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RE: [amibroker] AmiBroker 4.46.1 BETA released

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Thank you Tomasz, the daily 
plot in intraday databse working fine now.

  face=Tahoma size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Tomasz Janeczko 
  [mailto:amibroker@xxxxxx] Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2003 11:47 
  PMTo: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: [amibroker] 
  AmiBroker 4.46.1 BETA released<FONT 
  size=2>Hello,A new beta version (4.46.1) of AmiBroker has just been 
  released.Includes enhancements allowing to auto-adjust data from Yahoo 
  andability to display tommorrows trades recommendations in portfolio 
  backtesterwhen using one bar delay.It is available for registered 
  users only from the members area at:<A 
  size=2>(File size: 516 350 bytes,  516 KB)If you forgot your user 
  name / password to the members areayou can use automatic reminder service 
  at: <FONT 
  highlight of this new version is multiple time frame support in 
  AFL.The instructions are available below and in the "ReadMe" file( 
  Help->Read Me menu from AmiBroker )
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.46.1 (as compared to 4.46.0)
    scoreNoRotate now works again 
    small fix in regarding month boundary handling in "Use local time for 
    daily compression" mode.
    AA settings, new switch: "Add artificial future bar". When checked 
    AmiBroker adds tommorrow's bar and this enables you to see tommorrow's (or 
    next bar) trade recommendations when your system uses one bar delay. 
    Artificial future bar is a copy of last available data bar but has of course 
    incremented date and volume set to zero.
    two functions (where present in 4.46.0 but not 
    documented)IsFavourite() - returns 'true' if current symbol belongs to 
    favoritesIsIndex() - returns 'true' if current symbol belongs to index 
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.46.0 (as compared to 4.45.0)
    New AFL functions
      added NumToStr as synonum of WriteVal (as this 
      function did not 'write' anything, just returned string) 
      added StrToNum( string ) - converts string to numbe 
      added StrFind( string, substring ) - finds first 
      occurrence of substring in string. returns 0 if not found, otherwise 
      returns character index (one-based) of first occurrence 
      added StrFormat( formatstr, ... ) that performs 
      sprintf-like formatting and returns string 
      CategoryGetName( category, number) function - returns 
      name of category (market/group/sector/industry/watchlist) 
      CategoryGetSymbols( category, number ) added - 
      synonym to GetCategorySymbols
      CategoryAddSymbol( symbol, category, number ); - adds 
      the symbol to given category, note that for markets, groups, industries 
      'adding' means moving from one category to another, since the symbol is 
      assigned always to one and only one market, group, industry and sector. 
      This limitation does not apply to watchlists, favorites, and index 
      categories. When symbol string is empty ("") then current symbol is used. 
      CategoryRemoveSymbol( symbol, category, number ); - 
      removes the symbol to given category, note that for markets, groups, 
      industries 'removing' means moving from given category to category with 
      number zero, since the symbol is assigned always to one and only one 
      market, group, industry and sector. This limitation does not apply to 
      watchlists, favorites, and index categories. When symbol string is empty 
      ("") then current symbol is used.
    added new AFL functions for output/file handling (almost exactly like in 
    C run-time): 
      printf( formatstr, ... ) - output formatted text to 
      the commentary/interpretation (note 1: for numbers always use %f, %e or %g 
      formatting, %d or %x will not work because there are no integers in AFL, 
      note 2: as of now only numbers and arrays can now be printed. For arrays 
      'selected value' is printed) 
      fopen( filename, mode ) - opens file, returns 
      filehandle . Mode can be "r" - for reading, "w" for writing, "a" for 
      appending (and all other regular C-runtime library modes) 
      fclose( filehandle ); - closes file 
      fputs( string, filehandle ) - puts (writes) string to 
      fgets( filehandle ) - gets (reads) string from file 
      (returns string) 
      feof( filehandle ) - detects end-of-file marker ( 
      gives True - if end of file reached ) 
    PositionScore table is now shifted according to buy trade delay in 
    regular mode too. (it was shifted so in rotational mode already). Caveat: 
    make sure to set long and short delays to the same values if you are trading 
    both long and short sides, otherwise only long trades get correct ranks. 
    Note 2: PositionSize is not and was never shifted with trade delaysto 
    allow code for purchasing N stocks working with any delay, example 
    PositionSize = 5 * BuyPrice 
    added new option to File->Database Settings->Intraday settings 
    "Use local time for daily compression".All previous versions used 
    exchange or data vendor time to do build daily bars (this means that 
    regardless of your time shift settings daily bars looked the same because 
    they used exchange or data source time (for example if you are using 
    QuoteTracker it was US EST time) - this caused problems for Australian users 
    using QuoteTracker as data source because QuoteTracker reported ASX quotes 
    with US time that lead to invalid daily bars. Now if you check "Use local 
    time for daily compression" AmiBroker will use your local time (according to 
    'time shift' setting) to build daily bars. Note that switching this on means 
    that daily bars may look different when you change time zone (i.e. time 
    shift setting)
    ASCII importer: support for importing unadjusted Yahoo data performing 
    adjustment on the fly: 
      new field ADJCLOSE - to read adj. close column from 
      Yahoo. Works _only_ in conjunction with CLOSE field. When both CLOSE and 
      ADJCLOSE are present in the ASCII format definition then importer 
      calculates split factor by dividing ADJCLOSE/CLOSE. It then multiples 
      OPEN, HIGH, LOW and CLOSE fields by this factor and divides VOLUME field 
      by this factor. This effectively converts unadjusted prices to split 
      adjusted prices. Split ratio gets locked once ADJCLOSE drops below 
      new command $ROUNDADJ decimaldigits - causes 
      split-adjusted prices (see above) to be rounded to 'decimaldigits' 
      precision. By default no rounding is done.
