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Re: [amibroker] guru commentary

  • To: "Peter B. White" <peter.white@xxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [amibroker] guru commentary
  • From: "David Holzgrefe" <dtholz@xxxx>
  • Date: 17 Apr 2001 09:33:17 -0000
  • In-reply-to: <NBBBLOAJIDOMLGDMKDFPAEDODJAA.peter.white@xxxx>

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

The buy sell arrows are generated by the 
and are not really of any use in the commentary 
except to generate signal for the text for cci " CCI has generated buy 
signal   1 periods ago."
you can hide them by changing the code to 
buy1=cross( cci(), -100 );sell1 = cross( 100, 
cci() );
bsbuy  = barssince( buy1 );bssell = 
barssince( sell1 );
By the way I'm no expert there may be errors in the 
I welcome any dialog from others if they can spot 
any error or suggest more efficient ways to achieve the same 
Thanks David
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr 
----- Original Message ----- 
<A title=peter.white@xxxx 
href="">Peter B. White 
To: <A title=dtholz@xxxxxx 
Cc: <A title=filel@xxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 6:09 
Subject: RE: [amibroker] guru 

class=030530608-17042001>Thanks for posting the guru commentary. I am still a 
novice at this and don't seem to find enough time to become 
you tell me what the red/green arrows represent. What indicator arethye based 

