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Re: [amibroker] AMIBROKER.IMPORT why cant i use it from VB

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Well :-))) this is because Visual Basic makes such 
huge difference between
so called Procedures and Functions. This is one of 
many reasons why I prefer
JScript. And yes Import is a function that returns 
1 in case of success.
Best regards,Tomasz Janeczko===============AmiBroker - the 
comprehensive share manager.<A 
----- Original Message ----- 
NIck Iacovelli 

To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 6:24 
Subject: Re: [amibroker] 
AMIBROKER.IMPORT why cant i use it from VB
<FONT face=Tahoma 
size=1>NO error number  just a syntex errori 
need a "=" signlike c=amibroker.Import(0, "stock.tmp", 
"ami.format")this alone is wrongamibroker.Import(0, 
"stock.tmp", "ami.format")At 03:39 PM 7/3/2001 +0200, you 
wrote:>Hello,>>What error number (+description) do you 
get?>Are you using Visual Basic, VBA or VBScript?>>Best 
regards,>Tomasz Janeczko>>----- Original Message 
----->From: <mailto:nickhere@xxxx>NIck Iacovelli>To: 
03 July, 2001 15:16>Subject: Re: [amibroker] AMIBROKER.IMPORT why cant 
i use it from VB>>It is>still dont 
work.>>it also looking for c=amibroker.Import(0, "stock.tmp", 
"ami.format")>by itself i get  some 
error>>>>>>At 08:46 AM 7/3/2001 
+0200, you wrote:> >Hello Nick,> >> > >but 
using> > >amibroker.Import(0, "stock.tmp", "ami.format")> 
> >just doesn't work.> >You have to know that "stock.tmp"must 
be located in the same directory as> >the script> 
>(current working directory).> >While ami.format file must be 
located in "Formats" subdirectory of> >AmiBroker's main 
folder> >(where all other .format files are) - otherwise you have to 
specify a full> >path to the file> >in the Import function 
call.> >> >> >Best regards,> >Tomasz 
Janeczko> >===============> >AmiBroker - the comprehensive 
share manager.> ><<<A 
href="">http://www.amibroker. > com> 
>----- Original Message -----> >From: 
<mailto:nickhere@xxxx>NIck Iacovelli> >To: 
>Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 2:10 AM> >Subject: [amibroker] 
AMIBROKER.IMPORT why cant i use it from VB> >> >the  
following VB code> >doesnt work  why> >> 
>Set amibroker = CreateObject("Broker.Application")> 
>amibroker.Import(0, "stock.tmp", "ami.format")> 
>amibroker.RefreshAll> >> >> >> >I 
know the createobject  function work> >i can  see allthe 
symbols refreshing in ami when i run the program.> >and these line 
are working to get a symbol list> >> 
>            c = 
>            Open 
"stock.lst" For Output As #1> 
>            For a = 
1 To c - 1> 
Print #1, amibroker.stocks(a).ticker> 
Next a> 
>            Close 
#1 c = amibroker.stocks.Count> >> >> >> 
>but i have a list of  ascii data> >> 
>example:  "stock.tmp"> 
>"DAVE","7/2/2001",9.93,9.73,9.99,9.71,151600> >> >with 
the file "ami.format"> >$FORMAT Ticker, Date_MDY, Close, Open, High, 
Low, Volume> >$SKIPLINES 0> >$SEPARATOR ,> 
>$CONT 1> >$GROUP 255> >$AUTOADD 1> >$DEBUG 
1> >> >> >> >using the importer by 
hand  the data will import> >> >but using> 
>amibroker.Import(0, "stock.tmp", "ami.format")> >> 
>just doesn't work.> >> >if this work I can updateami 
broker as fast as it can take to  do a> >standard 
import.> >and  in real time.> >> >testing 
shows the dow 30 list can be done in under 3 sec ( a guess> 
>it  could  be faster)> >> >nick> 
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