      new command $RECALCSPLITS 1 - (off by default) causes 
      that splits are recalculated by AmiBrokerby the algorithm that tries 
      to construct correct adjusted price, based on inaccurate information 
      provided by Yahoo.Note that Yahoo provides only 2 decimal digits in 
      adj. close field therefore the more adj. close approaches zero due to 
      adjustements the error grows. The option $RECALCSPLITS 1 is intended to 
      address this problem (at least partially).It works as follows:1. 
      for each bar ratio ADJCLOSE/CLOSE is calculated2. if the ratio changes 
      in two consecutive bars by more than 10% it means thatsplit happened 
      that bar. True split ratio is guessed by matching true fractionin the 
      format of X/Y, where X and Y = 1..9, to the change in ratios.3. Then 
      true split ratio is used to adjust all past bars until new split is 
      new command $RAWCLOSE2OI 1 - (off by default) - 
      causes that OpenInterest field gets assigned CLOSE (raw close) field value 
      multiplied by 100
    new aqh.format file included in "formats" subfolder using new ASCII 
    importer commands to import and adjust prices from Yahoo. Compatible with 
    existing AmiQuote versions. Best regards,Tomasz 
  JaneczkoHope this helps.
  AmiBroker 4.46.1 Beta Read Me
  October 23, 2003 17:38 
  Backup your data files and entire AmiBroker folder 
  IMPORTANT: This archive is update-only. You have to install full 
  version 4.40 first. 
  Just run the installer and follow the instructions. 
  Then run AmiBroker. You should see "AmiBroker 4.46.1 beta" written in the 
  About box.
  See CHANGE LOG below for detailed list of changes.
  New backtest report
  New report is hugely enhanced compared to old one. It includes separate 
  statistics for all, long and short sides as well as large number of new 
  metrics. You can get short help on given figure by hovering your mouse over 
  given field name. You will see the description in the tooltip. Short 
  explanations are provided also below:
  Exposure % - modified since last release 
  -'Market exposure of the trading system calculated on bar by bar basis. Sum of 
  bar exposures divided by number of bars. Single bar exposure is the value of 
  open positions divided by portfolio equity.
  Net Risk Adjusted Return % - Net profit % divided by 
  Exposure %
  Annual Return % - Compounded Annual Return % (CAR)
  Risk Adjusted Return % - Annual return % divided by 
  Exposure %
  Avg. Profit/Loss - (Profit of winners + Loss of 
  losers)/(number of trades)
  Avg. Profit/Loss % - '(% Profit of winners + % Loss of 
  losers)/(number of trades)
  Avg. Bars Held - sum of bars in trades / number of 
  Max. trade drawdown - The largest peak to valley decline 
  experienced in any single trade
  Max. trade % drawdown - The largest peak to valley 
  percentage decline experienced in any single trade
  Max. system drawdown - The largest peak to valley decline 
  experienced in portfolio equity
  Max. system % drawdown - The largest peak to valley 
  percentage decline experienced in portfolio equityRecovery 
  Factor - Net profit divided by Max. system 
  drawdownCAR/MaxDD - Compound Annual % Return divided 
  by Max. system % drawdown
  RAR/MaxDD - Risk Adjusted Return divided by Max. system % 
  Profit Factor - Profit of winners divided by loss of 
  Payoff Ratio - Ratio average win / average 
  lossStandard Error - Standard error measures 
  chopiness of equity line. The lower the better.
  Risk-Reward Ratio - Measure of the relation between the 
  risk inherent in a trading the system compared to its potential gain. Higher 
  is better. Calculated as slope of equity line (expected annual return) divided 
  by its standard error.
  Ulcer Index - Square root of sum of squared drawdowns 
  divided by number of bars
  Ulcer Performance Index - (Annual profit - Tresury notes 
  profit)/Ulcer Index'>Ulcer Performance Index. Currently tresury notes 
  profit is hardcoded at 5.4. In future version there will be user-setting for 
  Sharpe Ratio of trades - Measure of risk adjusted return 
  of investment. Above 1.0 is good, more than 2.0 is very good. More information 
  . Calculation: first average percentage return and standard deviation of 
  returns is calculated. Then these two figures are annualized by multipling 
  them by ratio (NumberOfBarsPerYear)/(AvgNumberOfBarsPerTrade). Then the risk 
  free rate of return is subtracted (currently hard-coded 5) from annualized 
  average return and then divided by annualized standard deviation of 
  returns.K-Ratio - Detects inconsistency in returns. 
  Should be 1.0 or more. The higher K ratio is the more consistent return you 
  may expect from the system. Linear regression slope of equity line multiplied 
  by square root of sum of squared deviations of bar number divided by standard 
  error of equity line multiplied by square root of number of bars. More 
  information: Stocks & Commodities V14:3 (115-118): Measuring System 
  Performance by Lars N. Kestner
  Optimization in new portfolio backtester
  From version 4.43.0 BETA AmiBroker is able to perform optimizations on 
  portfolio level. The portfolio optimization uses familar function Optimize and 
  allows upto 10 variables to be optimized. You are able not only to optimize 
  parameters of indicators but you can also optimize portfolio-level settings 
  like maximum number of open positions, portfolio level position sizing, etc. 
  These settings are available via SetOption() function. New fields accepted by 
  SetOption include: SetOption("MaxOpenPositions"), SetOption("MinShares"). More 
  are on the way. 
  Also the portfolio optimizer gives much more statistics than old one 
  including metrics like Sharpe ratio, Risk Reward ratio, etc.
  New portfolio backtester
  IMPORTANT: Since the new backtester is not yet 
  complete. If you think that there is a bug please report it to <A 
  href="">bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with all details you 
  can give including: the formula, HTML report generated by AmiBroker, trade 
  list or detailed log, etc. 
