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RE: [amibroker] Re: InteractiveBrokers API --> AmiBroker ?

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I have accounts with IB and have never encountered a down period... for
selected services yes, I think you get a life warning on your screen when
one goes down but you can still trade through other services. Before I used
TDW, they were just awful, IB is really fast.

I haven't traded for awhile and I never traded very actively, so my comments
may not count for much. I do like IB's leading edge support for AT and the

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Owen Davies [mailto:owen5819@x...]
> Sent: 13 October, 2002 10:32 PM
> To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: InteractiveBrokers API --> AmiBroker ?
> Among other comments, akaloustian wrote:
> > the second broker can not undo trades from your first broker...
> Actually, IB says that they can transfer the entering trade
> to the secondary broker, so that the whole transaction appears
> on the backup company's accounts. It takes a while, but in the
> end the IB account winds up unaffected, and any gain or loss
> appears in the other account. However, it does mean that you
> need enough money in the secondary account to cover anything
> you do with IB.
> Somehow, this does not really sound like enough protection
> to me. What happens if, say, you are long in a losing trade
> with IB and sell through the secondary account, and then the
> market turns around and heads up again before the secondary
> broker gets the entry from IB. My guess for a worst-case
> scenario is that you get a margin call you can't cover, and the
> secondary broker closes you out at a horrendous loss. Eventually,
> they get the entry from IB, but it takes forever to get things straight
> so that you dare to trade again.
> Now what if one of the brokers screws up the transaction,
> so that the entry gets "lost in the mail?"
> You see why I'm wondering how often backup is needed.
> IB's speed of execution, low commissions, and half-size
> margin for day trades (in that order) really appeal to me,
> but I'm wondering whether the theoretical risks are anything
> I would care to face in reality. If the system "never"
> goes down for more than a minute, maybe. If it dies for
> an hour every month, forget it!
> Owen Davies
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