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Re: [amibroker] AmiBroker 4.29.9 BETA released

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Greetings Tomasz,

An easy newbie question. I have Amibroker installed on my D drive under the 
Aminbroker folder. Do I extract the file to my D drive or under the 
Amibroker folder.

I actually tried both and the version has not changed from 4.29 beta.
I'm sure that I goofed up. Pls advise.



>From: "Tomasz Janeczko" <tj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: <amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: [amibroker] AmiBroker 4.29.9 BETA released
>Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 20:46:20 +0100
>A new (hopefully last) beta version of AmiBroker - 4.29.9 is available
>for download from the following locations:
>(450 KB self-extracting archive)
>Please read the README file below for the list of changes.
>Best regards,
>Tomasz Janeczko
>AmiBroker 4.29.9 Beta Read Me
>March 7, 2003 20:47
>Backup your data files and entire AmiBroker folder first!
>IMPORTANT: This archive is update-only. You have to install full version 
>4.20 first.
>Just run the installer and follow the instructions.
>Then run AmiBroker. You should see "AmiBroker 4.29.9 beta" written in the 
>About box.
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.9 (as compared to 4.29.8)
>   a.. added key shortcuts for range mark begin (F12), end (Shift+F12), 
>hide (Ctrl+F12) (they are also available in Keyboard editor so assignments 
>can be changed)
>   b.. chart scroll left/right are now accessible from keyboard editor 
>(ChartScrollLeft, ChartScrollRight)
>   c.. if type-in is selected from the main menu then watch list selector 
>dialog is displayed.
>   d.. fixed sometimes wrong sort when many explorations were run one after 
>another with some non-numeric columns.
>   e.. Study() works correctly even when trendline is drawn past the last 
>available data bar.
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.8 (as compared to 4.29.7)
>   a.. updated param info for LastValue, MarketID, GroupID, SectorID, 
>IndustryID to match the AFL reference
>   b.. decreased delay time for baloon tooltip (status bar area)
>   c.. fixed hang of Windows XP when AmiBroker tried to display the tooltip 
>while AB was minimized. (cause of crash of WinXP when QT was closed before 
>   d.. infinite numbers are printed now as {INF}, not-a-numbers are printed 
>as {NAN} by WriteVal.
>   For example:
>   "1/0 =" + WriteVal((1/0));
>   "0/0 =" + WriteVal(0/0);
>   "(1/0) / (1/0) =" + WriteVal((1/0)/(1/0));
>   "1 / (1/0) =" + WriteVal( 1 / ( 1 / 0 ) );
>   "Null =" +WriteVal(Null);
>   e.. 3 new AFL functions:
>   a) IsNan( x ) - returns a nonzero value (1 or TRUE) if the argument x is 
>a NaN; otherwise it returns 0 (FALSE).
>   A NaN is generated when the result of a floating-point operation cannot 
>be represented in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 
>   Example:
>   IsNan( 0/0 );
>   b) IsFinite( x ) - IsFinite returns a nonzero value (1 or TRUE) if its 
>argument x is not infinite,
>   that is, if -INF < x < +INF. It returns 0 (FALSE) if the argument is 
>infinite or a NaN.
>   Example:
>   IsFinite( 1/0 );
>   c) Nz( x ) - Null (Null/Nan/Infinity) to zero
>   You can use the Nz function to return zero, or another specified value 
>when argument x is Null or Nan or Infinite.
>   For example, you can use this function to convert a Null (empty) value 
>to another value and prevent it from propagating through an expression. If 
>the optional valueifnull argument is included,
>   then the Nz function will return the value specified by that argument if 
>the x argument is Null (or Nan or Infinity).
>   You can use the Nz function as an alternative to the IIf function.
>   Instead of:
>   varTemp = IIf( IsFinite( (H-L)/(C-L) ), (H-L)/(C-L), 0 );
>   You can write:
>   varTemp = Nz( (H-L)/(C-L) );
>   f.. added IsNull() function - it is the synonym to IsEmpty()
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.7 (as compared to 4.29.6)
>   a.. added "ask to save changed data" option to Prefs->Misc page (if it 
>is unchecked AmiBroker saves data without asking)
>   b.. Symbol -> WatchList ->Import now accepts all formats of .LST files 
>from Quotes Plus
>   c.. fixed crash when backward ref bar number was too high
>   d.. date axis drawing modified (should address 'missing oct 2001' 
>   e.. fixed crash when using extreme zoom in factors (via Zoom to range) 
>and scrolling max to the right so only blank area is visible.