  From version 4.42.0 BETA through some future betas there will be TWO 
  backtesters. The OLD one that is triggered by pressing "Backtest" or 
  "Optimize" button in the Automatic Analysis window. And NEW one, 
  portfolio-level backtester that is triggered by pressing "Portfolio BackTest" 
  or "Portfolio Optimize" button in Automatic Analysis window. 
  Old backtester is untouched and it works exactly the same way as in 
  pre-4.42 versions. I have decided to leave it for a while so you can 
  continue using old your own formulas, results, etc while checking out new 
  New backtester is not complete yet, but already provides substantial amount 
  of functionality to make it worthwhile to check it out.
  New backtester works on PORTFOLIO LEVEL, it means that 
  there is single portfolio equity and position sizing refers to portfolio 
  equity. Portfolio equity is equal to available cash plus sum of all 
  simultaneously open positions at given time. 
  IMPORTANT: to enable more than one symbol to be traded you 
  have to add PositionSize variable to your formula, so less than 100% of funds 
  are invested in single security:
  PositionSize = -25; // invest 25% of portfolio equity in single 
  PositionSize = 5000; // invest $5000 into single security
  You can use new PositionScore variable to decide which trades should be 
  entered if there are more entry signals on different securities than maximum 
  allowable number of open positions or available funds. In such case AmiBroker 
  will use the absolute value of PositionScore variable to decide which trades 
  are preferred. See the code below. It implements simple MA crossover system, 
  but with additional flavour of preferring entering trades on symbols that have 
  low RSI value. If more buy signals occur than available cash/max. positions 
  then the stock with lower RSI will be preferred. You can watch selection 
  process if you backtest with "Detailed log" report mode turned on.
  The code below includes also the example how to find optimum number of 
  simultaneously open positions using new Optimization in Porfolio mode.
  /******* REGULAR PORTFOLIO mode ** This sample 
  optimization** finds what is optimum number of positions open 
  simultaneously** ****/
  SetOption("InitialEquity", 20000 
  );SetTradeDelays(1,1,1,1);RoundLotSize = 1; 
  posqty = Optimize("PosQty", 4, 1, 20, 1 
  );SetOption("MaxOpenPositions", posqty);
  // desired position size is 100% portfolio equity// divided by 
  PosQty positionsPositionSize = -100/posqty; 
  // The system is very simple...// MA parameters 
  could be optimized too...p1 = 10;p2 = 22;// simple MA 
  crossoverShort=Cross( MA(C,p1) , MA(C,p2) );Buy=Cross( MA(C,p2) , 
  MA(C,p1) );// always in the market Sell=Short; 
  // now additional score // that is used to rank equities // 
  when there are more ENTRY signals that available// 
  positions/cashPositionScore = 100-RSI(); // prefer stocks that have low 
  Things NOT IMPLEMENTED yet in new portfolio backtester, to be done 
    futures support (point value, margin deposit, ticksize) 
    calculation of interest earnings 
    intra-bar detailed timing 
    OLE interface 
  Automatic Analysis Settings - Portfolio page
  - Max. Open Positions (previously known as "Max. traded") - the maximum 
  number of simultaneously open positions. .Settable also using 
  SetOption("MaxOpenPositions", number ) function.
  - Max. # of signals tracked per bar- the maximum number of 
  buy/sell/short/cover signals per single bar that AmiBroker will track. Should 
  be set to at least 2 * (Max. Open Positions) or more. Default of 100 should be 
  fine for most applications. May be removed in the future. Settable also using 
  SetOption("MaxTracked", number ) function.
  - Report mode - Trade list - shows regular trade list (as old backtester), 
  Detailed log - shows very detailed bar-by-bar log with scores, each entry and 
  exit separately reported, etc.
  - Min. shares - the minimum number of shares that are allowed to buy/short. 
  Backtester will not enter trades below that limit. Default = 1 is good for 
  Known differencies between statistics produced by 'old' and 'new' 
  (portfolio) backtester 
      Old backtester
      New (portfolio) backtester
      System and trade drawdown calculations based on
      Open/Close/H-L range (worst case) selectable in settings
      Close price only (regardless of settings) - subject to change
      Max. % trade drawdown
      Calculated based on total equity
      Calculated based on ACTUAL trade value at entry point.
      Stats available 
      for all trades only
      separately for long, short and all trades
      Futures backtesting (MarginDeposit, TickSize, PointValue)
      Not yet available
      Interest earnings calculation
      Not yet available
      Based on individual symbol equity 
        Based on portfolio equity.
        PositionSize = -25; 
        will enter 25% of current porfolio equity
      Trade statistics
      Include only closed trades, open trade is reported separately
      Include all trades (closed and those still open at the end of 
        analysis period). Any open trades are closed out at 'close' price 
      Positions taken
      Uses "Positions" selector in the Settings to include long, short or 
        both positions
      From version 4.43.0 portfolio backtest behaves the same (uses 
        "positions" selector)
      calculated regardless of position size (no matter on what is 
        position size if trade is taken for particular bar it assumes 100% 
        exposure at that bar)
      calculations include now (in 4.43.0) the total amount of open 
        positions compared to total portfolio equity. Exposure is calculated on 
        bar by bar basis so if only 50% funds are in open trade, then exposure 
        for this bar is 0.5. Then individual bar exposures are summed up and 
        divided by number of bars to produce exposure figure. This way true 
        market exposure is calculated.
