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[amibroker] OT: Some interesting reading on recent Gold price Movements

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      How Governments Manipulate the 
      Gold Market - A Primer
      Copyright © 2003 by Freemarket 
      Gold & Money Report. All Rights Reserved.
      First published on October 6, 
      2003 in FGMR #332
      After gold trading closed in New York on Friday $13.70 lower from the 
      previous day, a Reuters article gave the following reason for gold's rout: 
      "Gold tumbled 3.5 percent in New York on Friday as the first rise in 
      U.S. payrolls in eight months lifted anxiety about economic growth and 
      undermined the safe-haven case for bullion days after it had hit 
      seven-year highs."
      Their point of view sounds plausible I suppose, though I think the 
      recent "seven-year highs" in gold are far more telling about gold's 
      prospects than any one month's economic data. But regardless of whether 
      Reuters conclusion makes economic sense or not, the payrolls data was 
      released at 8.30am, and gold's sell-off didn't start until 12.10pm, almost 
      fours hours later. Therefore, did we see a delayed knee-jerk reaction to 
      the data? Or was some other factor at work?
      In my view, it was clearly the latter. It is now becoming a well-known 
      'secret' that governments are trying to manage the gold price by actively 
      intervening in the gold market, and Friday's trading was a good example of 
      their fiddling with the free-market process. Here are some pointers for 
      everyone interested in learning how governments intervene in the gold 
      (1) Work with a proxy. The US Exchange Stabilization Fund is the 
      ringleader of the government's manipulation efforts, but it never enters 
      the market directly itself, regardless whether it is intervening in the 
      currency or the gold market. It works with proxies in order to cover its 
      tracks. The secretive ESF places its orders to intervene with the Federal 
      Reserve Bank of New York, which carries out all intervention for the US 
      government as well as all orders from foreign central banks placed for 
      execution during US market hours. 
      When asked about its activity, the FRBNY never discloses for whom it is 
      acting, claiming that its account agreements bind it to respect the 
      confidentiality of its customers. But this approach is still not enough to 
      hide the tracks of the ESF and the various governments who intervene to 
      distort normal market forces. They want more cover, so the FRBNY places 
      these government instigated trading orders with the big New York banks. 
      Because these banks have such huge trading volume, the logic is that 
      government instigated trading will be hidden amidst the huge order flow 
      handled by these banks. 
      This line of attack to hide the government's trades works, except when 
      the government's orders are so huge and one-sided that they overwhelm 
      normal market forces. So it stands to reason that the repetitive and 
      continuing entry by banks like Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley on the sell 
      side of the gold market at particularly critical market junctures and at 
      unusual times smacks of government intervention. This unholy alliance, 
      also known to some as the Washington/Wall Street Axis, demonstrates that 
      these two forces are in bed with each other to serve their mutual benefit. 
      The banks that act as government agents aim to make money anyway they can, 
      even if it means taking despicable steps that are unfair and harmful to 
      those unaware when the government intervenes. For its part, the government 
      aims to distort markets from operating normally. Why does the government 
      do this? 
      Because market prices communicate information, sometimes that 
      information runs counter to what governments would like us to hear and 
      believe. So governments intervene in a market by preventing it from 
      alerting us of the market-message that governments don't want us to hear. 
      For example, we all know that the message of a rising gold price means 
      that the dollar is headed for rough times, which is useful and important 
      knowledge. But the government is more concerned about protecting its own 
      interests and those of the banks who help it manipulate markets, rather 
      than letting us receive a useful market-message to help protect our 
      (2) Wait until after the London market closes, which because of 
      the time change is 12.00 noon New York time. The London market is 
      basically a market for physical gold, while New York trades paper, which 
      just represents promises to pay gold. There's a big difference between 
      these two markets. It is easy to manipulate paper because all a government 
      has to do is to create these paper promises 'out of thin air', just like 
      they do all the time when they intervene in the foreign exchange markets. 
      But governments cannot create physical gold 'out of thin air'.
      Therefore, they tend to stay away from the London market, and only put 
      physical gold into their market interventions sparingly because once they 
      are out of physical (or unwilling to use what they have left, which was 
      the case with President Nixon in 1971), their intervention game is over. 
      On Friday gold closed in London at $382.75, $13.35 above the New York 
      close only 1½ hours later. So clearly, the government through its 
      compliant bank agents only bombed the paper market.