>   f.. added check for neg. # of contracts
>   g.. Apply in Indicator Builder does not scroll to the top
>   h.. other minor fixes:
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.6 (as compared to 4.29.5)
>   a.. WriteVal has now new parameter 'separator' that controls if the 
>   should be formatted with thousand separator or not:
>   WriteVal( ARRAY, format = 8.3, separator = True )
>   WriteVal( Volume, 8.3, True ); // with separators
>   WriteVal( Volume, 8.3, False ); // without separators
>   b.. thousand separator is not added to numbers in AA->Export
>   c.. thousand separator does not appear when using
>   AddColumn( DateTime(), formatDateTime );
>   d.. fixed inconsistency between AA result line (incorrect) and AA report 
>(correct) when formula was using
>   SetOption("InitialEquity", nn) to change the Init. equity set in the AA 
>   (thanks Herman)
>   e.. fix: % change is displayed again in RT quote window.
>   f.. fix: watch list dialog (watch list->remove) does not show lists 
>above > 32 if given symbol does not belong to given watch list.
>   g.. new AFL function: GetChartID() allows to retrieve current indicator 
>chart ID. (returns 0 (zero) in AA window)
>   h.. other minor fixes
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.5 (as compared to 4.29.1)
>   a.. fixed crash in AFL editor that occured when selecting all text and 
>choosing right mouse button -> copy
>   b.. auto-scaling changed slightly
>   c.. user-definable thousand separator (in Tools->Preferences->Misc) 
>applied automatically to all list views and indicators and WriteVal 
>   d.. definable number of decimal places in RT quote window 
>   e.. watch-list related functions: (available from context menu in tree 
>and Symbol->Watch list menu)
>   f.. quick type-in symbols into watch list
>   g.. import/export watch list from/to .LST file and from/to plugin (ext. 
>database only for plugins that support this feature. The first one will be 
>FT plugin)
>   h.. context menu is displayed over selected watch list (click with right 
>mouse button on the watch list name in the Workspace window)
>   i.. 'dirty' flag is set properly after moving/sizing the study
>   j.. Amibroker again displays message box asking to save changes. (this 
>is useful to undo some unwanted changes but it works only for most recent 
>'in-memory' symbols (see Tools->Preferernces->Data))
>   k.. fixed the case when Preferences has log scale switched OFF but 
>Indicator Builder has "log scale" turned ON for Price chart.
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.1 (as compared to 4.29.0)
>   a.. data tooltips now show study ID and coordinates and point/percent 
>change from start to end when you hover the mouse pointer over the trend 
>line or other study
>   b.. from-to range selector implemented just double click on chart to 
>mark begin and then double click in other place to mark end of the range. > 
>and < markers will appear above date axis. To delete the markers double 
>click again in the same place where vertical line is positioned.
>   c.. From-to selected range can be referred from the AFL level via new 
>   BeginValue( ARRAY )
>   EndValue( ARRAY )
>   - these functions give the single value (number) of the ARRAY at the 
>beginning and end of the selected range. If no range is marked then they 
>return the value at the first bar and last bar respectively.
