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RE: [amibroker] Re: Robustivity

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after I sent it I realised that you might think I was talking about 
you.   I wasn't.   So, that means I must have been talking 
about someone else.   
  <FONT face="Times New Roman" 
  size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Phsst 
  [mailto:phsst@xxxxxxxxx]Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2003 2:37 
  AMTo: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: [amibroker] Re: 
  RobustivityWhat's your meaning 
  Chuck?Phsst--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Chuck 
  Rademacher"<chuck_rademacher@x> wrote:> hhmm.... 
  interesting.   Same style of writing and same ISP as....no, 
  must> be coincidence.>   -----Original 
  Message----->   From: Phsst 
  [mailto:phsst@xxxx]>   Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2003 1:55 
  AM>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   
  Subject: [amibroker] Re: Robustivity> > >   
  >A waterfall drop in this stock this last week and a lot 
  of>   divergences. Most systems will most likely fail! Take 
  your 315 trading>   days and see the results are any good. 
  >> >   Joe,> >   Instead of 
  anticipating why "most other systems" would have failed on>   
  NTES, why don't you tell us how your system picked up on this 
  great>   opportunity. That might be a little more productive, 
  don't you think> >   Phsst> > > 
  >   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Joe" 
  wrote:>   > NTES is a good example to "test your system" 
  to see how robust your>   > system really can function. A 
  waterfall drop in this stock this last>   > week and a lot 
  of divergences.>   > Most systems will most likely fail! 
  Take your 315 trading days and>   > see the results are 
  any good.>   >>   > I just went "long" 
  today on this stock...my system gave me a "buy".>   > I 
  learnt to follow it regardless how much of a drop a stock 
  candrop.>   >>   
  >>   >>   > --- In 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Anthony Faragasso" 
  <ajf1111@xxxx>>   > wrote:>   > 
  > Steve,>   > >>   > > Thanks 
  for the "splaining"....>   > >>   > 
  > Anthony>   > >   ----- Original Message 
  ----->   > >   From: 
  CedarCreekTrading>   > >   To: 
  amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   > >   Sent: 
  Friday, October 31, 2003 12:09 PM>   > >   
  Subject: Re: [amibroker] Robustivity>   > 
  >>   > >>   > >   
  am I missing something?>   > >>   > 
  >   Dave,>   > >>   > 
  >   Sometimes it's tough to address issues and provide the 
  specifics>   > that folks are seeking.  So, I will 
  try to "splain" it better.>   > >>   
  > >   If I am using the CMO5 with triggers of 34/-34, I would 
  go back>   > and start a test to evaluate this system and 
  triggers.  The starting>   > period would be whatever 
  date you pick (1990, '97, 2000, etc.).>   > 
  >>   > >   Next, I run the test over 315 
  trading days (this period gives me>   > results for 
  approximately one year..it takes "x" amount ofperiods 
  to>   > load the TRIX(21), which I use as a trend 
  identifier.  My approach>   > produces about 10 to 15 
  round turn trades a year... in each stock.>   > 
  >>   > >   I then rank all issues by one 
  criteria:  percent return per day>   > (while the 
  money is in the market).  If you only consider 
  thepercent>   > per day contributions, I think you 
  will find that all other "book>   > learned" ratios come 
  out just fine.  Numbers lie.  Would you rather>   
  > trade a $100 stock that returns $20 or a $20 stock that returns 
  $10?>   > Percent per goes a long way to normalizing the 
  comparisons.>   > >>   > 
  >   I pick the 20 best percent per day stocks and trade them for 
  the>   > next quarter.  At the end of the quarter, I 
  reevaluate thepercentage>   > per day contributions 
  and reshuffle the issues in play, ifnecessary.>   > 
  >>   > >   Symtems don't go bad, stocks 
  and commodities go bad.  Going bad>   > is best 
  defined by a change in the pattern of supply and 
  demand.The>   > cream rises to the top of the 
  list.>   > >>   > >   
  Is this optimizing?  Could be, by some definitions.  If all 
  the>   > odds are even money, who would you prefer to bet 
  on:  Chicago or>   > Kansas City?  KC is 
  undefeated and Chicago couldn't beat the local>   > high 
  school.  My money is on KC.>   > 
  >>   > >   The stock betting setup is not 