      Multiple security testing
      N independent accounts (multiple single equity)
      Portfolio equity common to all symbols under 
  Multiple time frame support
  Release 4.41 brings ability to use multiple time frames (bar intervals) in 
  single formula. The time frame functions can be divided into 3 functional 
    switching time frame of build-in O, H, L, C, V, OI, Avg arrays: 
    TimeFrameSet, TimeFrameRestore 
    compressing/expanding single arrays to/from specified interval: 
    TimeFrameCompress, TimeFrameExpand 
    immediate access to price/volume arrays in different time frame: 
  First group is used when your formula needs to perform 
  some calculations on indicators in different time frame than currently 
  selected one. For example if you need to calculate 13-bar moving average on 5 
  minute data and 9 bar exponential avarage from hourly data while current 
  interval is 1 minute you would write:
  TimeFrameSet( in5Minute ); // switch to 5 minute 
  /* MA now operates on 5 minute data, ma5_13 holds time-compressed 13 
  bar MA of 5min bars */
  ma5_13 = MA( C, 13 ); 
  TimeFrameSet( inHourly ); // switch now 
  to hourly
  mah_9 = EMA( C, 9 ); // 9 bar moving average from hourly 
  TimeFrameRestore(); // restore time frame to 
  Plot( Close, "Price", colorWhite, styleCandle );
  // plot expanded average
  Plot( TimeFrameExpand( ma5_13, in5Minute), "13 bar 
  moving average from 5 min bars", colorRed );Plot( 
  TimeFrameExpand( mah_9, inHourly), "9 bar moving average from 
  hourly bars", colorRed );
  TimeFrameSet( interval ) - replaces 
  current built-in price/volume arrays: open, high, low, close, volume, openint, 
  avg with time-compressed bars of specified interval once you switched to a 
  different time frame all calculations and built-in indicators operate on 
  selected time frame. To get back to original interval call TimeFrameRestore() 
  funciton. Interval is time frame interval in seconds. For example: 60 is one 
  minute bar. You should use convenient constants for common intervals: 
  in1Minute, in5Minute, in15Minute, inHourly, inDaily, inWeekly, inMonthly.
  TimeFrameRestore() - restores price arrays replaced by 
  SetTimeFrame.Note that only OHLC, V, OI and Avg built-in variables are 
  restored to original time frame when you call TimeFrameRestore().All other 
  variables created when being in different time frame remain compressed. To 
  de-compress them to original interval you have to use TimeFrameExpand.
  Once you switch the time frame using TimeFrameSet, all AFL functions 
  operate on this time frame until you switch back the time frame to original 
  interval using TimeFrameRestore or set to different interval again using 
  TimeFrameSet. It is good idea to ALWAYS call TimeFrameRestore when you are 
  done with processing in other time frames.
  When time frame is switched to other than original interval the results of 
  all functions called since TimeFrameSet are time-compressed too. If you want 
  to display them in original time frame you would need to 'expand' them as 
  described later. Variables created and assigned before call to TimeFrameSet() 
  remain in the time frame they were created. This behaviour allows mixing 
  unlimited different time frames in single formula.
  Please note that you can only compress data from shorter interval to longer 
  interval. So when working with 1-minute data you can compress to 2, 3, 4, 5, 
  6, ....N-minute data. But when working with 15 minute data you can not get 
  1-minute data bars. In a similar way if you have only EOD data you can not 
  access intraday time frames.
  Second group: TimeFrameCompress/TimeFrameExpand allow to 
  compress and expand single arrays to / from different time frames. Especially 
  worth mentioning is TimeFrameExpand that is used to decompress array variables 
  that were created in different time frame. Decompressing is required to 
  properly display the array created in different time frame. For example if you 
  want to display weekly moving average it must be 'expanded' so the data of one 
  weekly bar covers five daily bars (Monday-Friday) of corresponding week.
  TimeFrameExpand( array, interval, mode = expandLast ) - 
  expands time-compressed array from 'interval' time frame to base time frame 
  ('interval' must match the value used in TimeFrameCompress or 
  TimeFrameSet)Available modes:expandLast - the compressed value is 
  expanded starting from last bar within given period (so for example weekly 
  close/high/low is available on Friday's bar)expandFirst - the compressed 
  value is expanded starting from first bar within given period (so for example 
  weekly open is available from Monday's bar)expandPoint - the resulting 
  array gets not empty values only for the last bar within given period (all 
  remaining bars are Null (empty)).
  Caveat: expandFirst used on price different than open may look into the 
  future. For example if you create weekly HIGH series, expanding it to daily 
  interval using expandFirst will enable you to know on MONDAY what was the high 
  for entire week.
  TimeFrameCompress is provided for completeness and it can be used when you 
  want to compress single array without affecting built-in OHLC,V arrays. If you 
  call TimeFrameCompress it does not affect results of other functions.
  wc = TimeFrameCompress( Close, inWeekly );
  /* now the time frame is still unchanged (say daily) and our MA will 
  operate on daily data */
  dailyma = MA( C, 14 );
  /* but if we call MA on compressed array, it will give MA from other 
  time frame */
  weeklyma = MA( wc, 14 ); // note that argument is time-compressed 
  Plot( dailyma, "DailyMA", colorRed );
  weeklyma = TimeFrameExpand( weeklyma, inWeekly ); // expand for 
  Plot( weeklyma, "WeeklyMA", colorBlue );
  During this formula the time frame remained at original setting we only 
  compressed single array.
  TimeFrameCompress( array, interval, mode = compressLast 
  )- compresses single array to given interval using given compression mode 
  available modes:compressLast - last (close) value of the array within 
  intervalcompressOpen - open value of the array within 
  intervalcompressHigh - highest value of the array within 
  intervalcompressLow - lowest value of the array within 
  intervalcompressVolume - sum of values of the array within 
  graph0 = TimeFrameExpand( TimeFrameCompress( Close, inWeekly, 
  compressLast ), inWeekly, expandLast );graph1 = TimeFrameExpand( 
  TimeFrameCompress( Open, inWeekly, compressOpen ), inWeekly, expandFirst 
  Third group consist of just one useful function: 
  TimeFrameGetPrice which allows to reference price and volume from other time 
  frames without switching /compressing/expanding time frames. Just one function 
  call to retrieve price from higher time frame. It allows also to reference not 
  only current but past bars from different time frames.