>   Example:
>   WriteVal( BeginValue( DateTime() ), formatDateTime );
>   WriteVal( EndValue( DateTime() ), formatDateTime );
>   "Precentage change of close is " +
>   WriteVal( 100 * (EndValue( Close ) - BeginValue( Close ))/BeginValue( 
>Close ) ) + "%";
>   d.. WriteVal function now handles formatDateTime
>   WriteVal( DateTime(), formatDateTime );
>   e.. Zoom to range implemented (View->Zoom->Range) or hold down both 
>SHIFT and CTRL and click on green zoom in toolbar button (zooms to selected 
>from-to range)
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.0 (as compared to 4.28.1)
>   a.. context help in AFL editor - just press F1 when cursor is over AFL 
>reserved function name and it will display full information about that 
>   b.. param info/fun reference available also from context menu
>   c.. fixed bug in Study function working improperly for trendlines with 
>right extend property
>   d.. tab order fixed in Study properties box
>   e.. usability: "Filter pre/after hours" is available now from 
>View->Intraday menu
>   f.. new AFL function:
>   Now( format = 0 ) returns current date / time in numerous of formats:
>   format = 0 - returns string containing current date/time formatted 
>according to system settings
>   format = 1 - returns string containing current date only formatted 
>according to system settings
>   format = 2 - returns string containing current time only formatted 
>according to system settings
>   format = 3 - returns DATENUM number with current date
>   format = 4 - returns TIMENUM number with current time
>   format = 5 - returns DATETIME number with current date/time
>   See: http://www.amibroker.com/guide/afl/afl_view.php?name=NOW
>   g.. new drawing tool: Triangle
>   h.. new drawing tool: Andrews' Pitchfork
>   i.. Gann Square tool does not draw controlling trenline during 
>   j.. added check that prevents freeing memory by Equity(1) function when 
>this memory is referenced by other variables
>   k.. added Layer combo to the Text properties box
>   l.. added link to AFL on-line reference to the Help->AmiBroker on the 
>Web menu.
>   m.. switching layers does not cause unnecessary symbol tree refresh
>   n.. added switch to AA Settings->Report tab that allows to turn off 
>optimization warning (that is displayed if optimization requires more than 
>300 steps)
>   o.. other minor fixes.
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.28.1 (as compared to 4.28.0)
>   a.. fixed problem with missing some short trades when new flag "Reverse 
>entry signal forces exit" was turned off
>   b.. Null is now highlighted and present in the auto-complete box.
>   c.. fixed numeric sorting of colorized columns
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.28.0 (as compared to 4.27.1)
>   a.. ApplyStop has one more parameter
>   ApplyStop( Type, Mode, Amount, ExitAtStop, Volatile = False )
>   new Volatile parameters decides if amount (or distance) (3rd parameter) 
>is sampled at the trade entry and remains fixed during the trade (Volatile 
>= FALSE - old behaviour) or if can vary during the trade (Volatile = TRUE)
>   Allows single-line implementation of Chandeliers exit:
>   ApplyStop(stopTypeTrailing, stopModePoint, 3*ATR(14), True, True );
>   b.. ApplyStop handles new N-Bar stop - exits the trade after N bars.
>   Type = stopTypeNBar; /* = 3 */
>   Mode = stopModeBars; /* = 1 */
>   ApplyStop( stopTypeNBar, stopModeBars, 5 ); // exits trades on 5th bar 
>since entry
>   c.. added new "Reverse entry signal forces exit" check box to the 
>Backtester settings.
>   When it is ON (the default setting) - backtester works as in previous 
>versions and closes already open positon if new entry signal in reverse 
>direction is encountered. If this switch is OFF - even if reverse signal 
>occurs backtester maintains currently open trade and does not close positon 
>until regular exit (sell or cover) signal is generated.
>   In other words when this switch is OFF backtester ignores Short signals 
>during long trades and ignores Buy signals during short trades.
>   d.. added "Allow same bar exit (single bar trade)" option to the 
>   When it is ON (the default settings) - entry and exit at the very same 
>bar is allowed (as in previous versions)
>   if it is OFF - exit can happen starting from next bar only (this applies 
>to regular signals,there is a separate setting for ApplyStop-generated 
>exits). Switching it to OFF allows to reproduce the behaviour of MS 
>backtester that is not able to handle same day exits.
>   e.. long trades now take precedence over short trades so if signals 
>happen on the same bar in both directions only long trade is taken.
