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Stan Weinstein Watch List

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Attached is an updated version of an earlier post on this subject.

The problem of not being able to compare the stock's index to the 
market index is resolved.

As per my earlier post (3 times - unfortunately - apologies) the 
exrem problem remains.

This code is more aggressive than the earlier post on the Stan 
Weinstein criteria. It now only looks for one white candle to 
trigger. It's now almost a dead cat bounce buy criteria - hence as 
stated is really for creating a watch list rather than a buy list - 
unless you're very bold and could monitor intra day.


/* Stan Weinstein Buy Criteria - Afl implementation by Geoff Mulhall 
18/4/2001 */

dollars = 5000;

maLong = 150;
maShort = 13;
maRelStr = 2;

/* sufficient liquidity ie share purchased less than 2% of weekly 

cond1 = dollars/close < 0.02 * sum(volume,maLong)/(maLong/5);

/* Stage 2 stock - Uncomment for buy criteria */

/* cond2 = close > ma(close,maLong); */

/*close above MA and a Stage 4 stock - Un comment for watch criteria 

cond2 = close > ma(close,maShort) AND close < ma(close,maLong);

/* one white soldier detected */

cond3 = close > ref(close,-1) AND ref(close,-1) > ref(close,-2) AND 
close > open; 

/* Moving Average is rising or flat */

/* cond3 = ma(close,maShort) >= ref(ma(close,maShort),-1); */

/* beginning to trend over the last 2 days */

cond4 = low > ref(low,-1) AND ref(low,-1) >= ref(low,-2) AND high > 
ref(high,-1) AND ref(high,-1) > ref(high,-2);

/* gradient of the relative strength is increasing compared to its 
index */

cond5 = ma(relstrength(""), maRelStr) >= ref(ma(relstrength(""), 
maRelStr), -1 * maRelStr);

/* relative strength of the stocks index is increasing compared to 

indexStr = relstrength("XAO")/relstrength("");

cond6 = ma(indexStr,maRelStr) >= ref(ma(indexStr, maRelStr), -1 * 

buy = cond1 AND cond2 AND cond3 AND cond4 AND cond5 AND cond6;

sell = 0; 

/* buy = exrem(buy,sell); */ 
/* sell = exrem(sell,buy); */