  TimeFrameGetPrice( pricefield, interval, shift = 0, mode = 
  expandFirst );- references OHLCV fields from other time frames. This works 
  immediatelly without need to call TimeFrameSet at all.Price field is one 
  of the following: "O", "H", "L", "C", "V", "I" (open interest). Interval is 
  bar interval in seconds. shift allows to reference past (negative values) and 
  future (positive values) data in higher time frame. For example -1 gives 
  previous bar's data (like in Ref function but this works in higher time 
  TimeFrameGetPrice( "O", inWeekly, -1 ) - gives you previous 
  week OPEN priceTimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inWeekly, -3 ) - gives 
  you weekly Close price 3 weeks agoTimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inWeekly, 
  -2 ) - gives you weekly High price 2 weeks 
  agoTimeFrameGetPrice( "O", inWeekly, 0 ) - gives you this 
  week open price.
  TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, -1 ) - gives previous day 
  high when working on intraday data
  Shift works as in Ref() function but it is applied to compressed time 
  Note these functions work like these 3 nested 
  functionsTimeFrameExpand( Ref( TimeFrameCompress( array, interval, 
  compress(depending on field used) ), shift ), interval, expandFirst 
  )therefore if shift = 0 compressed data may look into the future ( 
  weekly high can be known on monday ). If you want to write a trading system 
  using this function please make sure to reference PAST data by using negative 
  shift value.The only difference is that TimeFrameGetPrice is 2x faster 
  than nested Expand/Compress.
    Note on performance of TimeFrame functions:a) 
    Measurements done on Athlon 1.46GHz, 18500 daily bars compressed to weekly 
    time frameTimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inWeekly, 0 ) - 0.0098 sec (9.8 
    milliseconds)TimeFrameSet( inWeekly ) - 0.012 sec (12 
    milliseconds)TimeFrameRestore( ) - 0.006 sec (6 
    milliseconds)TimeFrameCompress( Close, inWeekly, compressLast ); - 
    0.0097 sec (9.7 milliseconds)TimeFrameExpand( array, inWeekly, 
    expandLast ); - 0.0098 sec (9.8 milliseconds)
    b) Measurements done on Athlon 1.46GHz, 1000 daily bars compressed to 
    weekly time frameall functions below 0.0007 sec (0.7 
  EXAMPLE 1: Plotting weekly MACD and cross arrows from daily data 
  TimeFrameSet( inWeekly );m = MACD(12, 26 ); // MACD from WEEKLY 
  m1 = TimeFrameExpand( m, inWeekly );
  Plot( m1, "Weekly MACD", colorRed );PlotShapes( Cross( m1, 0 ) 
  * shapeUpArrow, colorGreen );PlotShapes( Cross( 0, m1 ) * shapeDownArrow, 
  colorGreen );
  EXAMPLE 2: weekly candlestick chart overlaid on line daily price 
  wo = TimeFrameGetPrice( "O", inWeekly, 0, expandPoint );wh 
  = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inWeekly, 0, expandPoint );wl = 
  TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inWeekly, 0, expandPoint );wc = TimeFrameGetPrice( 
  "C", inWeekly, 0, expandPoint );
  PlotOHLC( wo, wh, wl, wc, "Weekly Close", colorWhite, styleCandle 
  );Plot( Close, "Daily Close", colorBlue ); 
  EXAMPLE 3: Simplified Triple screen system 
  /* switch to weekly time frame */TimeFrameSet( inWeekly 
  );whist = MACD( 12, 26 ) - Signal( 12, 26, 9 );wtrend = ROC( whist, 1 
  ); // weekly trend - one week change of weekly macd 
  /* expand calculated MACD to daily so we can use it with daily 
  signals */wtrend = TimeFrameExpand( wtrend, inWeekly );
  /* elder ray */bullpower= High - 
  ema(Close,13);bearpower= Low - ema(Close,13);
  Buy = wtrend > 0 /* 1st screen: positive weekly trend 
  */ANDbearpower < 0 and bearpower > Ref( bearpower, -1 ) /* 2nd 
  screen bear power negative but rising */ANDH > Ref( H, -1 ); /* 3rd 
  screen, if prices make a new high */
  BuyPrice = Ref( H, -1 ); // buy stop level;
  Sell = 0 ; // exit only by stopsApplyStop( stopTypeProfit, 
  stopModePercent, 30, True );ApplyStop( stopTypeTrailing, stopModePercent, 
  20, True );
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.46.1 (as compared to 4.46.0)
    scoreNoRotate now works again 
    small fix in regarding month boundary handling in "Use local time for 
    daily compression" mode.
    AA settings, new switch: "Add artificial future bar". When checked 
    AmiBroker adds tommorrow's bar and this enables you to see tommorrow's (or 
    next bar) trade recommendations when your system uses one bar delay. 
    Artificial future bar is a copy of last available data bar but has of course 
    incremented date and volume set to zero.
    two functions (where present in 4.46.0 but not 
    documented)IsFavourite() - returns 'true' if current symbol belongs to 
    favoritesIsIndex() - returns 'true' if current symbol belongs to index 
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.46.0 (as compared to 4.45.0)
    New AFL functions
      added NumToStr as synonum of WriteVal (as this 
      function did not 'write' anything, just returned string) 
      added StrToNum( string ) - converts string to numbe 
      added StrFind( string, substring ) - finds first 
      occurrence of substring in string. returns 0 if not found, otherwise 
      returns character index (one-based) of first occurrence 
      added StrFormat( formatstr, ... ) that performs 
      sprintf-like formatting and returns string 
      CategoryGetName( category, number) function - returns 
      name of category (market/group/sector/industry/watchlist) 
      CategoryGetSymbols( category, number ) added - 
      synonym to GetCategorySymbols
      CategoryAddSymbol( symbol, category, number ); - adds 
      the symbol to given category, note that for markets, groups, industries 
      'adding' means moving from one category to another, since the symbol is 
      assigned always to one and only one market, group, industry and sector. 