>   f.. new AFL functions:
>   DateTime() - returns array of encoded date/time values suitable for 
>using with
>   AddColumn and formatDateTime constant
>   to produce date time formated according to your system settings
>   AddColumn( DateTime(), "Date / Time", formatDateTime );
>   new formatChar constant allows outputting single ASCII character codes:
>   Example (produces signal file accepted by various other programs):
>   Buy=Cross(MACD(),Signal());
>   Sell=Cross(Signal(), MACD());
>   Filter=Buy OR Sell;
>   SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True );
>   AddColumn( DateTime(), "Date", formatDateTime );
>   AddColumn( IIf( Buy, 66, 83 ), "Signal", formatChar );
>   g.. new AFL functions continued:
>   BarIndex() - returns zero-based bar number -
>   the same as Cum(1)-1 but it is much faster than Cum(1) when used in 
>   SetOption( "name", value )
>   - sets various options in automatic analysis settings currently 
>available options are
>   "NoDefaultColumns" - if set to True - exploration does not have default 
>Ticker and Date/Time columns
>   "InitialEquity"
>   "AllowSameBarExit"
>   "ActivateStopsImmediately"
>   "AllowPositionShrinking"
>   "FuturesMode"
>   "InterestRate"
>   h.. if you overwrite AA settings via SetTradeDelays/SetOption
>   backtest report gives these actual values instead of originaly set in 
>the settings
>   i.. new Null constant is equal to -1e10 (empty value) so you can use it 
>instead enigmatic -1e10
>   obsolete styleLog removed (logarithmic scale setting is not per-line but 
>per-pane and it is selectable from Indicator Builder)
>   j.. added PlotGrid( level, color = colorDefault ) function that plots 
>grid line using built-in dotted style.
>   k.. fixed problem with QuoteEditor that was introduced with adding color 
>support to the list view
>   l.. added support for Win XP common controls 6, which results in 
>enhanced XP-look (on WinXP only of course)
>   m.. fixed zero-size problem with floating control bars on Windows XP
>   n.. fixed some compatibility issues with common controls 6.
>   o.. added sound when plugin status changes
>   p.. fixed problems with Review window sometimes not showing the results
>   q.. value label drawing changed slightly
>   r.. status bar adjusted so plugin state is visible on smaller displays
>   s.. improved windows version checking for bug reports
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.27.1 (as compared to 4.27.0)
>   a.. fixed problems with auto-complete and param info features appearing 
>on certain Windows versions
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.27.0 (as compared to 4.26.0)
>   Intellisense-like functionality in AFL editor
>   a.. auto-completion feature in AFL editor type a few letters and press 
>Ctrl+SPACE and the number of matching functions / reserved words will be 
>   b.. parameters-info tip, type function name and opening brace ( and you 
>will see the tip that shows information about required parameters
>   c.. two new checkboxes Preferences->Editor control Auto-completion / 
>parameter-info features
>   d.. fixed exception occuring when optimizing systems that generate zero 
>trades (very rare case)
>   e.. AlertIF called from the custom indicators sometimes displayed wrong 
>date/time - now it is fixed
>   f.. when fixup = 1 Foreign() is able to align array past the last 
>foreign bar. For example when using intraday data you can refer to imported 
>EOD data and it will fill intraday data with last value from previous day.
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.26.0 (as compared to 4.25.0)
>   a.. List view sorting speed increased significantly:
>     a.. sorting of text columns is 2 times faster (on average)
>     b.. sorting of numeric column is 5-10 times faster ( sort 660'000 
>items within 2-3 seconds on 1GHz machine)
>   b.. Explorations now support definable color of cell text and background
>   AddColumn and AddTextColumn functions extended to support this feature:
>   AddColumn( Array, "Title", format = 1.2, textColor = colorDefault, 
>bkgndColor = colorDefault );
>   AddTextColumn( "Text", "Title", format = 1.2, textColor = colorDefault, 
>bkgndColor = colorDefault );
>   New colorDefault constant (-1) defines default windows color for grid 
>   Sample code:
>   Filter =1;
>   AddColumn( Close, "Close", 1.2 );
>   AddColumn( MACD(), "MACD", 1.4 , IIf( MACD() > 0, colorGreen, colorRed ) 
>   AddTextColumn( FullName(), "Full name", 77 , colorDefault, IIf( Close < 
>10, colorLightBlue, colorDefault ) );
>   c.. custom indicators - anchors are not offset vertically from the ends 
>of the trend line when Draw dates is selected
>   d.. custom indicators with auto-scaling can be now dragged in 
>Y-direction like regular charts
>   e.. Foreign and RelStrength algorithm improved to allow more complex 
>alignment cases
>   f.. PlotShapes works even without any Plot statement (although it is 
>intended to use in conjunction with Plot)
>   g.. fixed line disappearing bug that occured when using text tool right 
>after trend line tool
>   h.. Dec is displayed again on date axis
