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Re: AmiBroker 4.17.0 beta released

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3 words...

Thank you Tomasz!


--- In amibroker@xxxx, "Tomasz Janeczko" <amibroker@xxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> A new beta version of AmiBroker (4.17.0) is available for download 
> from the following locations:
> http://www.amibroker.com/bin/ab4170beta.exe
> http://www.amibroker.net/bin/ab4170beta.exe
> ftp://ftp.amibroker.com/pub/ab4170beta.exe
> ftp://ftp.amibroker.net/pub/ab4170beta.exe
> (411KB self-extracting archive)
> Please read the "Read Me" file for description of changes.
> Best regards,
> Tomasz Janeczko
> amibroker.com
> AmiBroker 4.17.0 Beta Read Me
> October 2, 2002 20:45 
> Backup your data files and entire AmiBroker folder first!
> IMPORTANT: This archive is update-only. You have to install full 
version 4.00 first. 
> Just run the installer and follow the instructions. 
> Then run AmiBroker. You should see "AmiBroker 4.17.0 beta" written 
in the About box.
> CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.17.0 (as compared to 4.16.0)
> a.. added Gann Square and Gann Fan drawing tools with 
customisation dialogs (angle of line is displayed in the status bar) 
> b.. added parallel trend line tool 
> c.. studies can be dragged without "shrinking" effect beyond 
upper and lower chart border and beyond left and right border (but 
within available quotation range plus right margin) 
> d.. New toolbar buttons for ray (right-extend line) and extend 
(left and right) lines 
> e.. Format toolbar controls (color, thick, dotted) change 
selected drawing style & color 
> f.. snap to price was not accurate in v4.15-4.16 now it is 
accurate again 
> g.. snap to price now works in "magnet" mode - so it snaps only 
if cursor is within 5% distance to high/low price. Snap % threshold 
is definable in Preferences/Charting 
> h.. usability improvement: even when "return to select mode after 
drawing" is ON, you can draw mutliple studies one after another 
quickly if you hold down CTRL key while releasing the button. 
> i.. usability improvement: you can now draw objects with OR 
without holding left mouse button pressed while drawing. 
> j.. drawing object is now automatically selected when "return to 
select mode after drawing" is ON and "auto-select last drawn object" 
is also ON. This makes it easier to delete/copy/cut or see its 
properties (Alt+Enter) immediatelly. 
> k.. #include can now be written also in upper case 
> l.. some UI clean-up: 
> a.. added "Format" menu just to conform with MS recommendations 
for user interface, 
> b.. moved "snap to price" to Format menu and moved "Erase watch 
lists" to "Symbol" menu. 
> c.. "Snap to price" now available from toolbar. Right and left 
extend available from Format menu. 
> d.. Added "Properties" and "Delete all" to "Edit" for 
> e.. "Quotations..." has been renamed to "Quote Editor" and 
toolbar icon has been changed 
> f.. certain rarely used toolbar icons from "main toolbar" were 
removed to save space (Add/Delete/Split Symbol - regular menu is more 
appropriate for that operations) 
> m.. X-coordinate display pane in status bar enlarged to 
accommodate time also 
> n.. added "Copy Image as Metafile" option to Edit menu. Metafile 
is a vector format so you can resize copied picture without 
distortion. (useful for creating documents that are printed later) 
> o.. Quote Editor (QE) improvements: 
> a.. you can now delete quotes in QE - select one or more quotes 
from the list (SHIFT/CTRL to multi-select) and press "Delete" button
> b.. QE made several times faster displaying 20'000 bars 
in "current" symbol mode takes about 2 seconds now. 
> p.. now tickers can be case-sensitive. This is useful if you want 
to treat. ABC and ABc as different symbols. Tools-
>Preferences "Miscellaneous" : "Case sensitive ticker symbols"
> USE WITH CARE AS CERTAIN PLUGINS (eSignal plugin for example) DO 
> CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.16.0 (as compared to 4.15.1)
> a.. completely re-designed Fibonacci retracement tool allowing 
full customization and more flexibility. Just draw a Fib retracement 
and double click on it (or choose Edit->Properties). Customization 
dialog is available on "Fibonacci" tab. 
> b.. new setting in Tools->Preferences->Charting "Select quote 
only by CTRL+LMB" - 
> if marked quote selection is accessible only via double click or 
single click WITH CTRL key depressed (v4.15 style).
> if unmarked quote selection is possible via single click (old 
> c.. trend line properties dialog moved to property sheet for 
> CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.15.1 (as compared to 4.15.0)
> a.. fixed bug with date axis display that appeared in 4.15.0 
> b.. fixed problem with moving/sizing objects when multiple 
windows were open 
> c.. removed "Move/Size" toolbar button:
> now editing/moving/sizing is enabled by default in 
regular "Select" mode (arrow cursor) the old functionality (pick 
quotation) is available if you hold down CTRL key while clicking once 
on the chart or by double click on a chart while not being over an 
object. Double click over object - shows properties. 