<FONT face=Tahoma 
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: David Holzgrefe 
[mailto:dtholz@xxxx]Sent: Monday, 16 April 2001 7:43 
PMTo: <A 
[amibroker] guru commentary
Hi all in the absence of others posting there 
guru commentary files here's one I have but together for a bit of fun trying 
to learn how the afl language works.
Maybe other's haven't yet looked at the power 
of  guru commentary, very similar to ms 
/*  !guru commentary By David 
Holzgrefeusing bits and pieces stolen for others 
:)15.04.2001*/"Review of " + fullname() + " (" + name() + ")" + 
"\nas of " + date();
"The current market condition for "+ name() + " 
is: ";
avgcond1 = ( c > ema( close, 200)) + 0.1 * 
( close > ema( close, 90) ) + 0.1 * ( close > ema( close , 30 ) 
);avgcond2 = -( c < ema( close, 200) ) - 0.1 * ( close < ema( 
close, 90) ) - 0.1 * ( close < ema( close , 30 ) );
WriteIf( avgcond1 == 1.2,"Very 
Bullish",WriteIf( avgcond1 == 1.1,"Bullish",WriteIf( avgcond1 == 
1.0,"Mildly Bullish", "") ) ) +
WriteIf( avgcond2 == -1.2,"Very 
Bearish",WriteIf( avgcond2 == -1.1,"Bearish",WriteIf( avgcond2 
== -1.0,"Mildly Bearish", "") ) );
buy=cross( macd(), signal() );sell = cross( signal(), macd() 
roc2weekreturn = roc( close, 5 * 2 );
"\nCurrent Statistics\n";"Close: " + 
WriteVal(Close);bars=lastvalue(min( barssince( cross( macd(), signal() 
)), barssince( cross( signal(), macd())) ));
prevclose=ref(Close,-bars);"Price has ranged from a high of 
"+writeval(HHV(High,bars+1),6.3)+" to a low of 
"Price Change: " + WriteVal(Close - Ref( Close, -1 ) ) + 
Over previous Days close";"MACD Value: " + WriteVal(MACD())+ 
Signal Line: " + WriteVal(SIGNAL());
"RSI Value:  " + WriteVal(rsi(14)) +      
ROC Value:"+ WriteVal(roc2weekreturn)+"%"+"    over  10 
periods .";"CCI Value:" + WriteVal(CCI());
"The Current moving averages are :";"5   Day moving av :" 
+ writeval(ema(close,5)) +       
"         150 Day moving av:" + 
writeval(ema(close,150));"13 Day moving av:" + 
"          200 Day moving av:" 
+ writeval(ema(close,200));"30 Day moving av:" + 
"\nThe MACD can provide buy/sell indications in three ways, signalline 
crossovers, overbought/oversold conditions, and divergences.\n";
"Crossovers:\n";"Currently the MACD is "+writeif(macd() > 
signal(),"bullish","bearish")+" since it is trading "+writeif(macd() 
> signal(),"above","below")+" its signal line.";
"The MACD crossed "+writeif(macd() > 
signal(),"above","below")+" its signal line "+writeval( min( 
barssince( cross( macd(), signal() )), barssince( cross( signal(), 
macd()))), 0.0)+" period(s) ago.";
"Since the MACD crossed its moving average, "+name()+"'s pricehas 
"+writeif(close>prevclose,"increased ","decreased 
")+writeval(100*(close-prevclose)/prevclose) + "%";
"\nOverbought/Oversold\n";Osc = OscP( 12, 26 );Osc1 = Ref( 
Osc, -1 );Osc5 = Ref( Osc, -5 );
writeif( Osc <= -3 AND ( Osc - Osc5 ) == -Sum( Abs( Osc -Osc1 ), 5 
),"The MACD is in an oversold range. Prices may continue to move lower 
for some time.  Wait for prices to move higher before considering any 
long positions.", writeif( Osc >= 3 AND ( Osc - Osc5 ) ==  Sum( 
Abs( Osc - Osc1 ), 5 ), "The MACD is in an overbought range.  
Prices may continue to move higher for some time.  Wait for pricesto 
move lower before considering any short positions.", "The MACD is not in 
an Overbought/Oversold range."));
"\nDivergence\n";temp = Trough(LOW, 2, 1) < 0.96 * Ref( 
Trough(LOW, 2, 1), -1) AND ValueWhen( Trough(LOW, 2, 1) != Ref( Trough(LOW, 
2, 1), -1 ), MACD(), 1 ) >= 0.90 * ValueWhen( Trough( LOW, 2, 1) != Ref( 
Trough( LOW, 2, 1), -1 ), MACD(), 2 ) AND MACD() < 0;
temp2= Peak(  HIGH,2, 1) > 1.04 * Ref( Peak( HIGH, 2, 1), -1) 
AND ValueWhen( Peak( HIGH, 2, 1) != Ref( Peak( HIGH, 2, 1), -1 ), MACD(), 1 
) <= 0.90 * ValueWhen( Peak(  HIGH, 2, 1) != Ref( Peak(  HIGH, 
2, 1), -1 ), MACD(), 2 ) AND MACD() > 0;
writeif( hhv( temp, 5 ) == 1,"A bullish divergence occurred " + 
writeval( barssince( temp ), 1.0 ) + " period(s) ago. Wait for upward 
price movement for confirmation before considering any long 
positions.",writeif( hhv( temp2,5) == 1,"A bearish divergence 
occurred " +writeval( barssince( temp2 ), 1.0 ) +" period(s) 
ago.  Wait for downward price movement for confirmation before 
considering any short positions.","There have been no divergence signals 
within the last 5 periods." ) );
buy=cross( cci(), -100 );sell = cross( 100, cci() );
"\nCurrent Statistics\n";"\nOrdinarily, CCI ranges in value 
from +100 to -100. The rules are to buy and golong when CCI crosses 
above +100 and close the long when CCI falls back below +100. Conversely, 
sell short when CCI crosses below -100 and close the short when CCI crosses 
back above -100.\n";
"\nCCI is now in "+writeif( cci() < -100, "oversold", 
writeif( cci() > 100,  "overbought", "neutral" )) +" 
bsbuy  = barssince( buy );bssell = barssince( sell );
"\nCCI has generated "+writeif( bsbuy > 10 AND bssell > 10, 
"no signals during last 10 periods.",writeif( bsbuy < bssell, "buy 
signal " + writeval( bsbuy, 3.0  ),"sell signal " + writeval( 
bssell, 3.0) ) + " periods ago.");
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