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Median Close VBScript Help Please

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I want to get the median close. Couldn't find AFL function
so I wrote this script. It doesn't give any errors but
the result is not the median of the last 21 days. I use 21 
because the 11th sorted value becomes the median. Can someone
please spot my error.


/*Median CLose in last 21 days*/
Close = AFL( "close" ) 

Function fnSort(aSort)
Dim intTempStore
Dim i, j 

For i= Ubound(aSort)-21 To UBound(aSort) 
For j = i To UBound(aSort)
'Sort Ascending 
if aSort(i) > aSort(j) Then
intTempStore = aSort(i)
aSort(i) = aSort(j)
aSort(j) = intTempStore
End if 'i > j

Next 'j
Next 'i
fnSort = aSort
End function 'fnSort
Dim aSorted
'call the function
aSorted = fnSort(Close)

median=aSorted(11) ' 11th element of the sorted 21
AFL.Var("medianclose") = median
