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Re: [amibroker] Culling database

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As I wrote earlier this topic will be covered in 
the next issue of AmiBroker Tips newsletter.
Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr 
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxx 
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Culling 

Would it be possible to have a routine which 
would delete unwanted indices from the input file so that the database isnot 
loaded with unwanted material in the first place.
I'd like to be able to cull the daily file to 
remove all tickers of length greater than 3 whic the exception of the major 
indices which I'd like to keep.
Does anyone have a solution please ?
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxx 
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 4:34 
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Culling 
Thanks Donald,I will have a look at what you 
recommendations,  may I point out that I usecharting programs to 
help me trade,  I have very little time to learnprogramming skills 
Amibroker would have to be one of the most comprehensivecharting 
programs I have seen most of it is easy to use with a littlepractice, as 
a trader the main thing I want to do is scan my charts for keypoint 
(indicators) and trademain things I want form a program are:1. easy 
to build indicator searches2. the ability to save data quickly into 
watch lists for further scanning orwatching over a period.3. keep 
track of my trade portfolio all trades open and closed (tax 
reasons)hmm that had better do for now I seem to have got off the 
topic----- Original Message -----From: "Donald Dalley" 
<ddalley@xxxx>To: "Peter B. White" 
<amibroker@xxxx>Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 9:01 
AMSubject: Re: [amibroker] Culling database>> 
Hello, David & Peter:>> On 29-Nov-00, Peter B. White 
wrote:>> > Further to David's question about cleaning up 
the database.> > Is it possible to create a routine which will 
select stocks which havenot> > been quoted for a week? Ifthat 
list could be created then it would be a> > simple matter to 
delete them using the Delete function.>> I have written to the 
list about this in the past, but it won't hurt to go> over it again. 
Maybe this needs to be made into an FAQ. Having built anumber> of 
databases of complete exchanges, over the years, I still manually 
cull> non-trading stocks.>> Why?>> Some 
reasons that I use follow. Some may apply to how you 
updatedatabases.> Other people may have just as valid reasons to 
do this automatically, butit's> not my style, since I use a 
method of adding *any & all* tickers found inthe> data that I 
collect for my main databases. Therefore, deleting anycurrently> 
valid ticker would be pointless. My REBOL US data collecting 
programsdepend> on the database itself being up-to-date - that 
keeps it simple.>> In Canada (most countries now have oneor 
more stock exchanges), we havethree> main exchanges, plus a brand 
new NASDAQ Canada exchange. Some juniorstocks on> junior 
exchanges grow up to be the big stocks, and I don't want to 
losethese> histories of possibly interesting & profitable 
companies. With a large> database, knowing when major changes occur 
to each and every ticker isnearly> impossible. If a company moves 
from a junior exchange to the senior TSE, I> would not want to 
automatically lose the history from the juniorexchange's> 
database.>> Even some fairly large US companies, such as 
Gateway (GATE @ NASD, now GTW@> NYSE), move between 
exchanges.>> Also, not all stocks (micro-caps, prefereds, 
different classes, warrants &> rights, etc.) of a complete 
exchange will trade daily. Some trade onlyonce or> twice a year. 
The Australian ASX has other worries.>> If a take-over/merger 
makes a ticker redundant because it changed (JDSinto> JDU), you 
may not want to lose the supporting data in an otherwise 
currentAB> file.>> An automatic culling program 
would delete these still important files. Ifyou> make a mistake, 
you need to rebuild a file. While not usually a big deal> (depending 
upon the country, the data may be irreplacable!), it stilltakes> 
time).>>> Now, even if you don't follow a whole 
exchange, here are some suggestionsto> make manual deletion more 
efficient. Some involve *no* programming, just> common sense & 
good organisation.>> - decide more strictly, in the first 
place, whether you actually want toadd a>    new 
stock into your main database> - set up a database for new stocks, 
then move those you actually keep>    up-to-date into 
your permanent database> - don't delete them (if the company 
interested you in the past, it mightbe>    best to 
just keep the file - use filters to ignore low-interesttickers)> 
- use a script to make a list of all "last trades" or not recently 
traded>    stocks, with tickers (and other useful 
info, if you wish...)>    - refer to a hard copy for 
deletions, especially if you have manytickers>    
- an ARexx program, "names.rexx", at my web site may help with 
logic>    - this idea has many useful applications, so 
it is a good one to learn> - use a script to sequentially selectany 
stock that hasn't traded inn-days,>    then, 
optionally, manually do a delete (this should be pretty 
efficient>    with small databases)> - setup a 
group for new tickers and use a script to delete all 
remainingin>    that group** (be careful thatthe 
group really is up-to-date, first)> - look with your file manager at 
the file dates of the database files,>    then delete 
out-of-date stocks>    - do this only with AmiBroker 
*not* running>    - ONLY do this if you know your 
tickers *very, very* well>    - alternatively, don't 
delete the files, move them to a temp 
drawer,>       then delete them later 
(if you change your mind, you don't need 
to>       rebuild the file, just 
up-date it)>> I am sure there are more ways of doing this, but 
this should be enough toget> you thinking about some very 
different ways to get the job done. Justthink> >very 
seriously< as to whether you really want to do it 
automatically,though.>>> One subject that I still 
have to work on is automatically deleting any> supporting files,such 
as a profile, for a stock that we need toeliminate.>>** I 
still think it would be a good idea to be able to display only those> 
stocks in a group, sector, industry or market.>> Please let me 
know if this helps anyone out there.>> 
---===///||| Donald Dalley 
The World of AmiBroker 