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[amibroker] Re: AmiQuote 1.54

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Thank you, Tomasz. Much appreciated.


--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Tomasz Janeczko" <tj@xxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> A new version of AmiQuote 1.54 has been just released to
> http://www.amibroker.com/bin/aq1540.exe
> This is mainly bug-fix release.
> Best regards,
> Tomasz Janeczko
> amibroker.com
>       AmiQuote Read Me 
> AmiQuote 1.54 Read Me ( April 11, 2003 )
>   AmiQuote is a companion program to AmiBroker stock 
charting/analysis software. 
>   The main purpose of AmiQuote is to simplify and automate 
>   a.. current day and historical EOD quotation data from Yahoo! 
Finance sites (FREE) 
>   b.. delayed intraday/daily bars data from Quote.com servers. 
(LiveCharts subscription required) 
>   c.. historical EOD quotes from MSN Money Central (FREE) 
>   d.. historical EOD quotes from eSignal Central (FREE) 
>   AmiQuote performs downloads using multiple threads allowing you 
to fully utilise your connection bandwidth. 
>   a.. fixed problem with sometimes misleading "import 
failed", "aqe.format missing" messages 
>   b.. Source: eSignal Central stays selected between sessions 
>   c.. other bug fixes 
>   a.. added new EOD data source: eSignal Central featuring all US 
exchanges, European exchanges, Futures, Currencies / Forex. 
>   b.. added data-source sensitive symbol search (Tools->Symbol 
Search) - automatically opens web page with symbol lookup for data 
source selected in the "Source" combo-box. 
>   a.. added initial delay between requests (delay that is added 
before attempt to download each new symbol data) to the Settings 
page. It is defined in milliseconds (1/1000 part of the second). It 
should help the owners of very fast connections to slow down AmiQuote 
and avoid problems with Yahoo rejecting too frequent requests. 
>   a.. Added support for MSN Money Central. End-of-day historical 
stocks, mutual funds, currencies US, Canada, Japan, Australia and 
major European exchanges. See 
>   and this http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/research/welcome.asp
>   to learn about symbols used by MSN. You have to have aqm.format 
file (supplied with this install) copied to AmiBroker's Formats 
subdirectory to make auto-import from MSN feature work) 
>   b.. Added symbol translation table ( Tools->Symbol Translation 
Table menu ) that allows to get symbols from alternative source 
without need to rename tickers in AmiBroker. It can be used for 
example to update Yahoo database from MSN. If you define ^DJI, $INDU 
pair AmiQuote will issue request for $INDU to MSN server when the 
ticker list contains ^DJI (Yahoo-style symbol). A sample translation 
is included (msn.translations file - loaded automatically at 
>   c.. Added some checks for Quote.com mode so it displays correct 
error message if "feature available to subscribers" is received from 
Quote.com server 
>   d.. Added check for operating system reserved names like PRN.AX - 
they are renamed to PR_.AX to allow storing such file in windows 
(should I say MSDOS) operating system. 
>   e.. removed obsolete "country" combo box and other cleanups. 
>   a.. Retrieving ticker list from AmiBroker is 10 times faster now 
(requires AmiBroker 4.00 or higher), so Tools->Auto-update quotes 
start in 2-3 seconds for 7000+ symbols 
>   a.. New URL for requesting historical data from Yahoo is used. 
>   b.. Appropriate error message is displayed if downloaded file 
contains HTML tags (message: "Error in downloading") or has only one 
header line (message "No data for this symbol") 
>   a.. Definable proxy server, port, user name and password in the 
Settings dialog allows using AmiQuote in corporate environments 
>   b.. (experimental) ability to specify Livecharts user/password 
for intraday Quote.com server (Setting page) - the Livecharts 
password needs to be entered in the encrypted form see 
http://www.amibroker.com/members/ for the details. 
>   a.. AmiQuote now supports 3 different intraday Quote.com servers. 
You can select one in Tools->Settings "Intraday server" 
>   a.. bug fix: solved problem with renaming of tickers 
with "COM", "AUX", "LPT" substrings. Now only full ticker symbol is 
matched (not substring) 
>   b.. bug fix: "Number of symbols per request (current mode)" does 
not switch back to 1 anymore when the settings page is opened 
>   a.. rewritten downloading code - more robust - closes "dead" 
connections and includes auto-retry feature 
>   b.. settings dialog now allows to define the number of auto-
retries, delay between retries, connection and receive timeouts used 
to detect not responding connections 
>   c.. colon character ':' in the ticker name is automatically 
replaced by underscore '_' to avoid problems with file system not 
allowing colon in the file name. 