> d.. added "Return to select mode after drawing" option in Tools-
> - when it is switched ON (by default) - right after drawing any 
object it is available for moving/sizing/deletion. 
> CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.15.0 (as compared to 4.14.0)
> a.. moving and sizing of drawing objects (see new "Move/Size" 
button in draw tool bar) 
> b.. cut/copy/paste/delete of drawing objects (Edit menu and 
standard shortcuts, need to mark object first in Move/Size mode) 
> c.. blank space in the right-hand side of the chart for drawing 
future trend line projections 
> d.. moved charting related preferences setting to new 
tab "Charting" 
> e.. new setting for number of blank bars in right margin 
(Charting tab) 
> CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.14.0 (as compared to 4.13.1)
> a.. fixed problem with creating new databases that occurred on 
certain MSVCRT versions 
> b.. styleOwnScale adjusts Base level for histogram and area style 
back to minvalue or zero whichever is less
> c.. Plot, PlotOHLC and PlotForeign have 2 additional parameters 
for specifying fixed minimum and maximum values for Y-axis
> Note that new parameters work only when styleOwnScale is used:
> Plot( array, title, color, style = styleLine, min = {empty}, max 
= {empty} )
> PlotOHLC( open, high, low, close, title, color, style = 
styleLine, min= {empty}, max = {empty} )
> PlotForeign( ticker, title, color, style = styleLine, min= 
{empty}, max = {empty} )
> New parameters make it easy to plot ribbons, for example: 
> Plot( Close, "Price", colorBlue, styleCandle );
> Plot( 2, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane 
width */
> "Ribbon",
> IIf( up, colorGreen, IIf( down, colorRed, 0 )), /* choose color */
> styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );
> It also makes it easy to plot 2 or more "own scale" plots with 
the same scaling:
> minimum = LastValue( Lowest( Volume ) );
> maximum = LastValue( Highest( Volume ) );
> Plot( Close, "Price", colorBlue, styleCandle );
> /* two plots below use OwnScale but the scale is common because 
we set min and max values of Y axis */
> Plot( Volume, "Volume", colorGreen, styleHistogram | styleThick | 
styleOwnScale, minimum, maximum );
> Plot( MA( Volume, 15 ), "MA volume", colorRed, styleLine | 
styleOwnScale, minimum, maximum );
> a.. fixed date axis display for custom intraday intervals longer 
than 60 minutes 
> b.. "dirty" flag is set properly now during ASCII import in 
$OVERWRITE 1 mode (solves import watch list problem) 
> c.. when switching layouts ticker bar selection is now 
synchronized with active window 
> d.. after AA->Scan Foreign symbol cache is flushed 
> e.. now styleLeftAxisScale really allows modification of built-in 
price chart to feature moving average of volume
> // Now plot volume and its moving average using left-hand axis 
> Plot( Volume , "Volume", colorBlue, styleLeftAxisScale | 
styleHistogram | styleThick | styleNoLabel );
> Plot( MA( Volume,15), "MAV", colorLightBlue, styleLeftAxisScale | 
styleNoLabel ); 
> f.. ASCII importer and Import Wizard now allows to import 
negative prices (useful for spreads). New command is $ALLOWNEG 1 and 
new check box in Import Wizard is "allow negative prices". Please 
note that logarithmic scale can NOT be used to display negative 
prices because log() function is undefined for negative values. 
> g.. four new AFL functions: 
> a.. LinRegIntercept( ARRAY, periods )- calculates intercept of 
linear regression line the "a" coefficient
> in a + b*x (LinRegSlope calculates b) 
> b.. LinearReg( ARRAY, periods )- calculates linear regression 
line ending value according to
> a + b * x (where a and b are intercept and slope of linear 
regression line) 
> c.. StdErr( ARRAY, periods )- calculates standard error 
function (standard error of linear regression estimate) - the same as 
MS' STE function 
> d.. TSF( ARRAY, periods ) - calculates time series forecast 
indicator (similar to LinearReg but differs by
> the value of lin reg slope)
> CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.13.1 (as compared to 4.13.0)
> a.. F4 key for Edit | GoToSymbol works again and can be redefined 
in the shortcut editor 
> b.. new style: styleLeftAxisScale = 65536 - allows to plot more 
than one graph using common scaling but different from regular (right 
axis) scale.