      (3) Intervene on a Friday afternoon in order to have the maximum 
      impact from your intervention. The reason is clear because after 12.00 
      noon New York time, not only is London closed, but the rest of the world 
      is closed as well. This afternoon period in New York represents the moment 
      when the least amount of liquidity is in the market. So if government 
      interveners want 'more bang for their buck', they can get it when the rest 
      of the world is asleep or already enjoying their weekend. 
      The limited liquidity that is the dominant characteristic of the New 
      York market on Friday afternoon makes it easier for the interveners to get 
      bigger price moves, which then gives them a corollary benefit. A big price 
      move can scare people, particularly when they have the whole weekend to 
      think and worry about what the next week will bring. That result gives 
      governments even more 'bang for their buck'.
      (4) Just keep selling & selling. When you intervene in the 
      market on a Friday afternoon with the intention of forcing the market 
      lower, you begin selling short. Because you are the government and you are 
      only creating promises to pay gold 'out of thin air', you just keep 
      selling and selling until you hit key sell-stops resting in the market. 
      After all, who is going to give the government a margin call? 
      Consequently, there is no practical limit as to how many paper promises 
      the government can sell. So how much do they sell? Simple, they sell 
      enough until they complete their task, which is to drive the market lower. 
      But they also use the market itself to help them accomplish their 
      objective of lowering the gold price. Here is how they do it. 
      It was no secret that $378 had become an important support point, and 
      that consequently, it was obvious that a large number of longs had placed 
      sell-stops under that level, or intended to sell if that level was broken. 
      So let's assume that the government starts selling and selling and that it 
      takes them 20,000 contracts in thin Friday afternoon trading to force the 
      market down to the point where the $378 level is broken. The government's 
      selling is now complete. Its mission is accomplished because of the new 
      selling that is generated when support at $378 is broken. The market is 
      now being driven lower by the longs who begin selling to cut losses or 
      protect profits. 
      As the market heads further below $378 support, more and more 
      sell-stops are generated because the snowball started by the government is 
      now rolling downhill on its own momentum. Then the government interveners 
      step back in and slowly begin buying back their 20,000 contract short 
      'paper gold' position as the gold price heads down. They buy what the 
      longs are now selling, enabling the government to cover its short 
      The net result is that the government ends the day with no position, 
      and assuming they made $8 per ounce on average (which is not an 
      unreasonable assumption given Friday's $13 drubbing), the government walks 
      away with $160 million picked from the pocket of the longs - loot that it 
      splits with the banks who acted as their agent. More importantly to the 
      government, it achieved its primary objective, which is to distort the 
      free-market process by forcing a lower gold price, thus hindering yet 
      again the market-message that the dollar is in trouble and that people 
      should be stocking up with gold for the tough times ahead. And the 
      government did it without using one ounce of physical metal.
      So that's how they do it. Further proof will emerge later today when 
      Comex reports Friday's drop in open interest. It may not be 20,000 
      contracts, but I would be surprised if it is less than 12,000. But if the 
      drop turns out to be less than 8,000 contracts, given Friday's estimated 
      volume of 165,000 contracts (of which 125,000 apparently occurred after 
      12.10 when the government started intervening), then the shorts are in 
      real trouble. 
      A small drop in open interest would mean that too few longs were scared 
      out of the market in Friday's price plunge, and that as a consequence, the 
      longs are tenacious in looking for higher prices. In that case, the shorts 
      with their huge position have become even more vulnerable. Further, if 
      open interest drops by less than 8,000 contracts, look for gold to quickly 
      rally, back into the $375-$385 range seen the past four weeks.
      Do I have documents proving the government intervention I discuss 
      above? No, but the body of evidence developed over the past few years by 
      me (see www.fgmr.com), <A 
      href="" target=_blank>www.GATA.org, Reg Howe (see 
      <A href="" 
      target=_blank>www.goldensextant.com), Frank Veneroso (see <A 
      as well as many others is not only huge and compelling, but this body of 
      evidence continues to grow. What's more, I've just made a new discovery, 
      but let me start with a little background information.
      Back in December 2000 I wrote "The Smoking Gun" <A 
      target=_blank>http://www.fgmr.com/smokegun.htm and noted the 
      discrepancy between the size of the US gold stock published by the Federal 
      Reserve in its monthly Bulletin, which included "gold held by the 
      ESF" in its report, and the size of the gold stock published by the US 
      Treasury in its monthly Bulletin. The two reports were different, 
      establishing that the ESF held gold or owed gold (because in some months 
      the discrepancy was a negative balance) at the month-end record dates in 
      which there was a discrepancy, which was virtually every month from the 
      end of 1996 to my December 2000 publication date. 
