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RE: [amibroker] exiting flat positions

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class=043595603-13122003>Ken, did you see the code I posted in starting this 
thread? It's a pretty simple ApplyStop, starting as a stoploss but rising each 
bar until it requires more and more profit to stay in. I'm not 100% sure, but I 
think it worked as intended, it just wasn't very profitable with the system I 
tried it with.
  <FONT face=Arial color=navy 
  Dave:  this is an excellent thread and I read all messages in it before 
  replying.  This came up once in some conversations I had and the idea was 
  that if the position did not rise a certain percentage in a specified number 
  of days, then it was sold.
  >Al, it seems like you 
  are saying to do this with a n-days stop but my question is how do you &#8220;turn 
  off&#8221; the n-days stop if in fact the stock price has appreciated enough that 
  you want to maintain the trade controlled by a trailing 
  >A variation of this 
  aspect is how do you write a stop that exits if there is less than y 
  appreciation in the last n days.  IOW, many stocks exhibit a &#8220;stair-step&#8221; 
  pattern: up for several days in a row, then horizontal (within some upper and 
  lower consolidation limits) and then up some more, etc.  
  >Supposedly, you could 
  just stay in the trade if it appreciated more than your required y percentage 
  in the first n days, but what if it just then stagnated.  You would want 
  to put your money elsewhere.
  >My impression is that 
  complex stops like this need to be programmed manually.  I do not see how 
  you can use the builtin Applystops??  Unless&#8230;can these be controlled by 
  IIF statements?   Sitting here trying to write an example and cannot 
  think how I would do it?
  >Want to see a 
  &#8220;home-brew&#8221; of some complex conditions I made up for this and some additional 
  constraints.  This was a nightmare that sort of ran but I abandoned it 
  for other reasons.  This was the section, however, that attempted such a 
  control of the situation so to speak.  I just put some notes in for this 
  message in purple.  
  = <SPAN 
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  the time in trade
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  face="Courier New" color=fuchsia size=2><SPAN 
  in the position since purchase
  face="Courier New" color=fuchsia size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  ChangeL<<FONT face="Courier New" color=fuchsia 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=fuchsia size=2><SPAN 
  keep if <2% gain in 15 days
  face="Courier New" color=blue size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=fuchsia size=2><SPAN 
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  face="Courier New" color=fuchsia size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=fuchsia size=2><SPAN 
  unique code to tell why an exit
  face="Courier New" color=blue size=2><SPAN 
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  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
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  face="Courier New" color=fuchsia size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=fuchsia size=2><SPAN 
  Profit target met then sell + set code
  is no trailing stop nor feature to stay with the trailing 
  the price continues to appreciate, but I suppose that could be added in 
  somehow, somewhere)
  face="Courier New" color=blue size=2><SPAN 
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  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  TimeL><FONT face="Courier New" color=fuchsia 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=red size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  = Above2_15 <FONT face="Courier New" color=red 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=fuchsia size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=blue size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=red size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  = Sell1 <SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  TooLongL <SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  StopLossL <SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  ProfitL <SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=blue size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
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  face="Courier New" color=red size=2><SPAN 
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  face="Courier New" color=red size=2><SPAN 
  face="Courier New" color=black size=2><SPAN 
  >Talk about 
  inefficient coding logic!!! LOL You can tell I am a brute force kind of clunky 
  coder; some of the experts here would reduce this to several lines.  LOL 
  >Can a series of 
  Applystops do this????  I doubt it.
  Message-----From: Al Venosa 
  [mailto:advenosa@xxxxxxxxxxxx] <SPAN 
  >Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 7:02 
  >Subject: Re: [amibroker] exiting flat 
  >I don't remember, either. Sorry. I simply remember 
  that if their expected trend faltered but the price still didn't trigger a max 
  stoploss either, they would get out. I'd have to go back and read it again to 
  find out what they based it on, but I'm disinclined to do so at the moment. I 
  suspect, as you did, that it was based on ATR in some way (like if the price 
  didn't move by 1 or 2 ATR in 2 weeks, exit). You're welcome about the money 
  mgt. stuff. It's kind of a passion with me. 
  >I'm not sure MFE would do the trick, either. MFE is 
  the maximum favorable excursion (upward price movement if long), and Dave's 
  example was when the price wasn't doing diddly squat. Unless you mean that, if 
  the price didn't reach, say, 0.5*MFE by, say, 1 week from now, get out. Is 
  that what you mean? Don't know the answer. 
    >----- Original Message ----- 
    <FONT face=Arial 
    face=Arial size=2> <A 
    title=serkhoshian777@xxxxxxxxx href="">Gary 
    A. Serkhoshian 
    face=Arial size=2> <A 
    face=Arial size=2> Friday, 
    December 12, 2003 6:29 PM
    face=Arial size=2> Re: 
    [amibroker] exiting flat positions
    >Hi Al,
    >Not to sound Clintonesque, but how did the turtles 
    define "move" as in "they set 2 or maybe 3 weeks to get out if the price 
    just didn't move at all".  I think it was ATR based as were most of 
    their targets and stops. Don't quite remember.
    >Maybe MFE is the answer? Just thinking aloud, and 
    sucking up everyone's extra bandwidth.  BTW, thanks for posting all 
    that stuff on Tharpe.  Very helpful.
