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Re: [amibroker] Plotting Equities from the AA

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1. To enable this "marvelous" feature you need to add at the 
VERY END of your formula the following line:
Plot(Equity(),"Equity",1,1); /* 
Why? Because Equity plot is generated by AMiBroker by copying 
your formula and adding the following statements:
maxgraph=1 causes that only 1st graph line is used. If we 
leave unclosed comment at the end this part of the code
is not interpreted and then we can use mutliple 
2. You can plot Equity with a log scale by using Indicator 
Builder, pasting your code and marking "Logarithmic" box
Best regards,Tomasz Janeczkoamibroker.com
----- Original Message ----- 
Herman vanden 
To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxx 
href="">Amibroker@xxxx Com
Cc: <A title=tj@xxxx 
href="">_Tomasz Janeczko 
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 3:01 
Subject: [amibroker] Plotting Equities 
from the AA

The joy lasted about 
an hour :-( don't know what i changed but it doesn't work anymore - Tomasz, if 
you are reading this... how do I turn back on the marvelous feature? I amsure 
it worked because i even played with changing the colors and removing some 
equity lines...just because I didn't believe what I saw at 
Did my program go 
into warp mode and adopt features yet to be developed?
Anybody else worked 
with plotting equities from the AA?
===== prev msg 
Hello,I only just discovered (I am a bit slow now and 
then) that I can plot multiple Equity() curves from the AA backtester. What a 
marvelous feature!!!This is great for debugging complicated systems, I 
used to shuffle back between AA and Indicator Windows while there is no need 
for that. If you have a system where you start with a simple basic trading 
system that you enhance with various stops, SARs, MA signal Gating, ADX(), 
etc. you can simply insert Plot(Equity(),"Equity",1,1); ,as 
many times as you like, after each of those enhancements. This will plot the 
equity (overlaying many traces) for each stage if you click the Equity button. 
It shows you exactly how each enhancement effects your equity.Perhaps 
you all knew about this while I didn't :-( this is a great timesaver. If now 
only we could plot the equity with a log scale...I am sure TC is working on 
that too...Take care,Herman. Your 
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