>   a.. 5-min and larger intervals work correctly now 
>   b.. daily interval added for downloads from Quote.com servers 
(allowing you to get quotes of E-minis for example not supported by 
>   a.. Download delayed intra-day bar data (1-min, 5-min, 15-min, 60-
min, 120-min bars) for US securities 
>   b.. Simplified download historical and daily data from 50 
international exchanges (one setting works for all exchanges) 
>   c.. Ability to run downloads automatically in user-defined 
>   d.. AmiQuote is now shareware. The evaluation version is FULLY 
functional and has NO time limit, so you can use it as long as you 
wish, but if you like the program and use it often you are encouraged 
to purchase life-time license for only $25. Click here to buy 
>   a.. Retrieving multiple symbols data in one request (current mode 
only) - provides huge speed-up for download in "current" mode. Number 
of symbols definable in the Settings. 
>   b.. User-definable number of simultaneous downloads 
>   a.. Fully automatic updates of AmiBroker database (US & Canada 
markets only) 
>   b.. Editing and saving ticker lists 
>   c.. Integration with AmiBroker (retrieving ticker lists and last 
update date) 
>   d.. Better error handling and greatly improved stability 
>   e.. Selective downloads 
>   f.. Support for updating mutual fund quotes (close price only) 
>   g.. Support for appending data files 
>   h.. User-defined destination folder 
>   i.. Settings are preserved between sessions 
>   j.. added support for Argentina, Brazil, China, Denmark, Hong 
Kong, India, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan 
(version 1.21)
>   If you have installed AmiBroker already, no special installation 
of AmiQuote is required. Just unzip AmiQuote package to a separate 
directory (the default is "C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\AmiQuote"). If 
you haven't installed AmiBroker yet it is recommended to do so, 
because AmiQuote uses MFC libraries (version 6.0) that are supplied 
with AmiBroker.
> Note: this procedure works only if you have AmiBroker installed:
>   1.. Launch AmiBroker and AmiQuote 
>   2.. Choose Tools->Auto-update AmiBroker database (or 
corresponding toolbar button) 
>   AmiQuote loads (or retrieves from AmiBroker) a ticker list file 
(.TLS) which is simple ASCII file with ticker symbols, then parses it 
and downloads data from either Yahoo Finance or Quote.com servers. 
Then, when you start the download process, it requests the data from 
Yahoo and stores downloaded data in the separate .AQD (daily) or .AQH 
(historical) or .AQI (intraday bar) files for each ticker. After 
download, if AmiBroker is running, AmiQuote will import the quotes 
into AmiBroker automaticaly.
>   Below you will find some tips on using AmiQuote 1.2 with and 
without AmiBroker. More detailed instructions will be provided with 
the upcoming AmiBroker 3.65.
> Using AmiQuote in stand-alone mode
>   Although AmiQuote is provided as a companion program to AmiBroker 
it is however possible to use it without AmiBroker. Here is a simple 
procedure of downloading quotes using stand-alone AmiQuote:
>     1.. Launch AmiQuote 
>     2.. Open supplied example file DJIA.TLS in the directory DJIA
>     This will load example ticker list (components of Dow Jones 
Industrial Average) 
>     3.. Choose between downloading current or historical or 
intraday interval bar quotes (intraday interval bars are available 
only for US exchanges) 
>     4.. Click on green arrow toolbar button (Start download)
>     now for a couple of minutes you can watch the download 
operation progress 
>     5.. When all downloads are complete you can close the program 
and find appropriate .AQD (daily quotes) or .AQH (historical) or .AQI 
(intraday) files stored in the directory where TLS file is located. 
> Using AmiQuote with AmiBroker
>   Automatic update
>   The easiest method to work with AmiQuote and AmiBroker is to use 
the procedure given in Quick Start section of this document. Just run 
AmiBroker and AmiQuote and choose Tools->Auto-update AmiBroker 
database. This method updates historical quotes from the last date 
present in AmiBroker upto today. When performing automatic update, 
AmiQuote performs internally 4 steps a) retrieves the ticker list 
from AmiBroker (all stocks loaded currently in AmiBroker);
>   b) gets the last quotation date available in AmiBroker;
>   c) performs historical download from last date upto today;
>   d) instructs AmiBroker to import downloaded files.