> Example: price plot plus volume and moving average plot: 
> // Plot price plot and its moving average
> Plot( Close, "Price", colorWhite, styleCandle );
> Plot( MA( Close, 20 ), "MAC", colorRed );
> // Now plot volume and its moving average using left-hand axis 
> Plot( Volume , "Volume", colorBlue, styleLeftAxisScale | 
styleHistogram | styleThick );
> Plot( MA( Volume,15), "MAV", colorLightBlue, styleLeftAxisScale );
> (in one of the future betas you will be able to display ruler for 
left-hand axis) 
> CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.13.0 (as compared to 4.12.0)
> a.. fixed bug with loading layouts for stocks that have spaces in 
the ticker symbol 
> b.. new pre-defined shortcut keys: Alt+Left = Next symbol, 
Alt+Right = Prev symbol,
> Ctrl+NumPadPLUS = Zoom In, Ctrl+NumPadMINUS = Zoom Out,
> Ctrl+PageUp = Prev Sheet, Ctrl+PageDown = Next Sheet 
> c.. new keyboard shortcut editor in Tools->Preferences->Keyboard 
allow user-definable keyboard shortcuts 
> d.. fixed display bug in Preferences->Intraday that caused 
rounding to full hours custom bar intervals of more than 60 minutes 
> e.. Layouts->Save As does not generate duplicate entries in the 
tree when already existing name is typed in (it was harmless but 
still not nice) 
> f.. A confirmation box is displayed when choosing Edit->Delete 
> g.. fixed problem with incorrect interval shown in the settings 
section of the report when hourly periodicity was selected 
> h.. new style: styleOwnScale = 32768 allows plotting graphs with 
independent scalling (like volume graph on price plot) 
> i.. implemented PlotForeign("ticker", "title", color, style = 
styleCandle | styleOwnScale ) 
> j.. implemented PlotOHLC( open, high, low, close, "title", color, 
style = styleCandle | styleOwnScale ) that allows plotting 
candlesticks/bars from other arrays without need to overwrite 
existing OHL arrays.
> CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.12.0 (as compared to 4.10.3)
> a.. color coded and multi-line caption bars in indicators
> colors are selected automatically when using Plot() function or 
graphNcolor variable.
> If you use Title variable you have to specify colors in the 
> Colors can be specified using \\cXX sequence where XX is 2 digit 
number specifying color index \\c38 - defines violet, there is a 
special sequence \\c-1 that resets to default axis color. 
> For example 
> Title = "This is written in \\c38violet color \\c27and this in 
> You can also use new AFL function that makes it easier. Function 
is called
> EncodeColor( colornumber ).
> And you can write the above example like this:
> Title = "This is written in " + EncodeColor( colorViolet ) 
+ "violet color " + EncodeColor( colorGreen ) + "and this in green"; 
> Multi-line caption is possible by simply embedding line break \n, 
for example:
> Title = "This is 1st line\nThis is second line";
> b.. new layout handling code: 
> a.. you can now have unlimited number of 
> custom, multiple-window templates that can be switched between 
with just double click on layout name in the "Layouts" tab of the 
Workspace window 
> b.. you can open/save/delete layout by clicking on the Layout 
tree with right mouse button and choosing appropriate function. "Save 
As" option saves current layout under new name. 
> c.. Local layouts are per-database while Global layouts are 
visible from all databases. 
> d.. information saved in layouts include: window sizes and 
postions, maximized/minimized state chart panes available on each 
sheet (independent for each window), selected bar interval, selected 
symbol, selected chart sheet 
> e.. Most recently used layout can be saved on exit and database 
switch automatically (see: Tools->Prefs->Miscellaneous "Save on exit: 
> f.. old single-window layouts are now renamed to "templates" 
> c.. CCIa( array, period ) function added - works like CCI but 
accepts input array instead of working on (C+H+L)/3 
> d.. implemented a *very* basic pre-processor with single command 
#include that allows to include external AFL files into your formula. 
> #include "path\to my file\name path.afl"
> Note 1: include statement need SINGLE backslashes in the path 
(this is quite the opposite to normal AFL sting
> parsing)
> Note 2: using #include command may slow down formula execution 
> considering the fact that AmiBroker tries to include only once 
and cache pre-processed text
> Note 3: that currently no error message is given if #include 
fails and this code
> is experimental.
> Note 4: nesting #include commands is not supported 
> e.. balloon tooltips for status bar 
> f.. color-coded plugin status pane in the status bar, plus pop-up 
balloon notifications when connection state changes 
> g.. ability to link custom menu to the plugin status pane - new 
QT plugin (beta) provides Connect/Shutdown options thru such menu. 
> h.. data plugins receive UNLOAD notification correctly 
> i.. you can sort columns in Quotation Editor by click on column 
> j.. layout of Quick Review window changed to allow smaller window 
> k.. Intraday settings dialog allows wider time shift -23..+23 
> If you experience any problem with this beta version please send 
detailed description of the problem (especially the steps needed to 
reproduce it) to bugs@xxxx