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Tomasz - Netstream - quotes from NAQ

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This is the supplier of quotes to the MyTrader program. Maybe they would be able to support Amibroker?

Sunday, April 28, 2002 10:12:36 AM EST NAQ,Inc.  
Market Center  
Stock Quotes  
Option Chains  
Online Symbol Guide  
Nasdaq Trader 

Zacks Research  
Market Mavens  
Investor Bookstore 

Canadian & US
Holiday Schedule  
Exchange Sites  
DJ Indexes  
NASDAQ - Canada  
News Sites  
RT Trader Pro    
RT Trader   
Corporate Services    
About NAQ    
Contact Us  
**Click on a symbol for an updated quote. Ticker data is delayed by 15-20 min and updated every 5 min** 
North American Quotations, Inc (NAQ) provides NETstream for useby Internet WEB Service Developers who wish to enhance their Web site by providing real-time or delayed Stock and Futures Market information to theirclients. 
This service is designed to "stream" NAQ's market data information to Developers, giving them continuous updates via a Windows dll across a circuit or satellite feed. NETstream delivers every tick on all issues traded and much more. It is ideal for building real-time and historical databases along with applications which react to changing prices; for example, limit alerts and complex buy/sell programs
NETstream is capable of providing both delayed and real-time streaming data. Developers can choose which Exchanges will be available in real-time, while others will be delayed for exchange prescribed time periods.If both real-time and delayed data is required for each exchange, then twoseparate NETstream systems must be implemented.
NETstream is a true 32 bit application, designed to run under Windows NT. 
Developers have the flexibility to develop their applications under virtually any operating system: Windows 95/NT, UNIX, MAC...being confident that NETstream will not impose any restrictions.
Market data can be received via a 256k satellite dish or 256kb Frame Relay connections.  

Why should Developers consider NETstream?  
Reliability: Since it is important to receive every trade, NAQ's NETsream data feed is installed at your site, eliminating integrity problems that can be experienced when "backlinked" over the Internet. 
Flexibility: Developers have total flexibility on how to manageand display the information to their clients.
Example Programs: Our included example code will have you reading our data feed in minutes, leaving you free to concentrate your development time on your specific application
Build a Symbol search routine - the data is there for you . In fact, our online symbol guide, connecting company names to symbols in the database, is broadcast to you daily.
Comprehensive Data: All U.S. and Canadian Stock and Futures exchanges are available.
Limited Paperwork: NAQ helps you deal with all Exchange regulations, including electronic reporting and remitting.
Data Upgrades: As NAQ adds new sources of information, they areavailable to you, without any program changes on your part.
Free Support: NAQ will provide ongoing technical support and upgrades to NETstream, at no cost to you.

For further information and pricing:
E-mail Heather Gianakakis
Telephone 1-800-465-4300 ext. 222
Use our convenient contact form


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© 2001 NAQ,Inc.
This data is proprietary and may not be copied, disseminated or used without the express written permission of NAQ, Inc. and its Providers. 
NAQ, Inc. does not warrant or guarantee the information contained herein orassume any liability or responsibility for any reliance placed on the information or for the risks of the stock market.
This information is intended for personal use only.