      This limitation does not apply to watchlists, favorites, and index 
      categories. When symbol string is empty ("") then current symbol is used. 
      CategoryRemoveSymbol( symbol, category, number ); - 
      removes the symbol to given category, note that for markets, groups, 
      industries 'removing' means moving from given category to category with 
      number zero, since the symbol is assigned always to one and only one 
      market, group, industry and sector. This limitation does not apply to 
      watchlists, favorites, and index categories. When symbol string is empty 
      ("") then current symbol is used.
    added new AFL functions for output/file handling (almost exactly like in 
    C run-time): 
      printf( formatstr, ... ) - output formatted text to 
      the commentary/interpretation (note 1: for numbers always use %f, %e or %g 
      formatting, %d or %x will not work because there are no integers in AFL, 
      note 2: as of now only numbers and arrays can now be printed. For arrays 
      'selected value' is printed) 
      fopen( filename, mode ) - opens file, returns 
      filehandle . Mode can be "r" - for reading, "w" for writing, "a" for 
      appending (and all other regular C-runtime library modes) 
      fclose( filehandle ); - closes file 
      fputs( string, filehandle ) - puts (writes) string to 
      fgets( filehandle ) - gets (reads) string from file 
      (returns string) 
      feof( filehandle ) - detects end-of-file marker ( 
      gives True - if end of file reached ) 
    PositionScore table is now shifted according to buy trade delay in 
    regular mode too. (it was shifted so in rotational mode already). Caveat: 
    make sure to set long and short delays to the same values if you are trading 
    both long and short sides, otherwise only long trades get correct ranks. 
    Note 2: PositionSize is not and was never shifted with trade delaysto 
    allow code for purchasing N stocks working with any delay, example 
    PositionSize = 5 * BuyPrice 
    added new option to File->Database Settings->Intraday settings 
    "Use local time for daily compression".All previous versions used 
    exchange or data vendor time to do build daily bars (this means that 
    regardless of your time shift settings daily bars looked the same because 
    they used exchange or data source time (for example if you are using 
    QuoteTracker it was US EST time) - this caused problems for Australian users 
    using QuoteTracker as data source because QuoteTracker reported ASX quotes 
    with US time that lead to invalid daily bars. Now if you check "Use local 
    time for daily compression" AmiBroker will use your local time (according to 
    'time shift' setting) to build daily bars. Note that switching this on means 
    that daily bars may look different when you change time zone (i.e. time 
    shift setting)
    ASCII importer: support for importing unadjusted Yahoo data performing 
    adjustment on the fly: 
      new field ADJCLOSE - to read adj. close column from 
      Yahoo. Works _only_ in conjunction with CLOSE field. When both CLOSE and 
      ADJCLOSE are present in the ASCII format definition then importer 
      calculates split factor by dividing ADJCLOSE/CLOSE. It then multiples 
      OPEN, HIGH, LOW and CLOSE fields by this factor and divides VOLUME field 
      by this factor. This effectively converts unadjusted prices to split 
      adjusted prices. Split ratio gets locked once ADJCLOSE drops below 
      new command $ROUNDADJ decimaldigits - causes 
      split-adjusted prices (see above) to be rounded to 'decimaldigits' 
      precision. By default no rounding is done.
      new command $RECALCSPLITS 1 - (off by default) causes 
      that splits are recalculated by AmiBrokerby the algorithm that tries 
      to construct correct adjusted price, based on inaccurate information 
      provided by Yahoo.Note that Yahoo provides only 2 decimal digits in 
      adj. close field therefore the more adj. close approaches zero due to 
      adjustements the error grows. The option $RECALCSPLITS 1 is intended to 
      address this problem (at least partially).It works as follows:1. 
      for each bar ratio ADJCLOSE/CLOSE is calculated2. if the ratio changes 
      in two consecutive bars by more than 10% it means thatsplit happened 
      that bar. True split ratio is guessed by matching true fractionin the 
      format of X/Y, where X and Y = 1..9, to the change in ratios.3. Then 
      true split ratio is used to adjust all past bars until new split is 
      new command $RAWCLOSE2OI 1 - (off by default) - 
      causes that OpenInterest field gets assigned CLOSE (raw close) field value 
      multiplied by 100
    new aqh.format file included in "formats" subfolder using new ASCII 
    importer commands to import and adjust prices from Yahoo. Compatible with 
    existing AmiQuote versions. 
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.45.0 (as compared to 4.44.1)
    score of 999999 is no longer recognized. Use constant scoreNoRotate 
    UI simplification:Rotational mode: separate settings for rotational 
    mode trade price and delay and worst rank held have been 
    removed.Rotational mode now uses buy price and buy delay settings from 
    "Trade" tab. You can also set delay from the code SetTradeDelays( 1, 1, 1, 1 
    ); will give you one bar delay. To set 'worst rank held' use SetOption 
    function in your formula:SetOption("WorstRankHeld", 5 );
    stops implemented in rotational trading mode (limitation: stops in 
    rotational mode can only be static, they can not change'stop amount' 
    from symbol to symbol or from bar to bar like in regular mode)
    re-entry delay implemented for all kind of stops
    user interface added in the settings for n-bar stops
    ApplyStop function now takes 6 parameters:ApplyStop( Type, Mode, 
    Amount, ExitAtStop = True, Volatile = False, ReentryDelay = 0 )
    rotational mode docs moved to <A 
    target=_blank>this page 
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.44.1 (as compared to 4.44.0)
    fixed problem with rotational mode, trading price: open 
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.44.0 (as compared to 
    fixed crash with 'detail mode' and large number of open positions/ranks 
    max. in-memory cache size can be set now to 20000 (please note that 
    this large cache requires lots of RAM (more than 
    listview copy to clipboard feature now copies also column header 
    SetForeign( ticker, fixup = True, tradeprices = False) and 
    RestorePriceArrays( tradeprices = False ) have new flag now: 
    tradeprices (False by default)
    when tradeprices is set to TRUE, then not only OHLC, V, OI, Avg arrays 
    are set to foreign symbol values, but also BuyPrice, SellPrice, ShortPrice, 
    CoverPrice, PointValue, TickSize, RoundLotSize, MarginDeposit variables are 
    set to correspond to foreign security.