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.25.0 (as compared to 4.24.0)
>   a.. support user-definable parameters:
>   new AFL functions
>   Param( "name", default, min, max, step )
>   ParamStr( "name", "default" );
>   ParamColor( "name", defaultcolor );
>   new Parameters dialog : right click over chart pane and select 
>"Parameters" or press Ctrl+R
>   allows to change chart parameters - changes are reflected immediatelly
>   Sample code 1:
>   ticker = ParamStr( "Ticker", "MSFT" );
>   sp = Param( "MA Period", 12, 2, 100 );
>   PlotForeign( ticker, "Chart of "+ticker, ParamColor( "Price Color", 
>colorLightYellow ), styleCandle );
>   Plot( MA( Foreign( ticker, "C" ), sp ), "MA(" + WriteVal( sp, 1.0 ) + 
>")", ParamColor( "MA Color", colorRed ) );
>   Sample code 2:
>   sp = Param( "RSI Period", 12, 2, 100 );
>   r = RSI( sp );
>   Plot( r, "RSI("+WriteVal(sp,1.0)+")", ParamColor("RSI Color", colorRed ) 
>   Buy = Cross( r, 30 );
>   Sell = Cross( 70, r );
>   PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow * Buy + shapeDownArrow * Sell, IIf( Buy, 
>colorGreen, colorRed ) );
>   b.. added missing ':' and '"' characters to the forbidden characters set 
>in file names generated from ticker names. All file-system reserved 
>characters are converted to underscore.
>   c.. ticker symbol maximum length increased to 25 characters (from 
>previous 15).
>   (these two fixes above solve problem with using very long symbols like
>   d.. default keyboard accelerators changed Ctrl+R is now for Parameters 
>dialog F5 is for Refresh
>   e.. fixed calculation bug occuring when drawing objects in the blank 
>chart area ("jumping" effect)
>   f.. new method in Quotations collection for faster retrieval of quotes
>   long Retrieve( long Count, Variant *Date, Variant *Open, Variant *High, 
>Variant *Low, Variant *Close, Variant *Volume, Variant *OpenInt );
>   g.. on Windows Me, 2000 and XP all file dialogs now feature "Places" bar 
>and allows to select few recent file names from the combo
>   h.. date axis display modified slightly (3 letter month abbrev. used 
>more often
>   i.. changed resizing algorithm so if "no min size for resizing dialog" 
>option is selected the scroll bar of list / edit is always visible. Also 
>the option is active from the start without need to go to Preferences.
>   j.. other minor improvements
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.24.0 (as compared to 4.23.0)
>   a.. saving/loading Automatic Analysis settings to/from the file
>   b.. Axis font now can be made bold/italic/underline
>   c.. Text drawing tool uses axis font now
>   d.. full control over AA window via new OLE/COM interface:
>   Analysis object (accessible via Broker.Application.Analysis)
>   Methods:
>   - Backtest(); - runs backtest
>   - Explore(); - runs exploration
>   - Scan(); - runs scan
>   - Optimize(); - runs optimization
>   - bool Report( FileName: String ) - saves report to the file or displays 
>it if FileName = ""
>   - bool Export( FileName: String ) - exports result list to CSV file
>   - bool LoadFormula( FileName: String ) - loads AFL formula
>   - bool SaveFormula( FileName: String ) - saves AFL formula
>   - bool LoadSettings( FileName: String ) - loads backtest settings
>   - bool SaveSettings( FileName: String ) - saves backtest settings
>   - ClearFilters() - removes all filters
>   Properties:
>   - long ApplyTo - defines apply to mode: 0 - all stocks, 1 - current 
>stock, 2 - use filter
>   - long RangeMode - defines range mode: 0 - all quotes, 1 - n last 
>quotes, 2 - n last days, 3 - from-to date
>   - long RangeN - defines N (number of bars/days to backtest)
>   - DATE RangeFromDate - defines "From" date
>   - DATE RangeToDate - defines "To" date
>   - Filter( nType: short, Category : String ) - sets/retrieves filter 
>   nType argument defines type of filter 0 - include, 1 - exclude
>   Category argument defines filter category:
>   "index", "favorite", "market", "group", "sector", "index", "watchlist"
>   Examples
>   ClearFilters(); // clear all filters first
>   Filter( 0, "index" ) = 1; // include only indices
>   Filter( 1, "market" ) = 2; // exclude 2nd market
>   Full Example for Windows Scripting Host:
>   ========================================
>   /* create AB object */
>   AB = new ActiveXObject("Broker.Application");
>   /* retrieve automatic analysis object */
>   AA = AB.Analysis;
>   /* load formula from external file */
>   AA.LoadFormula("afl\\macd_c.afl");
>   /* optional: load settings */
>   // AA.LoadSettings("the_path_to_the_settings_file.abs");
>   /* setup filters */
>   /* backtest over symbols present in market 0 only (zero-based number) */
>   AA.ClearFilters();
>   AA.Filter( 0, "market" ) = 0;
>   /* set apply to and range */
>   AA.ApplyTo = 2; // use filters
>   AA.RangeMode = 0; // use all available quotes
>   /* run backtest and display report */
>   AA.Backtest();
>   AA.Report(""); // empty file name means display report
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.23.0 (as compared to 4.22.1)
>   a.. chart axis font can be defined by the user. The default is now 
>Arial, 9pt.