      Then less than two months after the publication of my discovery, the 
      Federal Reserve in February 2001 inexplicably changed its reporting of the 
      gold stock to delete any reference to the ESF, thus making its record of 
      the size of the US gold stock equal to the Treasury's report. This hasty 
      change by the Fed is reported in: <A 
      This after the fact 'adjustment' to US government reports was 
      revealing, given that the government felt sufficiently compelled to hide 
      further the tracks of the ESF to make this embarrassing change to its 
      reports. But that appeared to be the end of this little window into the 
      operation of the shadowy ESF because the Fed was no longer reporting the 
      US gold reserve plus the ESF's gold balance. Or so I thought.
      Recently I was analyzing the Fed's audited balance sheet released in 
      its 2002 annual report, and I noticed that the discrepancy has reappeared. 
      As of December 31, 2002, the Federal Reserve reports $11,039 million in 
      its Gold Certificate Account, but as of the same day, the US Treasury 
      Bulletin reported the US Gold Reserve to be $11,043 million. At the 
      $42.22 book value used to record these entries, there is a discrepancy of 
      94,741 ounces of gold on that one day. What is the reason for this 
      divergence in these two reports?
      It seems obvious that this difference is the weight of gold held by the 
      ESF, which used to be reported by the Federal Reserve in its monthly 
      Bulletin. The divergence between the two reports has again 
      reappeared because the Fed can report in its monthly Bulletin 
      whatever it wants to include, or in this case, exclude. But it cannot 
      exclude the impact of the ESF on its year-end financial statement because 
      if it did, it auditors, KPMG, would not give an unqualified opinion in the 
      audit. So even though the Fed, presumably under the direction of the ESF, 
      tried to re-write history by changing their monthly unaudited reports, in 
      the end they failed because their manipulation of the gold market has now 
      been exposed in the Fed's audited financial statements, which raises an 
      interesting question. 
      Does this blatant management of the gold market by the US government 
      mean that we should not buy gold? Definitely not, unless you would rather 
      rely upon the hollow promises of politicians instead of the proven and 
      reliable trustworthiness of gold. And regardless of any short-term 
      considerations such as Friday's trading action in the paper market for 
      gold, consider instead the important long-term case for gold. Recently, it 
      was summed up wonderfully by fund manager John Embry. His article - "15 
      Fundamental Reasons to Own Gold" - has been posted to the GoldMoney 
      website, so there is no need to get into it here, except to say that the 
      long-term potential for gold is truly outstanding. See: <A 
      target=_blank>http://goldmoney.com/en/commentary.php. Each of John's 
      fifteen reasons offers sufficient incentive in itself to continue buying 
      and accumulating gold each month as your cash-flow allows.
      In summary, government manipulators and their bank agents won another 
      battle on Friday to keep the gold price under control. However, it is 
      clear that they are losing the war. 
      Since touching $252 over four years ago, gold has been in a primary 
      bull market. There is a steady and resilient worldwide movement out of 
      national currencies into gold, and given all the fundamental reasons to 
      own gold in preference to any national currency, I expect that gold's 
      primary bull market will continue.
      Consequently, Friday's setback will soon be forgotten, and while it 
      hurts to see any market trashed in this way by the government, there is a 
      bright side to it. Friday's late-day sell-off has no doubt converted many 
      more, who had been skeptical, about government manipulation in the gold 
      market. Yes, even though the government intervenes in seemingly every 
      market, there still are some who believe that the government doesn't 
      intervene in the gold market. But that group is rapidly declining in 
      number, and not only because of blatant manipulations like the one that 
      occurred on Friday. Another factor is at work.
      All one has to do is look at the dollar and its bleak prospects. Given 
      that sorry future, it is no wonder that people are increasingly moving 
      into gold, which explains the recent "seven-year highs" in gold noted in 
      the Reuters article. When one sees what is happening to the dollar, they 
      opt for gold regardless of the government manipulation. The ongoing 
      destruction of the purchasing power of the dollar and the relative 
      undervaluation of gold increasingly makes gold the prudent choice. <A 
      href="">Return to FGMR's 

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