    This allows Equity() to work well with 
    // your rulesbuy = ...sel = ...SetForeign("MSFT", 
    True, True );e = Equity(); // backtest on MSFTRestorePriceArrays( 
    True ); // <- should match parameter used in 
    Name(), FullName(), GetExtraData() work well with SetForeign() (i.e. 
    give foreign name/data instead of currently 
    SetOption("PriceBoundChecking", False ); - disables checking and 
    adjusting buyprice/sellprice/coverprice/shortprice arrays to current symbol 
    High-Low range.
    % profit added to detailed log mode
    fixed bug in portfolio backtester occuring when 'allow same bar exit' 
    was turned off and 'immediate stops' was turned on 2 buys and 2 sells 
    occurred the in 2 bars in row
    Auto Analysis/Settings,setting modified "portfolio report mode: trade 
    list/detailed log" moved to "report" tab
    Auto Analysis/Settings, rotational mode: added selection of trade price 
    and trade delay to portfolio settings page
    Auto Analysis/Settings, portfolio backtester (both regular and 
    rotational modes): added ability to pad and align all symbols to reference 
    symbol. Note: by default this setting is OFF. Use responsibly. It may slow 
    down backtest and introduce some slight changes to indicator values when 
    your data has holes and holes are filled with previous bar data. The feature 
    is intended to be used ONLY when your system uses general market timing 
    (generates global signals based on data and/or indicators calculated using 
    Foreign from 'reference' symbol). Note 2: if reference symbol does not 
    exist, data won't be padded.
    Auto Analysis/Settings, report tab: added ability to define risk-free 
    rates for Sharpe and Ulcer Performance Index 
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.43.2 (as compared to 
    backtester generates now error message when someone attempts to use 
    buy/sell/short/cover signals in rotational mode
    column headings fixed in AA porfolio backtest report 
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.43.0 (as compared to 
    Portfolio Optimize mode added 
    in regular backtest mode now it is possible to specify the score of the 
    symbol (on bar-by-bar basis) via PositionScore variable. In this mode the 
    score is used only at trade ENTRY to decide which securities should be 
    traded in case when there are more simultaneous entry signals than max. 
    allowable positions or available funds. AmiBroker will 'prefer' securities 
    with higher absolute value of the score. If PositionScore is not used then 
    it is assumed to be 1 for all securities.
    NOTE: regular mode must be used for all your backtesting except the 
    cases when you want rotational-trading (fund switching). Only regular mode 
    uses buy/sell/short/cover signals.
    rotational-trading mode must now be turned on by calling new 
    EnableRotationalTrading() function at the top of your 
    AA / Settings / Portfolio:1. Max. Traded renamed to more 
    meaningfull "Max. Open Positions" - defines the maximum number of positions 
    (trades) that can be open simultaneously (at any time)2. Max. Ranked 
    renamed to more meaningfull "Worst Rank Held" (rotational trading mode only) 
    - must be equal or greater than max. open positions, if it is greater than 
    Max. open positions then once a position is taken in a security it will not 
    be exited until the ranking of that security drops below "Worst Rank 
    "Allow same day exit (single bar trade)" now affects Portfolio test 
    SetOption() calls affect Portfolio backtest now 
    fixed Avg Profit/Loss figures in "all trades" section of portfolio 
    added average PERCENT profit/loss figures
    internal accuracy of calculations of LinearReg, LinRegSlope, 
    LinRegIntercept, StdErr, TSF raised from 32 bit floating point to 64 bit 
    floating point
    fix: rotational trading mode does not enter position when score is 
    fixed column setup in AA
    other minor fixes
    as a temporary solution for people using Rx new version now uses 
    HTMLView2.exe (that is shipped with the beta) to display the portfolio 
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.42.0 (as compared to 
    first (incomplete) early beta version of the portfolio 
    fixed plot of Null arrays using styleArea 
    fixed display problem with % progress in single-stock optimization 
    other minor fixes
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.41.2 (as compared to 4.41.1)
    now Sum produces values for periods upto and including BarCount, so 
    Sum( array, BarCount ) gives the value instead of Null 
    fixed problem with saving parameters on exit when the user did not 
    specify default value for string parameter using ParamStr("name", "")
    fixed 38-byte memory leak when returning values from user-defined 
    real-time mode: after AFL syntax error commentary AFL editor is not 
    refreshed until error is fixed and user presses 'apply'
    eSignal 1.6.0 plugin (available separately from<A 
      much quicker backfills
      implemented force-reconnect feature in eSignal plugin
      fixed minor timing issue in eSignal plugin 
      implemented workaround to invalid tick numbers sent sometimes by 
      eSignal's data manager. 
    thanks to all users for reporting errors and helping ironing out 
    outstanding issues.
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.41.1 (as compared to 4.41.0)
    fixed chart refresh locking that happened when user was drawing some 
    object and abandonend it by pressing ESC key.
    View->Refresh and View->Refresh All menus now reset internal 
    chart refresh lock flag just in case.
    plugin status is refreshed more often
    maximum number of chart sheets increased to 60 (Caveat: when you 
    increase the number of sheets you would not be able to use the layouts with 
    OLDER versions of the software)
    TimeFrameSet() now affects result of Interval() AFL function. 
    TimeFrameRestore() resets it back.