>   (Tools->Preferences->Miscellaneous: "Axis font")
>   b.. Undo feature added to AFL editor.
>   c.. PlotShapes now supports offset (or distance) parameter (by default 
>-12 ), Offset is expressed in SCREEN pixels.
>   Negative offsets shift symbols down, positive offsets shift symbol up. 
>To place the shape exactly at ypostion, specify 0 as offset.
>   PlotShapes( shape, color, layer = 0, yposition = graph0, offset = -12 );
>   d.. yet another bug fixed that caused problems with drawing lines when 
>multiple windows were showing same symbol but different intervals.
>   e.. if Y-value is less than 1000 the status bar displays four decimal 
>places , also bar number is displayed in the status bar (next to date/time)
>   f.. Insert Indicator window (Ctrl+I) does not show empty indicator slots 
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.22.1 (as compared to 4.22.0)
>   a.. fixed overwrite problem occuring when deleting first indicator in 
>the list in Indicator Builder
>   b.. fixed shortcut conflict &File and &Format. Now Format menu has Alt+o 
>   c.. other minor fixes
>   d.. added constants for shapes
>   "shapeNone", 0
>   "shapeUpArrow", 1
>   "shapeDownArrow", 2
>   "shapeHollowUpArrow", 3
>   "shapeHollowDownArrow", 4
>   "shapeSmallUpTriangle", 5
>   "shapeSmallDownTriangle", 6
>   "shapeHollowSmallUpTriangle", 7
>   "shapeHollowSmallDownTriangle", 8
>   "shapeUpTriangle", 9
>   "shapeDownTriangle", 10
>   "shapeHollowUpTriangle", 11
>   "shapeHollowDownTriangle", 12
>   "shapeSmallSquare", 13
>   "shapeHollowSmallSquare", 15
>   "shapeSquare", 17
>   "shapeHollowSquare", 19
>   "shapeSmallCircle", 21
>   "shapeHollowSmallCircle", 23
>   "shapeCircle", 25
>   "shapeHollowCircle", 27
>   "shapeStar", 29
>   "shapeHollowStar", 31
>   "shapeDigit0", 33
>   "shapeDigit1", 35
>   "shapeDigit2", 37
>   "shapeDigit3", 39
>   "shapeDigit4", 41
>   "shapeDigit5", 43
>   "shapeDigit6", 45
>   "shapeDigit7", 47
>   "shapeDigit8", 49
>   "shapeDigit9", 51
>   "shapePositionAbove", 1
>   Example:
>   PlotShapes( IIF( buy, shapeDigit9 + shapePositonAbove, shapeNone ), 
>colorGreen );
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.22.0 (as compared to 4.21.1)
>   a.. changes made in Indicator Builder are not lost if formula is 
>incorrect - instead error message is displayed and formula is saved even if 
>it has a syntax error
>   b.. if currently displayed indicator formula has an error - the error 
>message does not pop up in a separate window but is displayed in the 
>indicator pane.
>   c.. empty indicators are not displayed in the Indicator Builder and new 
>buttons "Add", "Delete" are provided to add new indicator and remove 
>   d.. when drawing or moving drawing objects the auto-refresh of the chart 
>is temporarily held to solve problems with drawing on RT charts.
>   e.. Symbol->Information window is not reset every 3 sec when working 
>with RT data.
