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RE: [amibroker] StoRSI

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Hi WJ,

>From all of my reading on this list it seems that every time on ventures
off and starts optimizing every parameter in the foundation of a formula
that the dreadful "over optimization" term starts rearing its ugly head.

I'm far from an expert and am still a little confilicted on it. I can
understand the desire to have a "robust" solution for a basket of stocks
but I can't help but think that if you want to develop a tailored
solution for a very high profile vehicle like qqq it should be more than


-----Original Message-----
From: willem1940 [mailto:w.j.a.struyck@x...] 
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 12:25 AM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [amibroker] StoRSI

Herman, Dingo,

Here my penny contribution to trying something new. I have modified 
the StoRSI so you can optimize "period" and "delta". Using this 
modified AFL I have experimented with the ADX addition but the 
results in general beco0me worse except for some volatile stocks.
Curious what you think.
Period = Optimize("Period", 6,2,40,2); 

Buy = Cross(delta, EMA((RSI(period)-LLV(RSI(period),period))/ (HHV(RSI
(period),period)- (LLV(RSI(period),period))),3)*100) ; 
Sell = Cross(EMA((RSI(period)-LLV(RSI(period),period))/ (HHV(RSI
(period),period)- (LLV(RSI(period),period))),3)*100, 100-delta); 

Short = Sell; 
Cover = Buy; 

Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell ); 
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy ); 
Short = ExRem( Short, Cover ); 
Cover = ExRem( Cover, Short ); 

Filter = 1; 

Willem Jan

--- In amibroker@xxxx, "Herman van den Bergen" <psytek@xxxx> wrote:
> Message-----Original Message-----
> From: dingo [mailto:dingo@x...]
> Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 11:40 AM
> To: amibroker@xxxx
> Subject: RE: [amibroker] StoRSI - Try someting different!!!
> Herman,
> ...Would you care to step me thru them? Perhaps share how you 
made them
> and how to interpret them?
> [Herman van den Bergen]
> Disclaimer: I am just an amateur number cruncher, I am not an 
expert on
> trading stocks.
> The charts were made in Excel. When you perform an optimization 
the result
> tables displayed will have columns for the parameters that were 
varied to
> find the optimum performance. They are the right-most columns in 
the report.
> When you optimize two (only two!) parameters you can use the Export 
> to export the result table to a .csv file and make 3D charts. First 
> export the results using the Export button and then you import it 
> Excel.
> To make it easy to make 3D charts you should install the 3D 
> plugin for Excel attached. Instructions on how to do it are in the 
> file. If you have problems email me privately, perhaps I will be 
able to
> help.
> The flat chart [ TradeLimiting1.jpg ] plots the Long durations 
along the
> Horizontal axis and the Short durations along the Vertical axis on 
> screen. The profit at any point where two durations cross is given 
by color.
> For example, look up ShLim (Short Limit) = 5 bars follow its line 
to the
> left until you reach LLim (Long Limit) = 23, the color at that 
point is
> light blue. Going to the color table to the right of the plot you 
can see
> that the gain at that point is 1100% to 1200% (Excel plotted this in
> integers, % is *100. Sorry I forgot over what period that was). 
This means
> that if you limit your trade durations with something like this:
> LLim = Optimize("LLim",9,1,30,1);
> ShLim = Optimize("Sh:im",1,1,30,1);
> Sell = (BarsSince(Ref(Buy,-1)) > LLim) OR Sell;
> Cover = (BarsSince(Ref(Short,-1)) > ShLim) OR Cover;
> to 23 Days for long trades and to 5 days for Short trades, you'll 
get the
> highest gain possible for the formula used. An extra advantage is 
that you
> are more time in cash, your exposure to risk is less.
> The 3D chart works the same except here the gain is plotted in 3D 
> Not as easy to see here but in Excel you can rotate the chart and 
you can
> clearly see that there is a high gain ridge at ShLim=5, beyond that 
> the gains drop. The completely flat (light blue) area shows that 
there were
> no trades with those durations; the gain didn't change. One would 
have to
> further analyze this to see why it happens, it could mean out Long 
signal is
> late.
> Regarding the "parabolic" idea.. I have been researching the SAR 
> and it seems to have an implied "parabolic" incorporated in it. Is 
> anther function that you are referring to?
> [Herman van den Bergen]
> How about simply reversing the position when a certain profit is 
> :-)
> Unzipping my gorilla suit and stepping out of it for a moment (Mad
> Magazine circa 1959) to get some perspective, it seems to me that 
we have a
> number of areas to persue in order to fine tune the StochRSI (or 
> approach:
> 1. Get better at the entry process (by adding something (ADX) to 
> the entry to be consistent with the direction of the price movement)
> 2. Get better at the exit process and at the same time better at 
> losses. I think we have to do these 2 in tandem...?
> 3. Assuming we can achieve 1 and 2 I'd then appreciate some 
guidance on
> how we migh incorporate "money management" techniques into this 
> I really appreciate the fact that Steve started this discussion! 
I am at
> the point in my learning curve that I'd like to try to use all of 
> reading and experimenting that I've been doing for the last month 
to develop
> an approach for assembling a "system" that would be a model for me 
to follow
> in the future. I also appreciate the fact that you others have 
joined in on
> this thread and would encourage anyone that wants to jump in to do 
> Sincerely,
> dingo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Herman van den Bergen [mailto:psytek@x...]
> Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 7:52 AM
> To: amibroker@xxxx
> Subject: [amibroker] StoRSI - Try someting different!!!
> Hello dingo, great to see the new ADX angle introduced! Has 
> charted it yet?
> Attached two charts to show that there is an optimum max trade 
> for the StoRSI (for most osc systems in fact). This phenomena can 
be charted
> in many ways, try making a bar chart for each, the Long and Short
> positions...Not only does it improve profits; it also reduces 
> Also, because we are not tinkering with the basic timing system the 
> for over-optimization would appear less... Perhaps a statistician 
> comment on this...
> Now on to the ADX :-) I haven't worked with that for ages...
> Best Regards,
> Herman.
> PS. Your PSAR idea has promise too ;-) but drop the Parabolic 
idea; just
> keep it simple.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dingo [mailto:dingo@x...]
> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 9:20 PM
> To: amibroker@xxxx
> Subject: RE: [amibroker] StoRSI - Try someting different!!!
> Good news!
> I'm still hunting snipe out in parabolic SAR land.. been 
> but nothing to report other than I think somebody's messing with my 
> I presume you optimized the ADX values...?
> dingo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg [mailto:greg.bean@x...]
> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 9:04 PM
> To: amibroker@xxxx
> Subject: Re: [amibroker] StoRSI - Try someting different!!!
> Hi,
> I tried adding another condition to the buy side of the 
> using ADX(14) and made a significant increase in returns with fewer 
> between 30/12/1999 and 19/07/02. There was also an article in 
> Magazine May 2002 that discussed using MACD as an additional 
> Greg
> /* Stochastic - RSI , and ADX*/
> StoRSI = EMA((scRSI(C,8) - LLV(scRSI(C,8),8))/
> (HHV(scRSI(C,8),8) - LLV(scRSI(C,8),8)),3)*100;
> Buy = Cross(17,StoRSI) AND ADX(14)>20;
> Sell= Cross(StoRSI,83) ;
> Short = Sell;
> Cover = Buy;
> //Plot(Equity(),"Equity",1,1);
> Plot(StoRSI,"StoRSI",1,1);
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