    Plot() makes copies of OHL arrays when styleCandle or styleBar is used 
    so statements likeSetForeign("AAPL");Plot( C, "Price", 
    colorYellow, styleCandle );SetForeign("MSFT");Plot( C, "Price 2", 
    colorBlue, styleCandle );plot correctly. Previously one would 
    need to use PlotOHLC() or PlotForeign()
    separate heap for syntax tree walker implemented, so larger AFL 
    programs like PortfolioTrader should execute faster while retaining the 
    speed improvement gained in 4.40.4 for small formulas.
  CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.41.0 (as compared to 4.40.4)
    legacy 'stoch()' function removed. Use StochK and StochD instead.
    weekly / monthly charts are not affected by intraday compression 
    settingsin preferences any more and always use last available day date for 
    time stamp of time-compressed bar. 
    Pref: Misc: auto-hide timeout field: added check for allowed values 
    from 1...32
    TimeFrameSet( interval ) function implemented- 
    replaces current price/volume arrays: open, high, low, close, volume, 
    openint, avg with time-compressed bars of specified interval once you 
    switched to a different time frame all calculations and built-in indicators 
    operate on selected time frame. To get back to original interval call 
    TimeFrameRestore() funciton.
    TimeFrameRestore()- restores price arrays replaced 
    by SetTimeFrame. 
    Note that only OHLC, V, OI and Avg built-in variables are restored to 
    original time frame when you call TimeFrameRestore(). All other variables 
    created when being in different time frame remain compressed. To de-compress 
    them to original interval use TimeFrameExpand
    TimeFrameCompress( array, interval, mode = 
    compressLast )- compresses single array to given interval using given 
    mode, available modes:compressLast - last (close) value of the array 
    within intervalcompressOpen - open value of the array within 
    intervalcompressHigh - highest value of the array within 
    intervalcompressLow - lowest value of the array within 
    intervalcompressVolume - sum values of the array within 
    TimeFrameExpand( array, interval, mode = expandLast 
    )- expands time-compressed array from 'interval' time 
    frame('interval' must match the value used in TimeFrameCompress or 
    TimeFrameSet)Available modes:
      expandLast - the compressed value is expanded starting from last bar 
      within given period (so for example weekly close/high/low is available on 
      Friday's bar)
      expandFirst - the compressed value is expanded starting from first 
      bar within given period(so for example weekly open is available from 
      Monday's bar)
      expandPoint - the resulting array gets not empty values only for the 
      last bar within given period (all remaining bars are Null 
      (empty))Caveat: expandFirst used on price different than open may look 
      into the future.For example if you create weekly HIGH series, 
      expanding it to daily interval using expandFirst will enable you to know 
      on MONDAY what was the high for entire week.graph0 = 
      TimeFrameExpand( TimeFrameCompress( Close, inWeekly, compressLast ), 
      inWeekly, expandLast );graph1 = TimeFrameExpand( TimeFrameCompress( 
      Open, inWeekly, compressOpen ), inWeekly, expandFirst 
    TimeFrameGetPrice( pricefield, interval, shift = 0, 
    mode = expandFirst );- references OHLCV fields from other time 
    frames.This works immediatelly without need to call 
    TimeFrameSetTimeFrameGetPrice( "O", inWeekly, -1 ) 
    - gives you previous week OPEN priceTimeFrameGetPrice( "C", 
    inWeekly, -3 ) - gives you weekly Close price 3 weeks 
    agoTimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inWeekly, -2 ) - gives you 
    weekly High price 2 weeks agoTimeFrameGetPrice( "O", inWeekly, 0 
    ) - gives you this week open price.TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", 
    inDaily, -1 ) - gives previous day high when working on intraday 
    dataPrice field is one of the following"O", "H", "L", "C", 
    "V", "I" (open interest)Shift works as in Ref() function but it is 
    applied to compressed time frame.Note these functions work like these 3 
    nested functionsTimeFrameExpand( Ref( TimeFrameCompress( array, 
    interval, compress(depending on field used) ), shift ), interval, 
    expandFirst )therefore if shift = 0 compressed data may look into 
    the future ( weekly high can be known on monday ). If you want to write a 
    trading system using this function please make sure to reference PAST data 
    by using negative shift value.The only difference is that 
    TimeFrameGetPrice is 2x faster than nested Expand/Compress.
    new interval / timeframe constants:in1Minute = 
    60in5Minute = 5 * 60 in15Minute = 
    15 * 60 inHourly = 3600 inDaily = 
    24 * 3600inWeekly = 5 * 24 * 3600 
    inMonthly = 25 * 24 * 3600 
    compressLast = 0 
    compressOpen = 1 compressHigh = 2 
    compressLow = 3 compressVolume = 4 
    expandLast = 0 expandFirst = 1 
    expandPoint = 2 
    SetForeign( 'ticker' )- replaces current 
    price/volume arrays with those of foreign security, returns True if ticker 
    exists, False otherwise.If ticker does not exist (and function returns 
    false) price arrays are not changed at all.Equivalent to the 
    following sequence:C = Foreign( "ticker", "C" );O = Foreign( 
    "ticker", "O" );H = Foreign( "ticker", "H" );L = Foreign( "ticker", 
    "L" );V = Foreign( "ticker", "V" );OI = Foreign( "ticker", "I" 
    );Avg = ( C + H + L )/3;but 6x faster (SetForeign takes 
    about the same time as single foreign). To restore original prices 
    callRestorePriceArrays();EXAMPLE:SetForeign( "MSFT" 
    );dm = MACD(); // dm holds MACD of MSFT regardless of currently selected 
    symbolRestorePriceArrays();Plot( dm, "MACD of MSFT", colorRed 
    );Plot( MACD(), "MACD of " + Name(), colorBlue );
    RestorePriceArrays();restores arrays overwritten 
    by SetForeign/TimeFrameSet
  If you experience any problem with this beta version please send detailed 
  description of the problem (especially the steps needed to reproduce it) to <A 
  href="">bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Send 
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  AmiQuote-related messages ONLY to: amiquote@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Web page: <A 
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