>   f.. interval between chart updates is now configurable 
>   g.. Random( seed = none ); function takes new parameter seed.
>   If seed is defined it initializes the seed of random number generator 
>this allows to produce repetitive series of pseudo-random series. If seed 
>is not specified - random number generator continues generation.
>   To reinitialize the generator, use 1 as the seed argument. Any other 
>value for seed sets the generator to a random starting point.
>   Example 1:
>   Graph0 = Random(); // generates different sequence with each refresh
>   Example 2:
>   Graph0 = Random(1); // generates the same sequence with each refresh
>   h.. new AFL function
>   PlotShapes( shape, color, layer = 0, yposition = graph0 );
>   that allows to plot arrows and other shapes on any chart.
>   Parameters:
>     a.. shape defines type of the symbol. when shape is zero nothing is 
>     values other than zero cause plotting various pre-defined shapes.
>     Odd values plot shape BELOW indicator, even values plot shape ABOVE 
>     b.. color defines color of shape
>     c.. layer defines layer number on which shapes are plotted
>     d.. yposition defines Y-position where shapes are plotted (by default 
>they are plotted 'around' graph0 (first indicator) line)
>   Currently defined shapes are
>   UP ARROW = 1, (below indicator)
>   DOWN ARROW = 2, (above indicator)
>   HOLLOW UP ARROW = 3, (below)
>   HOLLOW DOWN ARROW = 4, (above)
>   SMALL UP TRIANGLE = 5, (below)
>   SMALL DOWN TRIANGLE = 6, (above)
>   UP TRIANGLE = 9, (below)
>   DOWN TRIANGLE = 10, (above)
>   HOLLOW UP TRIANGLE = 11, (below)
>   HOLLOW DOWN TRIANGLE = 12, (above)
>   SMALL SQUARE = 13, (below)
>   SMALL SQUARE = 14, (above)
>   HOLLOW SMALL SQUARE = 15, (below)
>   SQUARE = 17, (below)
>   SQUARE = 18, (above)
>   HOLLOW SQUARE = 19, (below)
>   HOLLOW SQUARE = 20, (above)
>   SMALL CIRCLE = 21, (below)
>   SMALL CIRCLE = 22, (above)
>   HOLLOW SMALL CIRCLE = 23, (below)
>   HOLLOW SMALL CIRCLE = 24,(above)
>   CIRCLE = 25, (below)
>   CIRCLE = 26, (above)
>   HOLLOW CIRCLE = 27, (below)
>   HOLLOW CIRCLE = 28, (above)
>   STAR = 29, (below)
>   STAR = 30, (above)
>   HOLLOW STAR = 31, (below)
>   HOLLOW STAR = 32, (above)
>   NUMBER 0 = 33, (below)
>   NUMBER 0 = 34, (above)
>   NUMBER 1 = 35, (below)
>   NUMBER 1 = 36, (above)
>   NUMBER 2 = 37, (below)
>   NUMBER 2 = 38, (above)
>   NUMBER 3 = 39, (below)
>   NUMBER 3 = 40, (above)
>   NUMBER 4 = 41, (below)
>   NUMBER 4 = 42, (above)
>   NUMBER 5 = 43, (below)
>   NUMBER 5 = 44, (above)
>   NUMBER 6 = 45, (below)
>   NUMBER 6 = 46, (above)
>   NUMBER 7 = 47, (below)
>   NUMBER 7 = 48, (above)
>   NUMBER 8 = 49, (below)
>   NUMBER 8 = 50, (above)
>   NUMBER 9 = 51, (below)
>   NUMBER 9 = 52, (above)
>   Demo formula:
>   Graph0=MACD();
>   Graph1=Signal();
>   Buy=Cross(Graph0, Graph1);
>   Sell=Cross(Graph1, Graph0);
>   PlotShapes( ( Buy OR Sell ) * ( 1 + Cum( Buy OR Sell ) % 52 ), IIf( Buy, 
>colorGreen, colorRed ), 5 );
>   GraphXSpace = 5;
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.21.1 (as compared to 4.21.0)
>   a.. AddToComposite marks symbol as dirty so timestamp added in the full 
>name is stored properly.