  handicapped (like almost all>   > games).  This is 
  basically a even money play (with subtractions for>   > 
  commission and slippage...juice/vigorish).  If you have 9,000 
  issues>   > to play, why won't someone want to bet on the 
  strongest performance?>   > >>   > 
  >   I know that the explanation might be over simplified...but, 
  the>   > people who know me, in and out of this forum, 
  know that this is the>   > way I do it.  I'm not 
  crusading for anything.  This works.  I've>   > 
  presented this simplistic approach publicly to large groups and in 
  a>   > number of internet seminars. It continues to crank 
  out extraordinary>   > profits.>   > 
  >>   > >   Please let me know if the 
  paragraphs help to explain theranking.>   > 
  >>   > >   Take care,>   
  > >>   > >   Steve>   
  > >>   > >>   > 
  >   ----- Original Message ----->   > 
  >     From: Dave Merrill>   > 
  >     To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   
  > >     Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 9:29 
  AM>   > >     Subject: RE: 
  [amibroker] Robustivity>   > >>   > 
  >>   > >     steve, thanks for 
  your response.>   > >>   > 
  >     from your msg subject and the way you presented 
  this system, I>   > thought you were offering it as an 
  example of one you hadobjectively>   > evaluated and 
  determined to be robust. I was interested in how you>   > 
  thought "robustivity" should be evaluated, since you seemed to 
  be>   > contrasting your approach to walkforward 
  optimization and thevarious>   > other system measures 
  people were talking about.>   > >>   
  > >     what I'm hearing in your response below 
  isn't what I would>   > describe as a specific method for 
  distinguishing accidentally>   > gorgeous backtest results 
  from robustness. you do mention testing>   > also at 
  faster time frames, which isn't a technique that's been>   
  > mentioned recently. but mostly, the robustness label here seems 
  to>   > come from your integration of various aspects of 
  your longexperience>   > with it, like your visual 
  sense of how it behaves. am I missing>   > 
  something?>   > >>   > 
  >     another question: you mention issue selection, 
  the idea of>   > looking for stocks you think will trade 
  well with a particular>   > indicator, rather than the 
  other way around. how do you do that? by>   > measuring 
  raw past growth trading that indicator? other measures?>   
  > >>   > >     thanks 
  again,>   > >>   > 
  >     dave>   > 
  >       just for my understanding, in what 
  sense is this>   > system "robust"?>   
  > >>   > >       
  Well, first, this was presented to the public in the late>   
  > 90's, at a series of seminars that I conducted for Equis.  
  Same>   > indicator, same triggers, same everything.  
  This robust "thing" is a>   > tough one to define.  
  I'll try to explain what's important to me,>   > but, it's 
  very subjective and just one person's opinion.>   > 
  >>   > >       is it 
  because results are similar with different similar>   > 
  periods and thresholds?>   > >>   > 
  >       If you take this CMO5 indicator and 
  step down in time(5, 10,>   > 60 minutes), you need to 
  widen the triggers to obtain decent>   > results.  
  Other than that, it trades through time-zones with very>   
  > good results.>   > >>   > 
  >       that seems unlikely, since there 
  isn't very far to go from 5>   > to hit 1 and 0, which I'd 
  guess are significantly different. what>   > sort of 
  testing led you to decide on this period and threshold, 
  and>   > this system for that matter?>   
  > >>   > >       If 
  you're referring to the CMO5...I first started testing it>   
  > six years ago.  I've tested and eyeballed every version of 
  CMO(x).>   > I've created a few indicators that combines 
  different periods of the>   > CMO.  For my money, for 
  my style, this judge of momentum trades more>   > things, 
  more accurately than any other indicator I am aware of.As 
  I>   > have begged many times:  give me something 
  better...I'll use it>   > instead of 
  this.>   > >>   > 
  >       is it robust because it works well on 
  many stocks, indexes>   > and funds over a long period of 
  time?>   > >>   > 
  >       Yes, it works well on many stocks and 
  indexes.  I don'ttrade>   > funds, but, some fund 
  managers, DTG members, use versions of the CMO>   > to aid 
  their timing.>   > >>   > 
  >       because of the concepts behind the 
