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Re: [amibroker] Re: Workspaces

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Hello Steve,
In fact you have complete control over the import 
$GROUP, $INDUSTRY, $MARKET commands in the format 
definition file enable you to
define to which group, industry and market 
new stocks are added.
By default aqh.format file has $GROUP 254 
that puts all newly added stocks (from .AQH files only) 
into the Group 254 (or whenether you name 
--- aqh.format file :

# AmiQuote historical quotes download format (.AQH 
extension)$FORMAT Date_DMY,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume$SKIPLINES 
You can modify aqh.format format definition file 
so the importer will use your preferred setup.

<TABLE borderColor=#c00000 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#c00000 cellPadding=3 
width="80%" bgColor=#c00000 border=1>


Define group ID

<FONT color=#ffffff 
this affects $AUTOADD 1 mode 
- if this is specified, newly added stocks are assigned to group with 
given number. 




<TABLE borderColor=#c00000 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#c00000 cellPadding=3 
width="80%" bgColor=#c00000 border=1>


Define industry 

<FONT color=#ffffff 
this affects $AUTOADD 1 mode 
- if this is specified, newly added stocks are assigned to industry with 
given number. 




<TABLE borderColor=#c00000 cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#c00000 cellPadding=3 
width="80%" bgColor=#c00000 border=1>


Define market ID

<FONT color=#ffffff 
this affects $AUTOADD 1 mode 
- if this is specified, newly added stocks are assigned to market with 
given number. 




Best regards,Tomasz 
Janeczko===============AmiBroker - the comprehensive share 
manager.<FONT face=Tahoma 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Wiser" <<A 
href=""><FONT face=Tahoma 
To: <<A 
href=""><FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<FONT face=Tahoma 
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: 
<FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>> Hello All:> > My use of workspaces was based ona 
false premise.  I just checked out > something that I thought of 
while writing the last message.> > Check out the third paragraph 
below.  Amibroker does add the subsequent > imports to a temporary 
grouping and it is group 254.  With this you can do > exactly what 
Tomasz says and it is much easier even than what I was > proposing.  
So I stand corrected and have learn that Tomasz had anticipated > my 
concerns before I even knew them.  WOW what a program....> > 
My assertion that the new stocks get lost in the jungle is not > 
correct.  They are segregated into the group 254 for later 
handling.> > Thanks again Tomasz.> > Steve> 
> At 05:48 AM 5/13/01 -0400, you wrote:> >Tomasz:> 
>> >I understand that the AQH files and the Amibroker databaseare 
two separate> >things completely. The only reason I suggest to put the 
AQH and AQD files> >into the subdirectory with the new workspace is to 
keep things in one> >place.  The only thing I have to copy is a 
the file for the listing of> >stocks once.  Everything else is 
automated by Amibroker.> >> >If I use your technique and I 
add say 25 stocks and those 25 stocks are> >some which I want to 
segregate from all the others (almost 300);  once I> >import 
them  I have to go through each of the now 325 stocks selecting 
each> >new stock I just imported so that I can move it to anothernew 
group.  This> >can be tedious to me.  I have to make sure 
that I have my listing printed> >out and go through the 325 stock 
listing selecting each one> >individually.  I have done thisand 
after about the 12 or 15 stocks I> >select I usually miss something 
and all the others get unselected so I have> >to start over.  Or 
I have to do the selecting process completely 25 times> >to move those 
25 stocks to a separate location.> >> >The only way that I 
can see that your process as easier would be if any> >subsequent 
imports from the initial workspace building import were to go> >into a 
separate group such as "group 254" as a default keeping them> 
>separate from all the others.  This would allow the new 25 to be 
kept> >separate until final categorization so that they could be 
selected and> >moved as desired.  Maybe this happens and I just 
have not observed this> >before.  Does this happen?  Ordo 
they all get dumped into the "All"> >grouping where they get lostin 
the jungle so to speck and have to be> >selected individually as 
describe above, which is my present understanding> >of how things 
work.  If a subsequent import does get placed into its own> 
>temporary grouping where I can then move them into a particular 
grouping> >then YES you are right my method is not needed. Forgive me 
if I have> >overlooked this particular feature of Amibroker if this is 
the case.> > > >  > > Your use of 
Yahoo! Groups is subject to <A 
href=""><FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/<FONT face=Tahoma 
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