>   b.. "Align custom minute bars to regular market hours" works OK now even 
>if filtering is OFF
>   c.. new methods added to COM interface in 4.21.0 caused incompatibility 
>with AmiQuote because of changed numbering of methods. Now it is fixed so 
>AmiQuote auto-import works again with 4.21.1
>   d.. fixed display of watch list >32 in the workspace tree
>   e.. fixed possible hangup when attempting to draw objects when currently 
>selected layer is hidden
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.21.0 (as compared to 4.20.8)
>   a.. layers implemented (layers is a well-know concept in every decent 
>painting/drawing/CAD package now it is available to traders for (AFAIK) the 
>first time in technical analysis program)
>   b.. increased number of watch lists (to 64 watch lists) and sectors (to 
>64 sectors) (note that broker.workspace file once saved with new version 
>can not be read back with previous versions)
>   c.. max. number of bars in File->Database Settings increased to 500'000.
>   d.. ASCII importer: added $STRICT 1 mode it checks if Open, High, Low 
>prices are greater than zero
>   e.. COM/OLE interface:
>   new property Broker.Application.DatabasePath
>   new method: Broker.Application.LoadDatabase( Path )
>   new method: Broker.Application.SaveDatabase()
>   Example VBScript code (Windows Scripting Host):
>   Set oAB = CreateObject("Broker.Application")
>   WScript.Echo( "Current path to database is " + oAB.DatabasePath )
>   if oAB.LoadDatabase("c:\program files\amibroker\data") = True then
>   WScript.Echo( "succesfully loaded new database" )
>   end if
>   WScript.Echo( "Current path to database is " + oAB.DatabasePath )
>   oAB.SaveDatabase()
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.20.8 (as compared to 4.20.7)
>   a.. fixed #include command (CR/LF pair handling)
>   b.. #include now displays error message in the status bar ifincluded 
>file can not be found
>   c.. when calling function defined in script AFL does not convert the 
>method name to lowercase
>   d.. filtering after hours works also for EndTime < StartTime case 
>(usefull for users from Far East tracking US exchanges)
>   e.. fixed bug causing crash on custom indicators using Study() with 
>QuickAFL enabled
>   f.. protection against crash when the user tries to plot negative values 
>on semi-log scale
>   g.. new AFL function: GetDatabaseName - gives the name of the database - 
>the last part (folder) of the database path
>   h.. other minor fixes
>   i.. new myTrack plugin
>   j.. removed (c) text (
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.20.7 (as compared to 4.20.6)
>   a.. fixed crash occuring on exit on Windows XP (CRegistry class - free() 
>   b.. fixed problem with saving keyboard editor settings on Win2k
>   c.. fixed problem with different ordering of tickers when case 
>sensitivity is turned on (symbol array is re-sorted on change and re-sorted 
>after loading master file)
>   d.. added one more safety check for non-existing directory when saving 
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.20.6 (as compared to 4.20.5)
>   a.. possible bug with AFL editor fixed (streamin)
>   b.. "space" problem in AFL editor fixed
>   c.. fixed bug with switching databases
>   d.. fixed crash occuring when user specified non-existing pen
>   e.. fixed bug in monthly view display (29.02.2000)
>   f.. fixed bug in File->Save database As (into blank directory)
>   g.. fixed title of built-in volume pane
>   h.. ROC function accepts additional parameter that defines how negative
>   values are handled. ROC( array, periods = 12, absmode = False )
>   if absmode = False the value returned is array - ref( array, -periods 
>)/ref( array, -periods )
>   if absmode = True the value returned is array - ref( array, -periods 
>)/abs( ref( array, -periods ) )
>   i.. QuoteTracker plugin now accepts also . (dot) as a date separator
>   j.. myTrack plugin startup routine improved
>CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.20.5 (as compared to 4.20.3)
>   a.. composite symbol is reset properly even if flused out of in-memory 
>   b.. when $ALLOWNEG is NOT specified in the ASCII importer definition 
>AmiBroker performs the following range checking and fixup on open, low and 
>high prices
>   if( open == 0 ) open = close;
>   if( high < max( open, close ) ) high = max( open, close );
>   if( low == 0 ) low = min( open, close )
>   c.. Update Nov 1, 2002: added myTrack real-time plugin.
>If you experience any problem with this beta version please send detailed 
>description of the problem (especially the steps needed to reproduce it) to 

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