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vbscript help.

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I am having trouble trying to do a loop.

what i am trying to do is .

after the first time that HHV(H,10) is true then create a channel 
which would be the value of the high + %5 and the high - %5.

if the high crosses the top %5 channel then the high creates a new 
channel on this high using the same %5 rules on that high.
but if the low crosses below the low %5 channel then a channel of 
that low +%5 and the low - %5 will be created on that low which ever 
is true first.
the HHV(h,10) is only used once to form the first channel, then 
the other rules apply. 

I have tried using a few examples of vbscript, this vbscript below 
was posted by Herman van den Bergen, and it was a reply about 
looping, but it doesnt seem to do what i want.

I have recently purchased a book on VBscript but am still non the 

// you can put other AFL code here

<% 'Start of VB script
Open = AFL("Open") 'This is how you tell VB Open is an array
Open2 = AFL("OI") 'This is how you declare other arrays you need
FOR i = 1 to UBound( Open ) 'This creates a loop from bar 1 to the end
Open2(i) = Open(i) + 1 'This is where you do your work that requires
'This dummy statement just adds 1 to the open
Next 'End of loop
AFL("Open2") = Open2 'Pass arrays back to AFL
%> 'End of VB script

// more AFL code
Plot(Open,"Open",4,1); //Check the results in AFL