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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Tomasz,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>This is the supplier of quotes to the MyTrader 
program. Maybe they would&nbsp; be able to support Amibroker?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Greg</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>
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<TD><A href="http://www.naq.com/online/symbolchoice.asp";><FONT 
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<TD><A href="http://www.naq.com/canholiday.asp";><FONT face=verdana 
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Schedule</B></FONT></A> </TD></TR>
<TD><A href="http://www.naq.com/glossary.asp";><FONT face=verdana 
color=#fdf6ce size=1><B>Glossary</B></FONT></A> </TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=#000066><FONT face=Verdana color=#bdbdc7 
size=1><B>Exchange Sites</B></FONT> </TD></TR>
<TD><A target=_blank href="http://www.amextrader.com/";><FONT 
face=verdana color=#fdf6ce size=1><B>AMEX</B></FONT></A> </TD></TR>
<TD><A target=_blank href="http://www.cbot.com/";><FONT face=verdana 
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<TD><A target=_blank href="http://www.cdnx.com/";><FONT face=verdana 
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<TD><A target=_blank href="http://www.cme.com/";><FONT face=verdana 
color=#fdf6ce size=1><B>CME</B></FONT></A> </TD></TR>
<TD><A target=_blank 
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<td><A href="http://www.mgex.com"; target=_blank>
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</tr>	-->
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<TD><A target=_blank 
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<TD bgColor=#000066><FONT face=Verdana color=#bdbdc7 size=1><B>News 
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href="http://www.naq.com/proinfo.asp";><FONT face=arial color=#fdf6ce 
size=2><B>RT Trader Pro </B></FONT></A></TD>
<TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#000066><IMG height=5hspace=0 
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color=#fdf6ce size=2><B>RT Trader</B></FONT></A></TD>
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color=#fdf6ce size=2><B>Powerfeeds</B></FONT></A></TD>
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<TABLE height=31 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=2>
<TD borderColor=#e7ffff bgColor=black border="2">
<CENTER><APPLET id=Applet1 code=HJDualTicker.class align=baseline 
width="100%" height=41 VIEWASTEXT codebas=""><PARAM NAME="ticktop" VALUE="http://www.naq.com/web/MarketClosed.txt";><PARAM NAME="refreshvalue" VALUE="120000"><PARAM NAME="sleeptime" VALUE="35"><PARAM NAME="tickbottom" VALUE="http://www.naq.com/web/Wknd.txt";><PARAM NAME="loadmsg" VALUE="Loading"><PARAM NAME="quotelink" VALUE=""></APPLET> 
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<CENTER><FONT face=arial color=black size=1><B>**Click ona symbol 
for an updated quote. Ticker data is delayed by 15-20 min and 
updated every 5 min**</B></FONT></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--Page Contents starts here--->
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="70%" align=center bgColor=white 
<TD bgColor=white>
<TD bgColor=white><FONT face=arial color=#cc0033 
size=3><B>Overview</B></FONT> </TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=white><FONT face=arial color=black size=2>North American 
Quotations, Inc (NAQ) provides NETstream for use by Internet WEB 
Service Developers who wish to enhance their Web site by providing 
real-time or delayed Stock and Futures Market information to their 
clients. <BR>&nbsp;<BR>This service is designed to "stream" NAQ's 
market data information to Developers, giving them continuous 
updates via a Windows dll across a circuit or satellite feed. 
NETstream delivers every tick on all issues traded and much more. It 
is ideal for building real-time and historical databases along with 
applications which react to changing prices; for example, limit 
alerts and complex buy/sell programs<BR>&nbsp;<BR>NETstream is 
capable of providing both delayed and real-time streaming data. 
Developers can choose which Exchanges will be available in 
real-time, while others will be delayed for exchange prescribedtime 
periods. If both real-time and delayed data is required for each 
exchange, then two separate NETstream systems must be 
implemented.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>NETstream is a true 32 bit application, 
designed to run under Windows NT. <BR>&nbsp;<BR>Developers havethe 
flexibility to develop their applications under virtually any 
operating system: Windows 95/NT, UNIX, MAC...being confident that 
NETstream will not impose any restrictions.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Marketdata 
can be received via a 256k satellite dish or 256kb Frame Relay 
connections.</FONT> </TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=white><BR><FONT face=arial color=#cc0033 size=3><B>Why 
should Developers consider NETstream?</B></FONT> </TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=white><FONT face=arial color=black size=2><IMG 
Since it is important to receive every trade, NAQ's NETsream data 
feed is installed at your site, eliminating integrity problems that 
can be experienced when "backlinked" over the Internet. 
Developers have total flexibility on how to manage and display the 
information to their clients.<BR>&nbsp;<BR><IMG 
Programs:</I></B> Our included example code will have you reading 
our data feed in minutes, leaving you free to concentrate your 
development time on your specific application<BR>Build a Symbol 
search routine - the data is there for you . In fact, our online 
symbol guide, connecting company names to symbols in the database, 
is broadcast to you daily.<BR>&nbsp;<BR><IMG 
Data:</I></B> All U.S. and Canadian Stock and Futures exchangesare 
Paperwork:</I></B> NAQ helps you deal with all Exchange regulations, 
including electronic reporting and remitting.<BR>&nbsp;<BR><IMG 
Upgrades:</I></B> As NAQ adds new sources of information, they are 
available to you, without any program changes on your 
Support:</I></B> NAQ will provide ongoing technical support and 
upgrades to NETstream, at no cost to you.<BR>&nbsp;<BR></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD bgColor=white><BR><FONT face=arial color=black size=2><B>For 
further information and pricing:</B><BR><IMG 
src="http://www.naq.com/images/whitebal.gif";>E-mail <A 
color=#000084>Heather Gianakakis</FONT></B></A><BR><FONT 
1-800-465-4300 ext. 222<BR><IMG 
src="http://www.naq.com/images/whitebal.gif";>Use our convenient <A 
href="mailto:caroleo@xxxx?subject=Advertising with NAQ.com"><FONT face=arial 
color=#7e7e7e size=1>Advertise with Us</A> | </FONT><A 
href="http://www.naq.com/SiteMap.asp";><FONT face=arial color=#7e7e7e size=1>Site 
Map</A> | </FONT><A href="http://www.naq.com/Contact_us.asp";><FONT face=arial 
color=#7e7e7e size=1>Contact Us</A> | </FONT><A 
href="mailto:webmaster@xxxx";><FONT face=arial color=#7e7e7e 

<CENTER><FONT face=arial color=#7e7e7e size=1><SUP>©</SUP> 2001 NAQ,Inc.<BR>This 
data is proprietary and may not be copied, disseminated or used without the 
express written permission of NAQ, Inc. and its Providers. <BR>NAQ, Inc. does 
not warrant or guarantee the information contained herein or assume any 
liability or responsibility for any reliance placed on the information or for 
the risks of the stock market.<BR>This information is intended for personaluse 
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