incorporate other info, but let us
DT> see
>> >> DT> the most
>> >> >> DT> basic part first.
>> >> >> DT> Enjoy now a careful study, I will ask my questions 
DT> later...
>> >> >> DT> Dimitris Tsokakis 
>> >> >> DT> --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Yuki Taga 
DT> <yukitaga@xxxx>
>> >> DT> wrote:
>> >> >> >> Hi Dimitris,
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> Friday, December 19, 2003, 4:19:49 PM, you wrote:
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> DT> The code is for both IB and AA windows. A ribbon is 
DT> added
>> DT> to
>> >> >> >> DT> show the trading phase.
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> I made one small change:
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> DT> Title=sym+", BFpass="+WriteVal(BFpass,1.0)+",
>> >> >> >> DT> SFpass="+WriteVal(SFpass,1.0)+",  Equity="+WriteVal
>> DT> (e1,1.0);
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> becomes . . .
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> Title=sym+"  on  "+
>> WriteVal(DateTime(),formatDateTime)+":
>> >> >> >> BFpass="+WriteVal(BFpass,1.0)+",
>> >> >> SFpass="+WriteVal(SFpass,1.0)+",
>> >> >> >> Equity="+WriteVal(e1,1.0);
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> (It's sooooo convenient to see the date there, rather than
>> >> DT> having to
>> >> >> >> hover and read the pop up.) ^_^
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> Now, there is only one equity line: green.  Is that 
DT> correct?
>> DT> I
>> >> >> >> believe this was the red one from before, but now I do not
>> DT> see 
>> >> DT> all
>> >> >> DT> of
>> >> >> >> them, just the green one.
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> The buy/cover arrow will come automatically, right?  I 
DT> don't
>> >> DT> have to
>> >> >> >> do anything?
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> I still want to know why we can't start this earlier, just
DT> to
>> DT> see
>> >> >> >> what happens?  If it really is good, the starting date 
DT> should
>> DT> not
>> >> >> >> matter, should it?  All we need to do is allow 6 months 
DT> after
>> >> DT> that
>> >> >> >> date, right?
>> >> >> >> 
>> >> >> >> Yuki
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> 
>> >> >> DT> Send BUG REPORTS to bugs@xxxx
>> >> >> DT> Send SUGGESTIONS to suggest@xxxx
>> >> >> DT> -----------------------------------------
>> >> >> DT> Post AmiQuote-related messages ONLY to: 
>> >> DT> amiquote@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>> >> >> DT> (Web page:
>> >> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amiquote/messages/)
>> >> >> DT> --------------------------------------------
>> >> >> DT> Check group FAQ at:
>> >> >> DT> 
DT> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/files/groupfaq.html
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> DT> Send BUG REPORTS to bugs@xxxx
>> >> DT> Send SUGGESTIONS to suggest@xxxx
>> >> DT> -----------------------------------------
>> >> DT> Post AmiQuote-related messages ONLY to: 
>> DT> amiquote@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>> >> DT> (Web page:
>> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amiquote/messages/)
>> >> DT> --------------------------------------------
>> >> DT> Check group FAQ at:
>> >> DT>
>> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/files/groupfaq.html 
>> >> 
>> >> DT> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> >> 
>> >> DT> To visit your group on the web, go to:
>> >> DT>  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/
>> >> 
>> >> DT> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
>> >> DT>  amibroker-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>> >> DT>  http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >>  
>> >> Best,
>> >> 
>> >> Yuki
>> DT> Send BUG REPORTS to bugs@xxxx
>> DT> Send SUGGESTIONS to suggest@xxxx
>> DT> -----------------------------------------
>> DT> Post AmiQuote-related messages ONLY to: 
DT> amiquote@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>> DT> (Web page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amiquote/messages/)
>> DT> --------------------------------------------
>> DT> Check group FAQ at:
>> DT> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/files/groupfaq.html 
>> DT> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> DT> To visit your group on the web, go to:
>> DT>  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amibroker/
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>> Best,
>> Yuki

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