  indicator itself?>   > >>   > 
  >       I process visually.  The math is 
  beyond me.  My bottom line>   > has always been the 
  same:  give me an indicator that is smooth, yet>   > 
  sensitive to intermediate and major market turns.  After 
  gawking>   > hundreds of charts, everyday, for the last 
  six years, I'm amazed at>   > how this indicator 
  quantifies momentum.  I like versions of the>   > 
  Stochastic RSI and the Standard Error Oscillator, but dollar 
  for>   > dollar, the CMO does it for 
  me.>   > >>   > 
  >       something else?>   
  > >>   > >       I 
  think there's a few other things to mention.  First 
  ofall,>   > the ETF's that I showed were chosen 
  because they represent a broad>   > range of stocks and 
  are popular trading instruments.  Do I suggest>   > 
  trading these issues with this system?  No way.  The CMO5 trades 
  a>   > lot of other issues with better results than the 
  ETF's.  I always>   > allow the issues "to pick 
  themselves".  Trade the issues that return>   > the 
  greatest percentages in a stable system.>   > 
  >>   > >       In it's 
  stripped down version, as presented, the CMO5 is an>   > 
  indicator that can return steady profits (see equity lines) in 
  it's>   > rawest unoptimized form.  Is that 
  robust?>   > >>   > 
  >       Robustness and 
  optimizing/over-optimizing arefascinating and>   > 
  misunderstood subjects.  Over the years, I've constantly 
  simplified>   > my approaches.  I can improve on the 
  results of the three ETF's by>   > simply "tweaking" the 
  trigger levels.  But, will it walk forward>   > 
  better than the default triggers of 34/-34?  At least what 
  I>   > presented was out of sample.>   
  > >>   > >       If 
  an approach does a good job of identifying movement of>   
  > supply and demand, the approach should not be expected to workon 
  all>   > issues.  To say a system needs to work on 
  all  issues is total>   > crap.   To say 
  that a system sucks because it doesn't work on XYZ is>   > 
  another large pile.  Build simple things and concentrate on 
  issue>   > selection.>   > 
  >>   > >       
  Optimization leads to dark and spooky places.  Ranking 
  leads>   > you down the yellow brick 
  road.>   > >>   > 
  >       Take care,>   > 
  >>   > >       
  Steve>   > >>   > 
  >         steve, thanks for sharing 
  this (again).>   > >>   > 
  >>   > 
  >         just for my 
  understanding, in what sense is this>   > system 
  "robust"?>   > >>   > 
  >         is it because results are 
  similar with different similar>   > periods and 
  thresholds? that seems unlikely, since there isn't very>   
  > far to go from 5 to hit 1 and 0, which I'd guess are 
  significantly>   > different. what sort of testing led you 
  to decide on this period and>   > threshold, and this 
  system for that matter?>   > >>   > 
  >         is it robust because it 
  works well on many stocks, indexes>   > and funds over a 
  long period of time?>   > >>   > 
  >         because of the concepts 
  behind the indicator itself?>   > >>   
  > >         something 
  else?>   > >>   > 
  >>   > 
  >         I'm not disputing the 
  system's value, which I haven't>   > tested yet. I'm 
  trying to understand what kind of process you go>   > 
  through to settle on a system and settings.>   > 
  >>   > 
  thanks,>   > >>   > 
  >         dave>   
  > >>   > 
  >           1.  This 
  exact system was presented over a year ago at>   > this 
  forum>   > 
  >           2.  The 
  charts are OOS (since, it's been posted publicly>   > 
  forever)>   > 
  >           3.  
  Rules are simple:  Buy the opening of the next day>   
  > when the CMO5 closes below -34 and sell when it triggers above 
  34.>   > >>   > 
  >           Works on most 
  issues (raw).  Works better if:>   > 
  >>   > 
  >           a.  You 
  take trades only with the trend>   > 
  >           b.  You 
  protect yourself from large drawdowns (stop)>   > 
  >           c.  You 
  conjure a profit target (limit)>   > 
  >           d.  You 
  put in a time stop>   > >>   > 
  >           This is the 
  guts of an indicator and a logicalsystematic>   > 
  approach.  Whistles and bells are optional (but, in my 
  opinion>   > necessary).  Again, if you start with a 
  pig, the prom dress doesn't>   > make it look any 
  better.  Don't hang ornaments on a 
  twistedChristmas>   > tree.>   > 
  >>   > >>   > 
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