>   AmiQuote now supports over 50 international exchanges 
in "historical" and "daily" modes.
>   Note that AmiQuote currently supports a new command line 
parameter: /autoupdate. This option forces AmiQuote to perform 
automatic update procedure without user intervention. 
>   You may setup you custom tools menu in AmiBroker to call AmiQuote 
with this argument:
>   C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\AmiQuote\Quote.EXE /autoupdate 
>   If you do so, you will be able to update your database with a 
single click.
>   Manual operation
>   Automatic mode is nice but there are cases when you have to 
perform some tasks manually. There is a good old document describing 
that mode of operation at: http://www.amibroker.com/docs/ab304.html . 
Everything written in this document remains valid with one exception -
 now importing to AmiBroker are performed automatically if you have 
Automatic import checkbox marked.
>   There are also several cases when you prefer to do things 
manualy, then please don't forget about some useful tools available 
at your fingertips:
>   File->Open, File->Save, File->Save As 
>     These functions enable you to load and save your edited ticker 
lists for future repeated use.
>   Edit->Add tickers
>     This function allows you to add the tickers to the list. Just 
type space separated tickers into the field that will show up when 
you choose this function.
>   Edit->Delete tickers
>     This function allows you to delete tickers from the list. Just 
select the items you want to delete from the list view (multiple 
selection possible by holding SHIFT or CTRL key while clicking on 
items), and choose this function.
>   Edit->Mark all, Edit->Unmark all, Edit->Toggle, Edit->Mark 
selection, Edit->Unmark selection
>     These functions allow you to mark the tickers for download. 
Please note that AmiQuote puts a checkmark before ticker name in the 
list view. ONLY MARKED items will be downloaded. This allows you to 
perform selective downloads/updates.
>   View->Refresh
>     Basically AmiQuote handles refreshes by itself when needed. For 
example if you changed the date range, the list will be refreshed 
before starting download. But there are some cases when you may want 
to refresh the list by yourself. For example if you downloaded and 
imported quotes once and want to do this again you would need to 
choose this function. The Refresh function simply applies all date 
and type settings to the URLs listed, and MARKS all tickers for a new 
>   Tools->Import into AmiBroker
>     This function is useful if you want to import just downloaded 
quotes into AmiBroker but you have Automatic import checkbox cleared.
>   Tools->Get tickers from AmiBroker
>     This function retrieves all stocks from currently loaded 
AmiBroker database and fills the AmiQuote ticker list with them.
>   Tools->Get last update date
>     This function retrieves the date of the most recent quotation 
of the first stock present in currently loaded AmiBroker database and 
sets the From date to this date.
>   Tools->Settings
>     Displays the settings window where you can define the 
destination directory where all downloads are stored. Note that blank 
destination directory means that downloads will be stored in the 
current working directory (in most cases this is the folder from 
where current .TLS file was loaded).
>     In this window you can also change the mode of writing the 
files. By default historical files are overwritten while daily files 
get appended. This is recommended setup. Appending daily files simply 
allows you to create intra-day historical files when you do the 
updates daily. You may change this behaviour for your particular 
>   Intraday interval bar data (1-min, 5-min, 15-min, 60-min and 120-
min) are available for US securities only.
>   Historical data for international exchanges are usually much 
shorter than for US markets.
>   Because intraday bar data are downloaded from Quote.com servers 
the ticker symbols for indices are different than those used by 
Yahoo. For complete reference please check 
>   Intraday bar data are limited to 500 bars regardless of bar 
interval. In other words you always get 500 bars data, whenever these 
are 1-min, 5-min, 15-min, 60-min or 120-min data - so by choosing 
bigger interval you get data from more days. This is the limitation 
imposed by free delayed Quote.com server.
>   AmiQuote 1.2 with the following example ticker lists:
>   a.. DJIA.tls - components of Dow Jones Industrial Average (USA) 
>   More example ticker lists could be downloaded from 
http://www.amibroker.com/starter/ . 
>   AmiQuote is distributed as shareware. The evaluation version is 
FULLY functional and has NO time limit, so you can use it as long as 
you wish, but if you like the program and use it often you are 
encouraged to purchase life-time license for only $25. Click here to 
>   This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. 
Any use of the program is at your own risk. The author disclaims any 
implied warranty of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular 
>   AmiQuote 1.4. Copyright (C)2000-2002 by Tomasz 
>   All rights reserved. 
>   All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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