    >Kind Regards,
    >Al Venosa 
    <advenosa@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
      >Well, if the stock doesn't move as you expected it 
      to by a certain time period, you just exit and get into another trade. The 
      Turtles used that technique. I think they set 2 or maybe 3 weeks to get 
      out if the price just didn't move at all. Assuming all other system 
      signals are in place at the time of the buy, I don't see any reason for 
      not setting a time-based exit if the stock simply doesn't behave the way 
      it's supposed to. The position performance simply failed, and since no 
      stoploss has been triggered, you would just stagnate if you stayed in the 
      trade, so prudence says get out and wait for the next signal on another 
      stock. You're right, though: lots of options, no clear solutions. 
        >----- Original Message ----- 
        <FONT face=Arial 
        face=Arial size=2> <A 
        href="">Gary A. Serkhoshian 
        face=Arial size=2> <A 
        face=Arial size=2> 
        Friday, December 12, 2003 6:08 PM
        face=Arial size=2> Re: 
        [amibroker] exiting flat positions
        >Hi Al,
        >I thought about that, too.  However, it 
        seems that a time-based stop doesn't tackle the heart of the issue which 
        is position performance (or lack thereof).
        >Maybe gate the either a time stop or the stop 
        Dave proposed if a certain performance threshold hasn't been met by a 
        given time.  But then, that gets us back to determining an 
        intra-trade performance measure which seems to be the fundamental 
        >If the methodology is completely systematized, 
        this lack of performance will show up in the equity curve, and assuming 
        we have broken below some minimum threshold objective 
        function for the OOS results maybe it's time to trip the circuit 
        breaker on the system?
        >Seems like a multitude of options with no one, 
        clear solution.
        >Al Venosa 
          >Why not try a simple Nbar exit, 
          ApplyStop( stopTypeNBar, stopModeBars, nbar);   
          >I don't know what your average trade duration 
          is, but whatever it is, you can set Nbar to get you out at some time 
          point near your average trade length (or min or max or whatever) if 
          the stock does not move. This plus the combination of a max stoploss 
          to get you out if the stock moves against you and a trailing stop to 
          get you out with a profit or a profit target stop might get you what 
          you want. 
          >Al Venosa
            >----- Original Message 
            <FONT face=Arial 
            face=Arial size=2> 
            face=Arial size=2> 
            <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
            face=Arial size=2> 
            Friday, December 12, 2003 5:39 PM
            face=Arial size=2> 
            RE: [amibroker] exiting flat positions
            Gary, I saw your EI post and want to investigate, but unless I'm 
            misunderstanding something, that's not the issue I'm trying to get 
            at. It seems like you'd use EI to put you in stocks that 
            move without big changes in volatility, which I'd think would allow 
            more tailored stops, among other things.
            I'm wondering about is positions that don't move at all, or stop 
            moving after you've held them a while. For instance, say you get a 
            great bump up immediately after entry, then it just sits there flat. 
            Doesn't hit a stop since it's not falling, didn't go high enough to 
            hit a target if you have one, just sits.
            code was an effort at kicking positions like that out the door at 
            some point, so their capital can be used for other things. It didn't 
            test out profitably in the context I checked it though. Not sure 
            what that means.
              >I like your code, and your idea.  In 
              terms of an alternative, Al posted Tharpe's Efficiency Index which 
              addresses chop.  Here's his code and explaination. 
              >Effiency Index (EI) = (C - 
              >An efficient stock is a stock whose price 
              movements are high relative to its volatility changes (i.e., the 
              price change is high but the volatility change is minor). So, if a 
              stock increases by 3 points while its volatility only increases a 
              little, that's good because it gives you greater profitability at 
              a given volatility.
              >I think the way you would use it would be 
              as a boolean Buy (or Short) qualifier. In other words, something 
              like this:
              >Buy = <your normal buy rules> AND EI 
              > y; //where y is an optimizable 
              >Dave Merrill 
                >Obviously, losses are a problem. But so 
                are positions that hang in there<FONT 
                face="Courier New" size=2><SPAN 
                face="Courier New">forever taking up available cash but going 
                nowhere, without hitting profit<FONT 
                face="Courier New">targets or 
                stops.How would 
                you code that, assuming you're dealing with a system that tries 
                todump losers but 
                let winners run as long as they're 
                tried starting from a modest stoploss, with the stop percentage 
                advancingevery day 
                until it becomes negative, enforcing the requirement to make 
                aprofit or get off 
                the bus. I'm not certain, but I think it's working, 
                justnot very 
                profitable in the context I tried 
                it:.Here's the 
                face="Courier New">----------------<FONT 
                face="Courier New">bars_since_buy = NZ(BarsSince(buy), 
                face="Courier New">bars_since_short = NZ(BarsSince(short), 
                face="Courier New">bars_since_entry = IIf(bars_since_buy < 
                bars_since_short, bars_since_buy,<FONT 
                face="Courier New">bars_since_short);<FONT 
                face="Courier New">stoploss_rise = Optimize("stoploss rise", .5, 
                .1, 1, .1);stoploss 
                = 13 - (stoploss_rise * 
                face="Courier New">ApplyStop(stopTypeLoss, stopModePercent, 
                stoploss, false, true, 0);<FONT 
                face="Courier New">----------------<FONT 
                face="Courier New">Anyone see any problems with the 
                implementation? Any other ideas for<FONT 
                face="Courier New">avoiding sitting in stagnant 
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