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Re: [amibroker] Quotes Plus Problems

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Peter, you're totally missing the point.

Consider that five minutes on your Pentium III (or IV). Even though 
you're loading 5000 securities into the database, that is still a long 
time in compute cycles. Slow for everyone regardless of the speed of 
the processor.

Now multiply that by the number of days that the guy who complained 
about this must have been downloading. Add to that any compression 
phases because he missed some days. We're talking a long time, so his 
concern is understandable. He just doesn't realize that QP2 takes a 
long time to update large gaps in its database.

-- John

bluesinvestor wrote:


<<Slow for everybody. That's just
the nature of QP2 downloader.>>

I think you are confusing the issue. There are actually two programs - the
QP Downloader and QP Process (most people just recognize one because they
have it set to automatically run QP Process immediately after download).

QP Downloader downloads the updates from the QP servers. Speed here will
depend on your internet connection.

QP Process updates your local database with this download. Speed here will
depend on your system (memory, hard drive speed, CPU, etc.)

My overall time - from download (Cable/DSL connection) to finished update -
is about 5 minutes on my laptop (Pentium III 500 Mhz / 196Meg Ram / slow
laptop hard drive) and even faster (under 3 minutes) on my desktop (Pentium
III 700 Mhz / 512 Meg Ram / Ultra ATA 133 80 MB 7200 Hard Drive) - both
running Win2K.



John T. Nelson
Trader | Dreams Of Empire
mail: | trader@xxxx
web: | http://www.dreamsofempire.com/
"Prediction is sexy... but strategy makes money"